Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
In order for the world to change, we must change. And in order to change, we must learn new ways of thinking, and of being. This requires a source of new knowledge, usually brought to us by a teacher in some form. This week we expand our horizon as to where we find the teachings that we need.
We bring you many teachers via the articles in InnerSelf. One teacher and writer who has reached so many of us with her knowledge and insights has been foremost in our heart this week: "Louise Hay, Gone, But Remembered With Appreciation".
Another well known teacher, Mantak Chia, shares that "The Search For Happiness Can Lead To An Unhealthy And Extreme Lifestyle". This brings to mind the song "Looking for love in all the wrong places" and in the same way we could say we are looking for knowledge and teachings in all the wrong places.
Alan Cohen suggests you "Resign as Your Own Teacher". This makes sense because how can you be your own teacher... if you know it, you don't need to learn it. Of course, Alan is referring to the ego as the teacher that needs to resign. He recommends having "Greater Wisdom" or "Higher Power" be our teacher. This greater wisdom is known by many names: higher self, inner self, soul, intuitive awareness, spirit, inner guidance, etc. This is the teacher that ultimately we need to connect with. The great advantage is that it is always with us and does not have to be "searched for", only tuned in to.
Our nighttime dreams can also be a source of wisdom and Jonson Miller writes about "Dream Patterns: Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Our Waking Lives" from the book of the same name.
Another source of teachings is brought to us on the shamanic path. And this week we bring you several articles on various methods in the shamanic traditions: "Soul Healing" as well as "A Shamanic Journey To Heal Asthma" and "A Personal Journey with the Ancestors".
Many more paths are available to us and knowledge and insights can be found in the additional articles this week, ranging from:
* How I Came To Know That I Am A Closet Climate Denier
* How To Help Kids Innovate From An Early Age
* Scientists Discover How The Brain's Hypothalamus Controls Aging And Manage To Slow It Down
* Brain Stimulation Can Boost Creativity – And Maybe Hear Inspirational Voices?
* How Psychology Can Help Us Solve Climate Change
* How Intermittent Fasting Could Help Tackle Diabetes
* Astrological Journal for the Week by Pam Younghans
* and much more.
Scroll down below for the links to these and many more articles that have been added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Louise Hay, Gone, But Remembered With Appreciation
Beloved author and founder of Hay House Publishing, Louise Hay, transitioned on the morning of August 30, 2017 of natural causes at age 90. She passed peacefully in her sleep. Louise was an incredible visionary and advocate.
Read article here: Louise Hay, Gone, But Remembered With Appreciation
Resign as Your Own Teacher
Written by Alan Cohen
The way we have been taught to make decisions, through intellect and emotion, is ultimately not our answer. If we can’t trust our thoughts and feelings, then, what can we trust? Are we bereft of guidance, impotent to know what is right for us?
Read article here: Resign as Your Own Teacher
Soul Healing: Unifying The Lost Part Of Yourself With Your Whole Being
Written by Itzhak Beery
Across shamanic traditions soul loss--the wounding or fragmentation of a person’s soul as a result of trauma, abuse, war, conflicts, and so on, especially as suffered at an early age--is seen as a leading cause of illnesses, immune-system deficiencies, and all-around dysfunction of physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Read article here: Soul Healing: Unifying The Lost Part Of Yourself With Your Whole Being
Dream Patterns: Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Our Waking Lives
Written by Jonson Miller
Dreams are bizarre. Because of this, they’re inherently interesting. Dreams can teach us about the nature of consciousness, reveal to us personal and universal truths through symbolic language, and enable us to make lasting changes in our own lives. I have experienced all of these through my own dreams.
Read article here: Dream Patterns: Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Our Waking Lives
The Search For Happiness Can Lead To An Unhealthy And Extreme Lifestyle
Written by Mantak Chia
In our hectic modern world, where we are scrambling to make enough money to buy the next invention that is supposed to make our lives enjoyable or save time, we can easily become so stressed that we are overwhelmed.
Read article here: The Search For Happiness Can Lead To An Unhealthy And Extreme Lifestyle
A Shamanic Journey To Heal Asthma
Written by Howard G. Charing
Soul retrieval is one of the most effective and well-known practices to restore lost life force. The loss of life force is known as soul loss, and this can take place when we suffer a trauma—an accident, separation from a partner, the death of a loved one--or go through a pervasive period of difficult circumstances.
Read article here: A Shamanic Journey To Heal Asthma
My Personal Journey with the Ancestors
Written by Daniel Foor, Ph.D.
When I was seven years old, my father’s father died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His death rippled through the family, particularly affecting my grandmother and his sons. As a child I was shielded from much of this impact, and before this moment I had never...
Read article here: My Personal Journey with the Ancestors
How I Came To Know That I Am A Closet Climate Denier
by Joy Murray, University of Sydney
What we believe and how we act don’t always stack up. Recently, in considering what it means to live in a post-truth…
Read article here: How I Came To Know That I Am A Closet Climate Denier
How To Help Kids Innovate From An Early Age
by Janette Hughes, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
As community makerspaces begin to take root in Ontario’s elementary schools, students are behaving better. They are…
Read article here: How To Help Kids Innovate From An Early Age
All Living Flowers Ultimately Derive From A Single Ancestor 140m Years Ago
by Mario Vallejo-Marin, University of Stirling
Although most species of plants on Earth have flowers, the evolutionary origin of flowers themselves are shrouded in…
Read article here: All Living Flowers Ultimately Derive From A Single Ancestor 140m Years Ago
Scientists Discover How The Brain's Hypothalamus Controls Aging And Manage To Slow It Down
by Richard Faragher, University of Brighton
If you don’t smoke, then your major risk factor for dying is probably your age. That’s because we have nearly…
Read article here: Scientists Discover How The Brain's Hypothalamus Controls Aging And Manage To Slow It Down
What Made The Rain In Hurricane Harvey So Extreme?
by Russ Schumacher, Colorado State University
The rainfall from Harvey has now exceeded the amount from the previous record-bearer, Tropical Storm Amelia in 1978.
