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While the "outside" world may have a tendency to focus on what's wrong, touting the latest disasters, the newest divorce, governmental trauma, etc., to maintain inner peace and a sense of balance, we must remember to also focus on what's right! And we start off this week by focusing on joy.
Barbara Jaffe shares "What Fills Me With Joy" and Lynne Lauren recommends "Let The Real You Live, Experience, and Enjoy". And perhaps we can practice a different way of dealing with and working with the world's crises as suggested in "Relieving Pain and Suffering in the World Through A Different View, A New Story".
D. Patrick Miller leads us to reflect on yet another perspective by asking "Can We Begin To Imagine A Politics Of Forgiveness?" M.J. Ryan, author of Attitudes of Gratitude, invites us to change our perception of ourselves (moving from criticism to joy) in Give Thanks For Your Body.
And we have numerous additional articles dealing with parenting, health, and much more. Scroll down below for the entire list of the new articles this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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What Fills Me With Joy
Written by Barbara Jaffe, Ed.D.
For the most part, I live happily in a large life, with my energies and joys in so many areas of my personal and professional lives, yet I have worked for decades, non-stop, both through my own inner exploration and my formal academic education, to create my current inner and outer worlds.
Continue reading article here: What Fills Me With Joy
Let The Real You Live, Experience, and Enjoy
Written by Lynne Lauren
Life is to be lived, experienced, enjoyed. Fun, happiness, and new experiences should be consistent throughout your life, and it is up to you to make sure they are!
Continue reading article here: Let The Real You Live, Experience, and Enjoy
Relieving Pain and Suffering in the World Through A Different View, A New Story
Written by Nan Moss with David Corbin
From the Talmud we have the adage, “We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” Lacking this awareness, we can easily fall into the deception of regarding any particular worldview as the correct version of reality and defend it—sometimes with great hostility—by dismissing or denouncing the perspective of others. History is replete with examples of wars and other tragic tales caused by the collision of worldviews.
Continue reading article here: Relieving Pain and Suffering in the World Through A Different View, A New Story
Can We Begin To Imagine A Politics Of Forgiveness
Written by D. Patrick Miller
Some activists believe we must be constantly aggrieved to set right the injustices of the world—that good anger corrects bad anger. But an enlightened activism respectfully acknowledges all anger and sorrow while demonstrating the superior strategy of mercy...
Continue reading article here: Can We Begin To Imagine A Politics Of Forgiveness
Give Thanks For Your Body
Written by M.J. Ryan
The practice of giving thanks for your body is particularly difficult for women, because our relationships with our bodies are fraught with so much difficulty and dissatisfaction. The media reinforces such an impossible and singular image for young girls and women to live up to, and places so much emphasis on appearance, that virtually none of us—even if we happen to match the ideal—comes out unscathed.
Continue reading article here: Give Thanks For Your Body
Standing Too Much At Work Can Double Your Risk Of Heart Disease
by Peter Smith, University of Toronto
There’s been a lot of interest in the harmful effects of prolonged sitting at work, from academics and the public alike.
Continue reading article here: Standing Too Much At Work Can Double Your Risk Of Heart Disease
Exercise May Give You More Control Of Your Impulses
by Brendan Lynch, University Of Kansas
Physical exercise may help people exert more control over impulsivity, a new, small study suggests. “There’s a lot of…
Continue reading article here: Exercise May Give You More Control Of Your Impulses
Children And Sleep: How Much Do They Really Need?
by Wendy Hall, University of British Columbia How much sleep, and what type of sleep, do our children need to thrive?
In parenting, there aren’t often straightforward answers, and sleep tends to be contentious. There are questions about…
Continue reading article here: Children And Sleep: How Much Do They Really Need?
