Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Many people, world-wide, are experiencing numerous challenges these days, more than usual it seems. Some of the challenges come from nature in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, drought... Others are dealing with illnesses whether MS, cancer, or many other such dis-eases. And some countries are dealing with war, famine, or other severally traumatic situations. Thus, this week, we look at ways to deal with trauma and hardships.
Personally, I am currently "on the run" from Hurricane Irma, thus am writing this from the road somewhere in South Carolina. Thus this will be a short introduction to the newsletter this week as the roads are bumpy making it hard to type. All the articles can be found below.
Scroll down below for all the new articles this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Can Our Light Be Totally Eclipsed?
Written by Barry Vissell
A few weeks ago, Joyce and I got to experience the total eclipse high in the mountains of Idaho, in the exact center of the “zone of totality.” It was, for us, the experience of a lifetime. In our seventy-one years of living..
Continue reading article here: Can Our Light be Totally Eclipsed?
You Too Can Ask The Angels For Help
Written by Nancy E. Yearout
Although much has been written about angels throughout time, we don’t seem to acknowledge their presence. However, I believe that we all have...
Continue reading article here: You Too Can Ask The Angels For Help
The Real Energy Shortage Lies In Unexpressed Potential
Written by Eileen Workman
Analysts tell us that the pending collision between humanity's growing energy needs and the energy depletion of our planet will lead to global economic collapse within fifty to one hundred years, unless we make drastic changes in the way we do things.
Continue reading article here: The Real Energy Shortage Lies In Unexpressed Potential
Creating A New And Positive Relationship To Suffering Will Help You Heal
Written by Leah Guy
If we don’t grow from suffering, we die from it. Suffering can tether a person to the darker side of life so strongly that it makes passion and the enjoyment of life almost impossible. When you’re drowning in the depths of suffering, creativity and your Soul’s expression are the last things on your mind.
Continue reading article here: Creating A New And Positive Relationship To Suffering Will Help You Heal
Writing to Heal from Hardships and Trauma
Written by Sandra Marinella, MA, MEd
“I wanted to talk with you because I wanted others to know that when you are out there, writing can help. I still struggle with PTSD...with all of it. But I can tell you, when I was out there — in the middle of a war — the writing helped take the unseen monkey off my back.”
Continue reading article here: Writing to Heal from Hardships and Trauma
Why It's Important To "Be Selfish" and Keep Your Energy High
Written by Barbara Berger
When I coach people to find and follow their Inner Compass, they often ask, "But isn't it selfish to follow my Inner Compass?" So here's my answer. First of all, it is important to understand that if you...
Continue reading article here: Why It's Important To "Be Selfish" and Keep Your Energy High
In Spite Of Their Differences, Jews, Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God
by Philip Almond, The University of Queensland
Despite the manifest differences in how they practise their religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the…
Continue reading article here: In Spite Of Their Differences, Jews, Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God
Why The Catholic Church Bans Gluten-free Communion Wafers
by Joanne M. Pierce, College of the Holy Cross
A 2017 letter from the Vatican reminded the world’s Catholic bishops of a rule mandating the use of wheat gluten for…
Continue reading article here: Why The Catholic Church Bans Gluten-free Communion Wafers
Why More Grandparents Are Raising Their Grandchildren
Nancy P. Kropf and Susan Kelley, Georgia State University
Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017 is Grandparents Day. Many grandparents will receive loving cards, calls and emails from their grandchildren. However, so-called “custodial grandparents” have primary responsibility for raising one or more of their grandchildren.
