It's so amazing to discover the power of our minds! It's probably the most fabulous, wonderful, liberating discovery that any human being can make! Barbara Berger tells about an important milestone on her personal journey towards self-empowerment.
The first few months of a new year can be a stressful time financially. The Christmas holidays typically lead to depleted savings and higher credit card balances, while tax season is right around the corner. Unfortunately for most us, this isn’t a seasonal dilemma but a chronic problem that brings anxiety throughout the year.
This week marked the beginning of the presidential primary season, and economic fears such as jobs and wages have taken center stage on the campaign trail.
Debt is cheap right now, but only if you can get someone to offer you a deal. The low interest rate environment has pushed rates on mortgages and loans to record lows, but at the same time, banks have tightened up their lending policies.
The legitimacy of a given social order rests on the legitimacy of its debts. Even in ancient times this was so. In traditional cultures, debt in a broad sense — gifts to be reciprocated, memories of help rendered, obligations not yet fulfilled — was a glue that held society together
- By Vicky Oliver
It's a sign of the times that so many people are careless in money matters. Nearly half of today's workers live paycheck to paycheck. Even many earning six-figure salaries have nothing left over at the end of each month. Saving for retirement is considered unfashionable.
Debate swirls around the strengths and weaknesses of Australia’s superannuation system. But there is one aspect where change should not be countenanced: its compulsory nature.
Many people hear the title Think and Grow Rich and immediately connect it with the idea of acquiring material wealth. Yet, interestingly enough, Napoleon Hill doesn’t devote a lot of time in his book to the actual making of money. For Hill, rich had a different meaning or, at the very least, a much broader one.
Consumption. By a strange shift of meaning, this 19th-century word describing a serious and often fatal disease is the same word used now for a way of life focused on material goods. Is it time to bring back its negative, and often deadly, associations into our public discourse?
As the U.S. continues to recover from the financial crisis started over seven years ago, the prospect of "too big to fail" banks still lingers because no real reforms have been made in the financial sector.
Manifestation became an exciting game of Synchronicity Bingo: request and delivery. Every product that I wanted miraculously popped into view. Bingo. Eventually, finding and receiving items became effortless.
What is money if not a state of mind? If we view money as an energy, naturally flowing to us as we earn a livelihood, then we should be concerned with the quality of the service we give to others and the amount money will flow.
- By Stuart Wilde
It isn't hard to see the abundance of our planet. You only have to look at the fruit trees in the fall, the lushness of life. Buckminster Fuller calculated that if all the wealth of the world was divided equally among its citizens, each and every one of us would be a millionaire.
We pored through a debt-resistance manual created by former Occupiers to bring you these practical tips. Last month PM Press published the Debt Resisters' Operations Manual—also known as “the DROM.” But don’t let that menacing-sounding acronym fool you
- By Jules Pretty
In the industrial era, economic growth has become equated with human progress, with a fundamental assumption that material growth and consumption inevitably leads to improvements in our well-being...
How important, if at all, is having more money for our happiness and well-being? Unsurprisingly this question stimulates a lot of opinion and debate. But are people accurate in their predictions about the benefits of having money?
- By Robert Reich
It’s often assumed that people are paid what they’re worth. According to this logic, minimum wage workers aren’t worth more than the $7.25 an hour they now receive. If they were worth more, they’d earn more. Any attempt to force employers to pay them more will only kill jobs.
Here is a program for realizing abundant prosperity in your life and affairs. According to the mystical Christian principles, on which this program is based, it takes 40 days for consciousness to realize a truth...
Many people say that they would love to help others in need but can’t because they have to get through their own personal crisis/situation first. How can I give to others when I don’t have much myself? Once they are taken care of, then they will help others. Sorry; that’s not how it works...
It is not money that makes a person wealthy. It is wealth consciousness. Several studies show that many people who win over $1 million in lotteries end up worse off financially than they were before they won...
by John Randolph Price. The universe of infinite plenty assures us that enjoying wealth on the material plane is not only our right and duty, but is the law. In other words, we must be rich -- not as a possibility, but as a certainty. Of course, it is possible to overcome or break the law...
It's so much easier not to deal with serious issues like death, taxes, and money. Unfortunately, they're a part of life. When it comes to money, we all make mistakes. And, surely there are more than ten mistakes to be made. But if you're nimble, you'll not only avoid these mistakes, you'll probably avoid others as well.