Read article here: What Made The Rain In Hurricane Harvey So Extreme?
Parasites Inside Your Body Could Be Protecting You From Disease
by Ben Ashby, University of Bath
It’s fair to say parasites are generally bad for their hosts. Many cause disease and death so, like most species, we…
Read article here: Parasites Inside Your Body Could Be Protecting You From Disease
This Common Pesticide May Cause Lung Problems In Kids
by Brett Israel-University of California, Berkeley
The most heavily used pesticide in California, elemental sulfur, may harm the respiratory health of children who live…
Read article here: This Common Pesticide May Cause Lung Problems In Kids
What Is The Online Equivalent Of A Burning Cross?
by Jessie Daniels, City University of New York
White supremacy is woven into the tapestry of American culture, online and off – in both physical monuments and online…
Read article here: What Is The Online Equivalent Of A Burning Cross?
Women Report Feeling Pretty Fantastic After Menopause
by University of Melbourne
Many women get happier in later life, report researchers, particularly in the years between 50 and 70.
Read article here: Women Report Feeling Pretty Fantastic After Menopause
Why Is Climate Change's 2 Degrees Celsius Of Warming Limit So Important?
by David Titley, Pennsylvania State University
If you read or listen to almost any article about climate change, it’s likely the story refers in some way to the “2…
Read article here: Why Is Climate Change's 2 Degrees Celsius Of Warming Limit So Important?
Gluten-free Water Shows Absurdity Of Trend In Labeling What's Absent
by Brandon McFadden, University of Florida
The food labeling craze coupled with banner headlines about the dangers of gluten, genetically modified organisms…
Read article here: Gluten-free Water Shows Absurdity Of Trend In Labeling What's Absent
How To Reduce The Risk Of Cognitive Decline With Age
by Hayley Wright, Coventry University
Research into how we can keep our brains healthy as we age has gained momentum in recent years. There is now an…
Read article here: How To Reduce The Risk Of Cognitive Decline With Age
5 Tips For Stretching Your Donation Dollars
by Gay David Campbell, Binghamton University
There’s no shortage of media reports listing which groups are taking donations, often with scant guidance about what…
Read article here: 5 Tips For Stretching Your Donation Dollars
Emotionless Chatbots Are Taking Over Customer Service – And It's Bad News For Consumers
by Daniel Polani, University of Hertfordshire
Almost any time you need to call your bank, doctor or any other service, you’ll probably be greeted by an automated…
Read article here: Emotionless Chatbots Are Taking Over Customer Service – And It's Bad News For Consumers
Brain Stimulation Can Boost Creativity – And Maybe Hear Inspirational Voices?
by Simon McCarthy-Jones, Trinity College Dublin
Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple, once said “creativity is just connecting things”. There’s truth in that but…
Read article here: Brain Stimulation Can Boost Creativity – And Maybe Hear Inspirational Voices?
How To Treat Fungal Nail Infections
by Jackson Thomas, University of Canberra; et al.
About 10% of us (including 20% of people over 60 and 50% of people over 70) suffer from fungal nail infections. So why…
Read article here: How To Treat Fungal Nail Infections
How Psychology Can Help Us Solve Climate Change
by Nadira Faber, Research Fellow , University of Oxford
Time to cooperate. The Paris agreement on climate change calls for a global responsibility to cooperate. As we are…
Read article here: How Psychology Can Help Us Solve Climate Change
The Brain And The Gut Talk To Each Other: How Fixing One Could Help The Other
by Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Deakin University
It’s widely recognized that emotions can directly affect stomach function. The brain communicates with the…
Read article here: The Brain And The Gut Talk To Each Other: How Fixing One Could Help The Other
Before Babies Understand Words, They Understand Tones Of Voice
by Sarah Gerson; Merideth Gattis, and Netta Weinstein, Cardiff University
Before babies start saying words, it is hard for parents to know whether their little one actually understands the…
Read article here: Before Babies Understand Words, They Understand Tones Of Voice
Disasters Can Harm Older Adults Long After Storms Have Passed
by Sue Anne Bell, University of Michigan
My work focuses on answering pressing questions about the health of older adults after disasters, such as the one I…
Read article here: Disasters Can Harm Older Adults Long After Storms Have Passed
How Intermittent Fasting Could Help Tackle Diabetes
by Nick Lesica, UCL
Intermittent fasting is currently all the rage. But don’t be fooled: it’s much more than just the latest fad. the…
Read article here: How Intermittent Fasting Could Help Tackle Diabetes
Why The Concept Of Schizophrenia Is Coming To An End
by Simon McCarthy-Jones, Trinity College Dublin
The concept of schizophrenia is dying. Harried for decades by psychology, it now appears to have been fatally wounded…
Read article here: Why The Concept Of Schizophrenia Is Coming To An End
This Catalyst Clears 99 Percent Of BPA From Water
by Amy Laird, Carnegie Mellon University
Scientists have developed a method for removing more than 99 percent of bisphenol A (also known as BPA) from water…
Read article here: This Catalyst Clears 99 Percent Of BPA From Water
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read the astrological journal here...
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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