The Most Important Ways Parents Can Prepare Children For School
by Allyssa McCabe, University of Massachusetts Lowell
With school starting, parents wonder what they can do to help their children succeed. Almost everyone knows that…
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More Than 80% Of Children Have An Online Presence By The Age Of Two
by Claire Bessant, Northumbria University, Newcastle
A toddler with birthday cake smeared across his face, grins delightedly at his mother. Minutes later, the image appears…
Continue reading article here: More Than 80% Of Children Have An Online Presence By The Age Of Two
Medicare For All Could Be Cheaper Than You Think
by Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Public support for single-payer health care has been rising in recent months amid failed Republican efforts to repeal…
Continue reading article here: Medicare For All Could Be Cheaper Than You Think
Belief In Success Predicts How Kids Do In Math And Reading
by Jared Wadley-University of Michigan
When kids believe they can achieve success in math and reading, they are more likely to achieve high test scores in…
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You Can Catch Your Friend’s Mood, But Not Depression
by Nicola Jones-University of Warwick
New research suggests we can “pick up” good and bad moods from friends, but not depression. “We investigated whether…
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How Margarine vs Butter On Our Toast Became A Weapon Of Class War
by Ellen Turner, Lund University
Margarine has seen its fortunes ebb and flow with the tide of popular opinion. But Unilever’s recent announcement that…
Continue reading article here: How Margarine vs Butter On Our Toast Became A Weapon Of Class War
Solar Is Now The Most Popular Form Of New Electricity Generation Worldwide
by Andrew Blakers, Australian National University
Solar has become the world’s favourite new type of electricity generation, according to global data showing that more…
Continue reading article here: Solar Is Now The Most Popular Form Of New Electricity Generation Worldwide
What You Need To Know About Subway Air Quality
by Fulvio Amato and Teresa Moreno, Spanish Scientific Research Council CSIC
Subways are vital for commuting in crowded cities, something that will become more and more important over time…
Continue reading article here: What You Need To Know About Subway Air Quality
Digital Life Stories Spark Joy In People With Dementia
by Elly Park, University of Alberta
I was sitting on the sofa across from Christine in her home. She offered me a cup of coffee. Each time I visited, she…
Continue reading article here: Digital Life Stories Spark Joy In People With Dementia
Artificial Intelligence Won't Replace A Doctor, But It Can Help With Diagnosis
by Luke Oakden-Rayner, University of Adelaide
In the next few years, you will probably have your first interaction with a medical artificial intelligence (AI) system.
Continue reading article here: Artificial Intelligence Won't Replace A Doctor, But It Can Help With Diagnosis
How Winnie The Pooh Teaches Us The Importance Of Play
by Eleanor Byrne, Manchester Metropolitan University
He is famous for his love of honey, and being a bear of “little brain”. So Winnie the Pooh might be a little surprised…
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Hurricanes, Flood Insurance And The Dangers Of Business As Usual
by Paul O'Hare, Manchester Metropolitan University; et al
In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, it was reported that up to 80% of home…
Continue reading article here: Hurricanes, Flood Insurance And The Dangers Of Business As Usual
How Does Hedonism Affect Your Health?
by Desirée Kozlowski, Southern Cross University
I think I might be a hedonist. Are you imagining me snorting cocaine through $100 notes, a glass of champagne in one…
Continue reading article here: How Does Hedonism Affect Your Health?
Scientists Are Unraveling The Mystery Of Your Body's Clock
by Carrie L. Partch, University of California, Santa Cruz
For people who don’t get sleepy until 2 a.m., the buzz of an alarm clock can feel mighty oppressive. Relief may be on…
Continue reading article here: Scientists Are Unraveling The Mystery Of Your Body's Clock
Why Today's Teens Aren't In Any Hurry To Grow Up
by Jean Twenge, San Diego State University
The teen pregnancy rate has reached an all-time low. Fewer teens are drinking alcohol, having sex or working part-time jobs.
Continue reading article here: Why Today's Teens Aren't In Any Hurry To Grow Up
How The Government Can Steal Your Stuff
by Nora V. Demleitner, Washington and Lee University
Should someone wearing a badge have the power to relieve a suspected drug dealer of his Maserati on the spot without…
Continue reading article here: How The Government Can Steal Your Stuff
Rich American Seniors Are Getting Healthier, Leaving The Poor Behind
by Matthew A. Davis and Kenneth Langa, University of Michigan
The U.S. has seen substantial improvements in life expectancy over the past century, particularly for those who are…
Continue reading article here: Rich American Seniors Are Getting Healthier, Leaving The Poor Behind
Tobacco Smoke Residue That Lingers In Furniture, Curtains And House Dust Can Still Be Harmful
by Jacqueline Hamilton, University of York
Mice exposed to household fabrics contaminated with third-hand tobacco smoke showed changes in biological markers of…
Continue reading article here: Tobacco Smoke Residue That Lingers In Furniture, Curtains And House Dust Can Still Be Harmful
Why Some People Have Trouble Telling Left From Right
by Gerard Gormley, Queen's University Belfast
Do you ever have trouble telling right from left? For example you’re taking a driving lesson and the instructor asks you to take a left turn and you pause, struggling to think of which way is left.
Continue reading article here: Why Some People Have Trouble Telling Left From Right
How Animals Vote To Make Group Decisions
by Jan Hoole, Keele University
Today we opt for ballot boxes but humans have used numerous ways of voting to have their say throughout history
Continue reading article here: How Animals Vote To Make Group Decisions
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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