Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Video version. (1 hr.+ listening and viewing time with publisher welcome message and complete featured articles.)
I think, if we are honest with ourselves, we would all admit that our world is broken or at least severally damaged... and we also are damaged, hurting, confused, and I daresay, lost. We are lost because we have stepped off the path of trusting ourselves, of knowing our own truth, of following, as the expression goes, the beat of our own drummer. Our drummer is our inner light, our inner guidance, our inner truth, our original self. When we lose, or perhaps never had, trust in that inner voice and knowledge of our innate power, we flounder, bounced around by the waves that life sends in our direction.
Everyone on the planet has been experiencing the challenges and consequences of the Covid virus. But there is perhaps a more insidious virus present in our lives, and that is distrust of ourselves and of others, not recognizing the unity and oneness of all. We are all human, we are all inhabitants of Planet Earth, we all have a stake in the Greater Good of this existence. We are not rivals, competitors, or on different teams (i.e. religions, political parties, racial divides, gender divides, etc.) We are all part of the Oneness of Life on Earth. We are all in this together, and this has become more apparent in the past year.
This week, we start our featured articles with a powerful plea, "How Can We Heal Our Broken World?", written by Rabbi David Dosick. He is the author of a new book entitled Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People. Rabbi Dosick steps away, or perhaps I should say above, any particular religion or tribal solidarity. He encourages us to strip away the wall of separation and instead practice Radical Loving. He states: "These incredibly challenging times call us to nothing less than a radical shift in human consciousness, a radical embrace of a world of Oneness." So it is time to reflect...
We continue on our healing journey with Kate Eckman, author of the book The Full Spirit Workout. She writes about "Striving to Become “Enough” On The Frantic Hamster Wheel". One of the blockages to happiness and oneness is based in competition, which reveals itself in the "I'm not good enough" syndrome. This leads people to be unloving, either to themselves or to others, in order to become "more than". However, as Kate shares with us in her article,
"I now operate from this core belief: I am complete. I’m still a work in progress, of course, but my life is no longer about what I do or about striving to prove my worth. Instead, it’s about who I am. And I owe all of that to working on my spiritual fitness." She invites us into her world and her journey...
Our previous author, Kate Eckman, spoke of Spiritual Fitness, and of course one well-known way to get "spiritually fit" is with meditation. For some, meditation is an esoteric practice, for others simply a stress reduction technique. Tur?ya, author of Unreasonable Joy, introduces us to "The Effects of Meditation: Moving from Pain to Joy". She shares with us how the adventure of life can move us away from the war raging within (and without) and move on to a life of joy, and yes, even bliss. We are used to hearing about the side effects of prescribed drugs, but it is time to focus on side effects that lead to spiritual health and well-being...
As we journey along, learning to reconnect with Oneness, let go of fear, and rediscover joy, one essential element is trust. We must practice and learn to trust, not only ourselves, but the world as a whole. Pierre Pradervand writes about having "An Unshakable Trust Under All Circumstances". This one ingredient can make our life less stressful and more joyful, less fearful and more loving.
Learning trust is an essential practice... otherwise we go through life expecting the worst, fearful, doubtful, and miserable. How can one be truly happy when one expects hardship and challenges around each corner. That is not to say there will not be hardships and challenges, but we must trust that we will be able to deal with them, that we will have the inner strength and outer resources to traverse whatever is in our path. Practicing trust will eventually give us a new perspective...
Nancy Windheart, animal communicator, presents us with "5 Things That Can Interfere with Clear Interspecies Communication". These 5 things can also be applied to our communication with our inner guidance, and also with the higher aspects of the people in our lives. When we start off with preconceived notions and opinions, human agendas, repressed emotions, old traumas... all of these hinder our discovering our Oneness with all. These things put us in a little cage of our own making... but in order to create a better life, a better harmony with all (whether interspecies or within our own species) we need to let go of anything that keeps our heart closed to Oneness with all.
We round off our featured articles this week with Sarah Varcas and her insightful and impassioned article: "No More Saviours: Reclaiming Our Mind from The Tyranny of Fear". In order to heal ourselves and our world, we need to become empowered to be true to ourselves, to follow our inner guidance, our heart, our vision. We must learn to "be our own master" and not just accept what is presented to us. We must filter every "truth" that is presented to us within our own being and then decide if someone else's truth is true for us.
We are the captains of our own ship, the director of our life. In her article, astrologer Sarah Varcas focuses on the planetary influences in the coming month, and the opportunity to empower ourselves to shine our light and our truth, and become our own saviour...
We conclude this weekly edition of InnerSelf with Pam Younghans' Astrological Journal ("Week of May 24 - 30, 2021")
The energies of the week support our healing journey of empowerment. Here are a few short quotes from the journal when speaking of the full moon and other planetary influences this week. "This lunation provides us opportunities to heal on many levels..." And "Jupiter in Pisces is... activating our imaginations, our ability to envision, and our belief that "anything is possible."" With the SuperFullMoonEclipse, this is a powerful and empowering week!
Perhaps this week's edition of InnerSelf is best summarized by this famous quote by Marianne Williamson, from her book Return to Love:
Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
-- Marianne Williamson, Return to Love
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
How Can We Heal Our Broken World?
