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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
We are in relationship with everything and everyone... including ourselves. And the nature of our relationships decides the nature of our life and our level of happiness. Not that others "make us happy", but rather we are happy when we are in harmony with the people and the world around us, and the world within us as well.
This week we look at various ways of relating with the world, with others, and with ourselves... with the goal of creating a more balanced and harmonious life for, not only ourselves, but for everyone else as well. These song lyrics come to mind:
"We are the world,
We are the children,
We are the ones who make a brighter day,
so let's start giving.
There's a choice we're making,
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we'll make a better day,
just you and me..."
I just listened to, and watched, the song We Are The World (YouTube video), and not only did it give me goosebumps as it started playing, but it brought tears to my eyes as I listened to the melody and lyrics and watched so many artists join together in a plea for the children of the world.
Let's make this song our personal anthem and the world's anthem. And let's start giving love to all that need it... and that's everyone -- whether good or bad, on our side of the political or other spectrum, or whatever... everyone, everywhere! No ifs, buts, or maybes.
Let's open our hearts and recognize that we are in relationship (related) to each and everyone, everywhere... and that includes Nature, plants, minerals, and animals, and our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
How To Grow Your Own Happiness: You Are A Garden and a Gardener
Author: Alan Heeks
We all need stronger ways to stay cheerful and steady in these turbulent times. I’ve found help from a surprising source: organic gardens and farms. There are powerful parallels between sustainability for the land and for our own human nature.
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Navigating Life's Highs and Lows with Grace
Author: Robert Jennings,
Ever heard the saying "3 steps forward and two steps back"? Of course you have! Well there's more than that. All universal activity, including human endeavor, occurs in excess and must be corrected.
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Are Your Expectations of Others Fantasy or Reality?
Author: Judith Orloff, M.D.
It’s important to have realistic expectations of others rather than just seeing the best in them, as many loving, empathic people tend to do. Idealizing someone or ignoring their limitations is a setup for disappointment.
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A Simple Formula for Couples to Resolve Their Differences
Author: Jude Bijou
When couples differ, they don't listen, especially when they are experiencing emotions. And when they try to talk it out, they resort to the communication violations -- "you"s (telling the other person about them), over-generalizations, and emphasizing the negative.
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4 Steps to Reconciling with Your Estranged Adult Child
Author: Khara Croswaite Brindle
As a parent of an estranged adult child attempting to repair the rupture and reconcile, what do you need to consider or do to make that happen? What needs to be in place for your reconciliation efforts to be successful?
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Finding Balance and Joy with the Wisdom of the Five Elements
Author: Nicole Goott
The five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space are easily recognizable as forces existing around us all the time. The five elements exist not only around us in the Natural world but also within us, in both physical and metaphysical terms.
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America's Ballooning Debt: Reckoning with Trillions
Author: Robert Jennings,
For decades, America's national debt has grown steadily, almost silently, in the background of society. But in early 2023, that accumulation suddenly accelerated into shocking territory.
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The Four Waves of Feminism
Author: Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, University of Wollongong
What are the four waves of feminism? And what comes next?
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Unveiling Biden's Bold Vision for America in His State of the Union Address
Author: Dafydd Townley, University of Portsmouth
State of the Union: Biden hits back at critics as he warns of threats to democracy at home and overseas.
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Taylor Swift and Christine de Pizan: Building Cities of Ladies Across Centuries
Author: Jill R. Fehleison, Quinnipiac University
Centuries after Christine de Pizan wrote a book railing against misogyny, Taylor Swift is building her own ‘City of Ladies’...
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The Hidden Health Hazards of Trendy Fashion Choices
Author: Naomi Braithwaite, Nottingham Trent University
From fast fashion to excessive earrings, these trends might be harmful to your health...
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Transforming Work Culture: The Rise of Home Offices
Author: Ty Ferguson, University of South Australia; et al
Working from home can make us healthier and happier. Employers benefit too. Here’s the evidence if you need any convincing...
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Warning: Perfect Storm is Florida's Home Insurance
Author: Latisha Nixon-Jones, Jacksonville University
How Florida’s home insurance market became so dysfunctional, so fast...
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The Corporate Ladder: Women's Quest for Equality and Success
Author: Louise Champoux-Paillé and Anne-Marie Croteau, Concordia University
Women want to climb the corporate ladder — but not at any price...
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Choosing the Right Underwear for Your Health
Author: Adam Taylor, Lancaster University
Boxers, briefs and bacterial vaginosis: how your underwear can affect your health...
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Is The United States Overestimating China’s Power?
Author: Dan Murphy, Harvard Kennedy School
Which country is the greatest threat to the United States? The answer, according to a large proportion of Americans, is clear: China.
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Discover the Atlantic Diet: Your Path to Reduced Metabolic Syndrome
Author: Taibat (Tai) Ibitoye, University of Hertfordshire
The Atlantic diet: how it compares to its Mediterranean counterpart – and what benefits it might have...
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The Rise of Conspiracy Talk Among Conservatives
Author: Adam Koper, Cardiff University
Quick, blame the deep state! The tactics at play when Conservatives spout conspiracy theories...
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What You Need to Know About Ultra-Processed Foods
Author: Pete Wilde, Quadram Institute
Ultra-processed foods: largest ever review shows many ill effects on health – how to understand the evidence...
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This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: March 11 - 17, 2024
Author: Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart. (For audio and video version, see article - link below.)
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