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In this modern age, with all the tools of technology and instant communication at our disposal, we are exposed to many more stressful and traumatic events than our forefathers. They only had their immediate surroundings to deal with, while we are exposed to planet-wide struggles.
Trauma becomes embedded in our body from many sources... events in our personal lives such as deaths of loved ones, or the abuse and bullying we may have been subjected to. Then we witness atrocities world-wide from the "comfort of our own home", or wherever we are using our smartphones or internet, and thus these events also become our personal "experience". This week, we bring you articles to help you through these experiences.
On Monday, the 21st, an event will take place that while traumatic for our forefathers, is exciting, life-changing, or perhaps just merely interesting to us. I speak, of course, of the solar eclipse that will be seen, either totally or partially, in almost all of North America.
We bring you several articles about the solar eclipse from how to watch it (and how not to watch it) as well as its astrological and astronomical aspects and impacts. Read Pam's weekly astrological journal which includes a 30-minute youtube video about the eclipse. We also reposted Sarah Varcas' article, "How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon", since the solar eclipse is 2nd new moon of the month, making it a black moon, and a powerful opportunity for change.
And on the "modern-world-traumatic" event scale, we offer you an article on "Releasing and Preventing The Cellular Imprint of Trauma" as well as "Swirling Through The Five Stages of Abandonment". Many people have personally experienced, or had loved ones who experienced, the trauma of cancer, and Barry Eaton shares his story in "The Wait Is Over: No Evidence of Cancer".
But of course, every challenge, no matter how horrific, has something for us to learn... and Jude Bijou brings us "Four Steps To Give Up Your Expectations and Feel More Love" while Barbara Berger helps us to connect our inner compass with our day to day experience in "The Inner Compass, Human Evolution and Democracy".
And, because we all enjoy, and perhaps even need, a feel-good story after all the traumas of daily life, we share with you "A Feel Good Story: Messing Up the President's Schedule" which took place many decades ago, but still has the power to warm our hearts.
Scroll down for the links to many more articles covering a range of topics such as raising children to speak the truth, a solution to the opioid crisis, clean eating (the pros and cons), carbon-free electricity, depression, saving democracy, the blame game, being nice, and much more...
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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The Inner Compass, Human Evolution and Democracy
The understanding that each individual has their own connection to the Great Universal Intelligence is the basis of our democratic way of life. Democracy is a social system that is based on the right of each individual to be who he or she is.
Read article here: The Inner Compass, Human Evolution and Democracy
Four Steps To Give Up Your Expectations and Feel More Love
Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.
We all experience everyday annoyances with the people around us. What turns an irksome characteristic, situation, or event into a source of continued frustration? It’s our expectations, our “shoulds” that cause aggravation and annoyance...
Read article here: Four Steps To Give Up Your Expectations and Feel More Love
A Feel Good Story: Messing Up the President's Schedule
Written by Al Highsmith
There was a lot of excitement around the Hughes Memorial School in Danville, Virginia, in 1952. It. has "school" in its name but it is really an orphanage. The names of six of the youngsters had been drawn from a hat as the ones who would go to New York to see the Macy Thanksgiving Parade.
Read article here: A Feel Good Story: Messing Up the President's Schedule
Releasing and Preventing The Cellular Imprint of Trauma
Written by Kate O'Connell, LPC
Prior to becoming a therapist, I believed as the majority of people still do, that trauma and subsequent PTSD are experienced by only a small portion of the population and limited primarily to combat soldiers and first responders such as firefighters, police and EMT’s; as well as residents of war-torn countries and victims of catastrophic events.
Read article here: Releasing and Preventing The Cellular Imprint of Trauma
Swirling Through The Five Stages of Abandonment
About six months into my heartbreak, I had a rude awakening. I was sitting on my bed pulling up my stockings. A mirrored door was ajar and its reflection caught me off guard. In a flash, I recognized the woman hunched over her feet, glowering at the mirror. It was me, caught in a moment of self-revulsion.
Read article here: Swirling Through The Five Stages of Abandonment
The Wait Is Over: No Evidence of Cancer
Written by Barry Eaton
In the hospital waiting room, heart pounding and mind whirring, surrounded by a sea of apprehensive-looking fellow patients, I settled in to wait for my name to be called. Outside the sun was shining on a warm winter’s afternoon...
Read article here: The Wait Is Over: No Evidence of Cancer
How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon Solar Eclipse!
Written by Sarah Varcas
(Editor's Note: This article was first published in July at the beginning of the black-moon-month-cycle, but since we are now approaching the actual black moon, we are re-featuring the article due to its pertinence at this very moment. Wishing you a wise and enlightening black moon solar eclipse experience.)
A black moon (August 21st 2017) is a particularly powerful new moon which augurs a significant new phase. We can use its energy to prepare for shifts in our inner and outer worlds so powerful they may change the very course of our life. Each black moon cycle lasts until the next black moon, two and a half to three years later...
Read article here: How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon Solar Eclipse!
