The lives of our forebears were ravaged by disease, famine, war, childbirth and old age and they had little access to pain relief. The therapeutic and healing art was as important to them as the knowledge of growing good grain and rearing healthy animals.
Our ancestors were experts in healing wisdom, but over successive generations, the knowledge has been lost and the great libraries of learning have been destroyed (or restricted to researchers, such as archives within the Vatican). Texts that pertain to the healing arts are some of the oldest possessed by humankind.
If we ignore knowledge gained in the past, we lose a vast resource of power. Abraham used a stone to heal and Jesus healed with spittle, touch and forgiveness. The word ‘anoint’ means to ‘rub’, and massage is a form of rubbing which has beneficial effects for the physical body, the emotions and the mind. Bees, snakes, cobwebs -- all natural products -- can be used to heal in some way (this is why it is important that no species becomes extinct).
Hippocrates' Seven Pillars of Health
We cannot help anyone, however, if they continue to perform the activities that cause ill-health. Hippocrates suggested seven pillars of health that are as effective today as in his day; fresh air, exercise, cleanliness, proper nutrition, moderation in all things, attentive nursing and rest.
In modern society, allopathic doctors see the human being in terms of divided and sub-divided parts until we are nothing more than a list of labeled bits and pieces. Heart conditions are scrutinized to the exclusion of life circumstances, yet stress, smoking, lack of activity and diet are just some factors that contribute to common cardiac problems. We are prescribed mind altering drugs for issues that could easily be addressed in other, more practical, ways.
Holistic Healing
Holistic practitioners consider ‘the big picture’. This picture shows the ways in which our emotional, mental and physical health are all interrelated, and affected by our modern lifestyle, societal morals, values, ethics and standards, and by global events and issues. The holistic approach to health calls upon us to be socially and politically aware and lead a spiritually healthy lifestyle.
The words ‘hallowed’, ‘holistic’, ‘whole’ and ‘health’ are all connected to the word ‘healing’. Spiritual healing delivers loving energy to help restore to equilibrium the body, emotions, mind and spirit. Healers give good quality attention, recognition, acknowledgement, compassion, support, consideration, kindness, patience and understanding. These qualities are the secrets of the healing arts. Whether a person suffers a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual complaint, or a trivial, hereditary or terminal disorder, relief is provided by loving kindness.
Relaxation is also an important ingredient for health, as when we relax, healing hormones are released within the body. In our affluent Western World, many people seek psychological healing from psychotherapists who pore over childhood situations with agonizing repetitiveness. This recreates, and ingrains in the memory, the time of distress, leaving the seeker feeling powerless and perhaps alienating family members who did not have the ability to cope.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing does not require any personal disclosure or a re-living of past pain or blame. It only requires a willingness to be open to receiving spiritual energy. Whatever the cause of the trauma, healing spirits know every heart-ache and are ready to deliver what is needed directly to the place of greatest need.
Pilgrimages to ancient shrines are still popular today, and hundreds of thousands visit Lourdes, Fatima and other sites where psychic messages and healings have occurred. Unfortunately, the applications of modern education, and the pressures of modern capitalism and technology, are eroding ancient power and knowledge. Many primitive tribal groups are losing their native language, customs and culture as well as their spiritual wisdom and psychic gifts.
What Healing Method Is Best for You?
There are many spiritual techniques, and every school, teacher, book and individual will recommend their favorite methods. Touch, amulets, symbols, crystals, colors, oils and chanting affect our disposition and mood, releasing endorphins and other hormones which conquer stress and illness.
Some healers use a pendulum or dowsing rod to scan the body to find the source of the complaint. Others use automatic writing to suggest a prescriptive treatment. Some receive information directly from Spirit sources.
Attunement takes place when we make ourselves a pure vessel to accept Universal (from the words ‘uni’ meaning ‘one’ and ‘verse’ meaning ‘song’) Energy to heal the health of the recipient. Direct healing takes place when the Universal Energies radiate through the healer’s body and into the body of the seeker.
This article was written by the author of:
The Lightworkers' Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups
by Wendy Stokes.
Reprinted with permision of the publisher, O Books. ©2010.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book.
About the Author
Wendy Stokes is the author of 'The Lightworkers' Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups' published worldwide by O Books and available from Amazon. Wendy has donated her royalties from the sale of this book to the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust that helps protect endangered species from extinction. For more info visit: