- By Sarah Avery
The drugs apixaban and clopidogrel—without aspirin—comprise the safest treatment regimen for certain patients with atrial fibrillation (A-fib), according to new research.
It’s been 50 years in the making, but the anaesthetic and illicit party drug ketamine is now having a clinical comeback.
These oils and recipes are sure to assist us with opening lines of communication between our loved ones and us. Communication is the key to a successful relationship between you and humanity. Communication, feelings, desires, and repressed anger come from the throat chakra.
- By Grace Browne
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound of the Cannabis plant, has exploded in popularity in recent times, touted as a medical “cure-all”.
A recent study shows that a gamechanger drug called Fevipiprant promises to lower patients’ risks of suffering an asthma attack and being admitted to a hospital.
- By Nial Wheate
Viagra is one brand name of a drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence): the inability to get, and maintain, an erection.
For decades, millions of patients have been taking a daily Aspirin in an attempt to prevent hearts attacks and strokes.
Medical marijuana is legal in 33 states as of November 2018. Yet the federal government still insists marijuana has no legal use and is easy to abuse. In the meantime, medical marijuana dispensaries have an increasing...
For the past decade we’ve consistently heard antibiotics don’t work as well as they used to
- By Leslie Orr
Soybean oil may be better than fish oil for reducing cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors, according to a new study.
- By Katie Bohn
Some cannabinoid compounds may inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells, according to new research.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become a household name. On many social media sites, people suggest “but have you tried CBD oil?” on posts pertaining to any health-related issue.
Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin”. It is produced in your skin in response to sunlight and is a vital organic compound supporting the absorption of calcium and protecting bone strength, supporting immune function, and regulating mood. Deficiencies in Vitamin D can lead to...
Vaping marijuana instead of smoking an equal dose increases short-term anxiety, paranoia, memory loss, and distraction, a small study of infrequent users suggests.
- By Kesson Magid
Boys who grow up in healthier, wealthier environments tend to have more testosterone as adults, our latest research shows.
Do you drink freshly brewed coffee to start off your day? Or is a cup of English breakfast tea a better option for you?
There are suggestions that fish oil is good for a range of health conditions including arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, mental health and heart disease. It’s even been suggested that fish oil might make people smarter, so should we all be taking supplements?
The midterm elections have further loosened marijuana restrictions in the United States. Voters in three of four states with ballot proposals on marijuana approved those initiatives.
Antibiotics kill harmful bacteria that cause disease. But they also cause collateral damage to the microbiome, the complex community of bacteria that live in our gut. This results in a profound, though usually temporary, depletion of the beneficial bacteria.
In the wake of cannabis legalization in Canada, a team of scientists has delivered encouraging news for chronic pain sufferers by pinpointing the effective dose of marijuana plant extract cannabidiol for safe pain relief without the typical “high” or euphoria that THC produces.
The number of adults currently using e-cigarettes in the UK is close to 2.9m, many of whom will have turned to the devices to quit smoking. While certainly they may help people kick the habit, there is a big problem with e-cigarettes: we don’t actually know for certain whether they are safe or not.
New research finds an association between some popular heartburn treatments and iron deficiency. Heartburn is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux, which hydrochloric acid rising into the throat causes. This condition affects more than two million Australians. Many people take medications that suppress acid secretion to treat it.
Chewing gum may be an effective delivery system for some vitamins, according the new research. Nearly 15 percent of all chewing gum varieties sold promise to provide health-enhancing supplements to users, so researchers studied whether two vitamin-supplemented products were effective at delivering vitamins to the body.