Written by Rabbi Wayne Dosick, author of Radical Loving
Age-old wisdom teaches, “You do not know something until you know its name.” When we name the sickness, the poison that oozes throughout our world, we can begin to fight it and defeat it.
Striving to Become “Enough” On The Frantic Hamster Wheel
Written by Kate Eckman, author of The Full Spirit Workout
If you looked at my life from the outside, you might be surprised to learn that I spent most of my years getting in my own way. Despite achieving many goals and building a successful career, I was often in turmoil, filled with anxiety and insecurity.
The Effects of Meditation: Moving from Pain to Joy
Written by Tur?ya, author of Unreasonable Joy
The effects of meditation often occur so gradually we don't notice them. Then comes a day when we have the sudden realization we're not like we used to be. With this dawning of understanding that we're not who we thought we were comes confusion. If we're lucky...
An Unshakable Trust Under All Circumstances
Written by Pierre Pradervand, author of 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World
More and more, I have the feeling that an extraordinary cosmic force is pulling the strings of my life. ALL the strings, down to the smallest details. Because either this simply unheard of “show” called the universe is directed by a force, a cosmic intelligence that is simply amazing, or...
5 Things That Can Interfere with Clear Interspecies Communication
Written by Nancy Windheart, Animal Communicator and Interspecies Communication teacher
In my blog posts, free resources, and courses, I talk a lot about the things that we can do to support and develop our inborn, natural interspecies communication abilities. In this post, I want to talk about some things that can interfere with our ability to hear and understand our other-than-human companions clearly.
No More Saviours: Reclaiming Our Mind from The Tyranny of Fear
Written by Sarah Varcas, Intuitive Astrologer
A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May begins a sequence of key astrological events, making June 2021 rich with opportunities to rethink our perspective and deepen our perceptions. In these coming weeks our relationship to facts, information, perception and expertise – the domains of Sagittarius and Gemini – can shift exponentially.
Horoscope & Astrological Journal: May 24 - 30, 2021
Written by Pam Younghans, professional astrologer, editor, and writer
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Why Organic Meat Is Less Likely To Hold Dangerous Bacteria
Johns Hopkins University
We sometimes need to use antibiotics to treat sick animals, but taking advantage of opportunities to reduce antibiotics use could benefit everyone...
No More Saviours: Reclaiming Our Mind from The Tyranny of Fear (Video)
Written by Sarah Varcas, Intuitive Astrologer
A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May begins a sequence of key astrological events, making June 2021 rich with opportunities to rethink our perspective and deepen our perceptions. In these coming weeks our relationship to facts, information, perception and expertise – the domains of Sagittarius and Gemini – can shift exponentially.
Supermoon! Red Blood Lunar Eclipse! It's All Happening At Once, But What Does That Mean?
Shannon Schmoll, Michigan State University
The first lunar eclipse of 2021 is going to happen during the early hours of May 26. But this is going to be an especially super lunar event, as it will be a supermoon, a lunar eclipse and a red blood moon all at once. So what does this all mean?
Horoscope & Astrological Journal: May 24 - 30, 2021 (Video)
Written by Pam Younghans, professional astrologer, editor, and writer
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
How Can We Heal Our Broken World? (Video)
Written by Rabbi Wayne Dosick, author of Radical Loving
Age-old wisdom teaches, “You do not know something until you know its name.” When we name the sickness, the poison that oozes throughout our world, we can begin to fight it and defeat it.
The Effects of Meditation: Moving from Pain to Joy (Video)
Written by Tur?ya, author of Unreasonable Joy
The effects of meditation often occur so gradually we don't notice them. Then comes a day when we have the sudden realization we're not like we used to be. With this dawning of understanding that we're not who we thought we were comes confusion. If we're lucky...
Daily Inspiration: Sunday, May 23, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
The human brain has been compared to a computer. It can be programmed, and it actually has been since the time we were born -- and probably in utero as well. We've been programmed to...
How Men And Women Choose Partners Is Surprisingly Similar
Stephen Whyte, Queensland University of Technology et al
As behavioural scientists, we have a keen interest in how people make decisions, and particularly how these decisions incorporate a range of emotional, cognitive and psychological factors.
Why Covid Is Surging In The World's Most Vaccinated Country
C Raina MacIntyre, UNSW
The small archipelago nation of Seychelles, northeast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, has emerged as the world’s most vaccinated country for COVID-19.
What Happens In Your Brain When You Imagine The Future?
Michele Berger, University of Pennsylvania
When psychologists talk about why humans have the ability to imagine the future, usually it's so we can decide what to do, plan, make decisions.
Daily Inspiration: May 22, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
As you surrender to the wave vibrations of eternal love within you, you automatically discover God.
6 Reasons Why Potatoes Are Good For You
Duane Mellor, Aston University
The humble potato has been given a bad rap. What was once a cheap staple of many countries’ diets has instead been branded in recent years an “unhealthy” food best avoided.