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More Cats And Dogs Are Suffering From Chronic Health Conditions Too
by Karen Rodham, Staffordshire University
One of the main reasons for the rise of chronic conditions in both humans and domestic animals is that we are all…
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How A Tiny Portion Of The World's Oceans Could Help Meet Global Seafood Demand
by Halley Froehlich and Rebecca Gentry, University of California, Santa Barbara
Seafood is an essential staple in the diets of people around the world. Global consumption of fish and shellfish has…
Continue reading article here: How A Tiny Portion Of The World's Oceans Could Help Meet Global Seafood Demand
New Study Finding Fat Isn't As Bad As Carbs Misses The Point
by Clare Collins, University of Newcastle
A new study has added weight to the debate as to whether fat is better or worse for you than carbohydrates, in terms of…
Continue reading article here: New Study Finding Fat Isn't As Bad As Carbs Misses The Point
Do Female Doctors Show More Empathy Than Male Doctors?
by Jeremy Howick, University of Oxford
Our latest research found that female doctors are better at empathy than male doctors, and this probably makes them…
Continue reading article here: Do Female Doctors Show More Empathy Than Male Doctors?
Eating Oily Fish During Pregnancy Could Prevent Schizophrenia In The Child
by David Mazzocchi-Jones, Keele University
Mice that are deprived of an essential fatty acid, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), during pregnancy, are more likely…
Continue reading article here: Eating Oily Fish During Pregnancy Could Prevent Schizophrenia In The Child
Why Do Our Brains Freak Us Out With Scary Dreams?
by Drew Dawson, University Australia
Getting a fright from a dream is very normal. But our brains don’t have a secret plan to freak us out with nightmares.…
Continue reading article here: Why Do Our Brains Freak Us Out With Scary Dreams?
How DACA Affected The Mental Health Of Undocumented Young Adults
by Elizabeth Aranda, University of South Florida and Elizabeth Vaquera, George Washington University
With President Donald Trump’s reversal of an Obama-era executive order known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals…
Continue reading article here: How DACA Affected The Mental Health Of Undocumented Young Adults
Are Natural Disasters Part Of God's Retribution?
by Mathew Schmalz, College of the Holy Cross
Conservative Christian pastor John McTernan argued recently that “God is systematically destroying America” out of…
Continue reading article here: Are Natural Disasters Part Of God's Retribution?
To Keep Our Brains Young, We Need To Rise To New Challenges
by Alan J Gow, Heriot-Watt University
As we get older, our thinking skills often deteriorate: we get slower, more forgetful, less good at learning new…
Continue reading article here: To Keep Our Brains Young, We Need To Rise To New Challenges
How Men And Women Really See Each Other
by Maja Brandt Andreasen, University of Stirling
I saw two very different shows at the Edinburgh Fringe last week, two shows that dealt with the subject of how men and…
Continue reading article here: How Men And Women Really See Each Other
Do Noncompete Clauses Clash With US Labor Laws?
by Raymond Hogler, Colorado State University
Most Americans with jobs work “at-will”: Either party may terminate the arrangement at any time for a good or bad…
Continue reading article here: Do Noncompete Clauses Clash With US Labor Laws?
Teaching Good Posture and Natural Alignment to Children
by Kathleen Porter.
Many of us know that our children’s posture is a problem. We struggle to know what to do about it, having already…
Continue reading article here: Teaching Good Posture and Natural Alignment to Children
Puppy Farmed Dogs Show Worse Behavior, Suffer Ill Health And Die Young -- So Adopt, Don't Shop
by Catherine Douglas, Newcastle University
Research using surveys of dog owners, suggests that less responsibly bred dogs – including puppy-farmed dogs and those…
Continue reading article here: Puppy Farmed Dogs Show Worse Behavior, Suffer Ill Health And Die Young -- So Adopt, Don't Shop
3 Ways To Improve Your Mental Well-Being At Work
by Kate Isherwood, Bangor University
Stress and pressure in work is not the same as at home, so those with mental health issues who are still in work need a…
Continue reading article here: 3 Ways To Improve Your Mental Well-Being At Work
Capitalism Isn't Broken -- But It Does Need A Rewrite
by Julian Friedland, Trinity College Dublin
In the 1990s, economists indulged heady hopes that globalisation would raise all boats via unfettered free market…
Continue reading article here: Capitalism Isn't Broken -- But It Does Need A Rewrite
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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