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This week we look at things we can do, and who we can be, in order to make a difference in the world. Scroll down below for the list of articles and links...
For those of you who may have wondered how we fared with Hurricane Irma... All is well. We had no major damage, just downed tree branches and leaves. We did not even lose electricity. I wish everyone in Florida had been as fortunate as we have been. I thank my angels and friends who kept me in their hearts and kept our safety as their focus.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Speaking Up About Hate: Learning To Live With Each Other In Our Global Family
Written by Nancy Windheart
The events that have been transpiring here in the US and around the world have impacted me deeply. As we got closer to the election last November here in the US, I could feel the upwelling of waves of hatred in my community and in the collective. I desperately hoped that I was wrong...
Continue reading article here: Speaking Up About Hate: Learning To Live With Each Other In Our Global Family
On Getting Along With Fear and Developing Courage
Written by Scott Stabile
If you’re anything like me, you haven’t gotten along too well with your fear up to now. You two may spend a lot of time together, but I doubt you’re very friendly. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Continue reading article here: On Getting Along With Fear and Developing Courage
Five Steps To Overcome Backsliding Into The Dwindle Effect
Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.
Backsliding comes with almost every new habit you're trying to ingrain. I call it the "Dwindle Effect" because the initial impetus to change an old habit can wane.
Continue reading article here: Five Steps To Overcome Backsliding Into The Dwindle Effect
What Can One Person Do? We’re Asking The Wrong Question
Written by Will T. Wilkinson
What can one person do? That is the question millions of us ask as we survey the global landscape. We’re asking the wrong question. More important than what we can do is...
Continue reading article here: What Can One Person Do? We’re Asking The Wrong Question
Doctors Need To Tell People They Can Get Rid Of Type 2 Diabetes Through Weight Loss
by Mike Lean, University of Glasgow
What most people don’t know is that with a bit of hard work, it is possible to become non-diabetic again.
Continue reading article here: Doctors Need To Tell People They Can Get Rid Of Type 2 Diabetes Through Weight Loss
How Vietnam Dramatically Changed Our Views On Soldiers, Honor And War
by Richard Lachmann, University at Albany, State University of New York
When Americans think of being at war, they might think of images of their fellow citizens suffering. We count the dead…
Continue reading article here: How Vietnam Dramatically Changed Our Views On Soldiers, Honor And War
Why Are We So Afraid Of Dementia?
by Peter Kevern, Staffordshire University
A succession of surveys by Saga have shown that we are more frightened of developing dementia in old age than any other…
Continue reading article here: Why Are We So Afraid Of Dementia?
Does Being Religious Or Spiritual Make You More Ethical At Work?
by Subramaniam Ananthram, Curtin University and Christopher Chan, York University, Canada
Can religion and spirituality promote ethical behaviour in the workplace? It’s a contentious issue, but our research…
Continue reading article here: Does Being Religious Or Spiritual Make You More Ethical At Work?
The Mental Health Impact Of Major Disasters Like Harvey And Irma
by J. Brian Houston and Jennifer M. First, University of Missouri-Columbia
Immediately after a natural disaster, it’s normal to experience fear, anxiety, sadness or shock. However, if these…
Continue reading article here: The Mental Health Impact Of Major Disasters Like Harvey And Irma
Acupuncture Could Ease Trouble Swallowing As Well As Pain During Surgery
by Jamie Williams-UNC-Chapel Hill
New research suggests that acupuncture may help patients suffering from certain esophageal disorders that make…
Continue reading article here: Acupuncture Could Ease Trouble Swallowing As Well As Pain During Surgery
What Climate Change Means For Northern, Colder Cities
by Julie Cohen-UC Santa Barbara
A new study outlines some of the effects that climate change will have on northern cities with cold climates, including…
Continue reading article here: What Climate Change Means For Northern, Colder Cities
How Everyday Language Casually Stigmatizes Obesity
by Tara Coltman-Patel, Nottingham Trent University
Obesity is a highly stigmatized condition. Those with obesity are frequently subject to prejudice and ridicule at home…
Continue reading article here: How Everyday Language Casually Stigmatizes Obesity
Does Good Cholesterol Really Deserve Its Name?
by James Brown, Aston University
People with extremely high levels of so-called “good cholesterol” have a 65% higher mortality rate than people with…
Continue reading article here: Does Good Cholesterol Really Deserve Its Name?
How Our Unconscious Minds Are Prejudiced Against Benefit Claimants
by Robert de Vries, University of Kent
Without us knowing, our brains are busy making associations. While on the surface we may sincerely believe that men and…
Continue reading article here: How Our Unconscious Minds Are Prejudiced Against Benefit Claimants
Irma Price Gouging Shows Consumer Fleecing Is The New Normal
by Ramsi Woodcock, Georgia State University
Since Hurricane Irma put Florida in its sights, there have been thousands of reports of price gouging on everything…
Continue reading article here: Irma Price Gouging Shows Consumer Fleecing Is The New Normal
4 Easy Steps Can Make You A Math Whiz
by Jennifer Ruef, University of Oregon
What do you think of when you think about mathematics? Many people find mathematics daunting. If true, this piece is…
Continue reading article here: 4 Easy Steps Can Make You A Math Whiz
Irma And Harvey: Very Different Storms, But Both Affected By Climate Change
by Andrew King, University of Melbourne
There has been no let up since Hurricane Harvey dumped record-breaking rains on the Houston area of Texas. Hurricane…
Continue reading article here: Irma And Harvey: Very Different Storms, But Both Affected By Climate Change
How A Baby's Brain Prepares For The Outside World
by Lorenzo Fabrizi, UCL and Tomoki Arichi, King's College London
The developing brain is not merely a downsized version of that of an adult, but is uniquely designed to prepare itself…
Continue reading article here: How A Baby's Brain Prepares For The Outside World
Is Truth Overrated? What The Experts Say
by Daniel Klyn, University of Michigan; et al.
Seek the truth and minimize harm. That’s how we instruct young journalists to prepare for the profession. Until…
Continue reading article here: Is Truth Overrated? What The Experts Say
How Marijuana Affects Your Sleep
by Deirdre Conroy, University of Michigan
If you speak to someone who has suffered from insomnia at all as an adult, chances are good that person has either…
Continue reading article here: How Marijuana Affects Your Sleep
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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