How Lockdown Has Affected Children's Speech and What Parents Can Do To Help
Yvonne Wren, University of Bristol
The pandemic means many children will have spent the best part of a year interacting much less than normal with teachers, friends and family.
Why Are We Expected to Love Our Jobs?
Alex Gallo-Brown, author of Variations of Labor
For decades, Americans have been told they should love their jobs. But is this a healthy relationship?
Daily Inspiration: May 21, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
Stopping the cycle of hate is everyone’s responsibility. We become more conscious of our own actions. We don’t sit around complaining about a situation. We take constructive, not destructive, action. We search for solutions, amid our pain, and in the process, we can heal and help ourselves and others.
The Golden Ratio: An Ancient Greek Formula Responsible For Most Hit Musicals?
Stephen Langston, University of the West of Scotland
“What’s the secret to your success?” A simple question asked frequently of those who have achieved greatness in their field. Sometimes, that secret is so well disguised even the successful individual is unaware of its influence.
Why Employees Are Feeling Burned Over Broken 'Work-From-Home Promises' and Corporate Culture ‘BS’
Kimberly Merriman, University of Massachusetts Lowell et al
As vaccinations and relaxed health guidelines make returning to the office a reality for more companies, there seems to be a disconnect between managers and their workers over remote work.
30 Minutes' Exercise Won't Counteract Sitting All Day... What Can?
Sebastien Chastin and Keith Diaz
It’s recommended we do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day – or 150 minutes a week – to stay healthy. But 30 minutes accounts for just 2% of the day. And many of us spend most of the rest of the time sitting.
Daily Inspiration: May 20, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
Imagine a caterpillar gradually transforming into a butterfly. Does the caterpillar work to make this happen? Not exactly -- not unless you want to consider a caterpillar just being a caterpillar work. If you simply be who you are...
An Unshakable Trust Under All Circumstances (Video)
Pierre Pradervand, author of 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World
More and more, I have the feeling that an extraordinary cosmic force is pulling the strings of my life. ALL the strings, down to the smallest details. Because either this simply unheard of “show” called the universe is directed by a force, a cosmic intelligence that is simply amazing, or...
The Truth About Tooth Decay
Jeffrey Ebersole, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
To “cry poor mouth” is an expression used to habitually complain about a lack of money. A literal poor mouth, however, represents one of the most widespread global diseases: tooth decay.
Why Do We Hate The Sound Of Our Own Voices?
Neel Bhatt, University of Washington
The sound from an audio recording is transmitted differently to your brain than the sound generated when you speak.
4 Health Benefits of Hugs and Why They Feel So Good
Francis McGloneand Susannah Walker, Liverpool John Moores University
For many people, the thing they’ve missed most during the pandemic is being able to hug loved ones. Indeed, it wasn’t until we lost our ability to hug friends and family did many realise just how important touch is for many aspects of our health – including our mental health.
Daily Inspiration: May 19, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
Caring, sharing, cooperation with and love of each other must no longer be seen as pious ideals, divorced from reality, but rather as the indispensable basis for the new realities on which our survival and well-being must be premised.
5 Things That Can Interfere with Clear Interspecies Communication (Video)
Nancy Windheart, Animal Communicator and Interspecies Communication teacher
In my blog posts, free resources, and courses, I talk a lot about the things that we can do to support and develop our inborn, natural interspecies communication abilities. In this post, I want to talk about some things that can interfere with our ability to hear and understand our other-than-human companions clearly.
Why Don't We Have A Cure For Alzheimer's Disease?
Donald Weaver, University of Toronto
As a researcher who studies Alzheimer’s disease and a neurologist who cares for people with Alzheimer’s, I share in the frustration, indeed anger, of people and families when I tell them that I have no cure to offer.
Another Dangerous Fire Season Is Looming In The Western US
Mojtaba Sadegh, Boise State University et al
Just about every indicator of drought is flashing red across the western U.S. after a dry winter and warm early spring. The snowpack is at less than half of normal in much of the region.
How Neighbors Nudge Each Other To Skip The Sprinkler
Brad Buck, University of Florida
There is an opportunity to make water conservation more visible through conversations, with influential groups sharing conservation practices with those they influence
Daily Inspiration: May 18, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
A lot of us were raised to always put others first... we always came last. However, since we are the one who is "in charge" of our own self, we need to take care of our own self first. Others need to take care of themselves first as well.
Why Anti-Nutrients Are Part Of A Normal Diet
Jill Joyce, Oklahoma State University
Maybe you’re trying to eat healthier these days, aiming to get enough of the good stuff and limit the less-good stuff. You’re paying attention to things like fiber and fat and vitamins… and anti-nutrients?
How Tweets Give Super Accurate Morning Traffic Predictions
Sean Qian and Weiran Yao, Carnegie Mellon
It is super exciting to see this method leading to better predictions of morning commute traffic as late as 5 AM, and I believe this can swiftly be deployed in many of our transportation management centers
From Biblical Times To Now, False Messiahs Have Doomed Societies
Kimberly Stratton, Carleton University
History teaches that messianic hopes lead to poor outcomes for the societies that embrace them. Yet, they continue to surface — even today, with the elevation of Donald Trump by some to messiah-like status.
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