Why We Need To Stop Playing The Generation Blame Game
by Karen West, Aston University
Successive generations’ healthy disregard of the previous generation’s tastes, habits and customs is a necessary…
Read article here: Why We Need To Stop Playing The Generation Blame Game
4 Things To Know About Monday’s Eclipse
by Kevin Fryling, Indiana University
A total eclipse of the sun will be visible across the continental United States on Monday. Your next chance to see such…
Read article here: 4 Things To Know About Monday’s Eclipse
The Science Of Being Nice: How Politeness Is Different From Compassion
by Kun Zhao and Luke Smillie, University of Melbourne
The word “nice” has an unusual history in the English language. Originally a term for “foolish”, its meaning over the…
Read article here: The Science Of Being Nice: How Politeness Is Different From Compassion
5 Commonly Over-diagnosed Medical Conditions
by Ray Moynihan, Bond University
Over-diagnosis occurs when someone is diagnosed with a disease that wouldn’t harm them, or when treatment does more…
Read article here: 5 Commonly Over-diagnosed Medical Conditions
How Tranquil Spaces Can Help People Feel Calm And Relaxed
by Greg Watts, University of Bradford
When you think about somewhere that is tranquil, what do you imagine? Whether it’s a wide open meadow, a deserted…
Read article here: How Tranquil Spaces Can Help People Feel Calm And Relaxed
Why Ambivalence About Democracy Might Just Save It
by Adele Webb, University of Sydney
The flipside of the populism coin is voter ambivalence about “democracy” as we know it. Ambivalence about democracy…
Read article here: Why Ambivalence About Democracy Might Just Save It
How Reducing The Number Of Stressful Events In Our Lives Could Help Beat Dementia
by Claire J. Hanley, Swansea University
Stress is bad for our physical and mental health. It has been linked to several leading causes of death, including…
Read article here: How Reducing The Number Of Stressful Events In Our Lives Could Help Beat Dementia
Eclipse Of Reason: Why Do People Disbelieve Scientists?
by Bryan Gaensler, University of Toronto
If you’ve been paying attention, you know that on Aug. 21, we’re in for a special cosmic treat: the Great American…
Read article here: Eclipse Of Reason: Why Do People Disbelieve Scientists?
How Clean Eating Can Damage Children's Health
by Sophia Komninou, Swansea University
"Clean eating” is the perfect buzz term for parents who are faced with supermarket shelves full of baby and toddler…
Read article here: How Clean Eating Can Damage Children's Health
So Many In The West Are Depressed Because They're Expected Not To Be
by Brock Bastian, University of Melbourne
Depression is listed as the leading cause of disability worldwide. Yet research shows depression is far more prevalent…
Read article here: So Many In The West Are Depressed Because They're Expected Not To Be
Why Kids Need Risk, Fear And Excitement In Play
by Mariana Brussoni, University of British Columbia
Concerned parents can often be heard urging safety when children are at play. Recent research suggests this may be…
Read article here: Why Kids Need Risk, Fear And Excitement In Play
What We Can Learn From The 2017 Solar Eclipse
by Robert William Walsh, University of Central Lancashire
If you you’ve never seen a solar eclipse before, you should make an effort to witness the breathtaking event on August…
Read article here: What We Can Learn From The 2017 Solar Eclipse
Why Power Companies Should Be Investing Now In Carbon-free Electricity
by Jennifer Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
When utility executives make decisions about building new power plants, a lot rides on their choices.
Read article here: Why Power Companies Should Be Investing Now In Carbon-free Electricity
How Prejudice Pushes Low-income People Onto An Unhealthy Diet
by Kelly J Hodgins, University of Guelph
As consumers become increasingly dissatisfied with conventional, large-scale food systems, they are seeking ways to…
Read article here: How Prejudice Pushes Low-income People Onto An Unhealthy Diet
The Truth about Mercury Retrograde (It's a Good Thing!)
by Sarah Varcas
(Editor's Note: Reposting this article since we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde.) There’s always much talk (and a fair amount of hype!) when Mercury turns retrograde, most of it pretty negative and…
Read article here: The Truth about Mercury Retrograde (It's a Good Thing!)
Is The Food Industry Conspiring To Make You Fat?
by Sara FL Kirk and Jessie-Lee McIsaac, Dalhousie University
The scent of baked goods wafts towards you as the supermarket doors glide open. Your stomach rumbles and your mouth…
Read article here: Is The Food Industry Conspiring To Make You Fat?
Why Climate Change Has Changed The Way I Think About Science
by Sophie Lewis, Australian National University
I’ve wanted to be a scientist since I was five years old. My idea of a scientist was someone in a lab, making…
Read article here: Why Climate Change Has Changed The Way I Think About Science
Legal Weed: An Accidental Solution To The Opioid Crisis?
by Stephanie Lake and M-J Milloy, University of British Columbia
It’s hard to go a day in Canada without hearing about at least one of two types of drugs – but for vastly different…
Read article here: Legal Weed: An Accidental Solution To The Opioid Crisis?
How Safe Are Heartburn Medications And Who Should Use Them?
by Vincent Ho, Western Sydney University
Many people suffer regularly from heartburn - a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up the…
Read article here: How Safe Are Heartburn Medications And Who Should Use Them?
What Happened When We Introduced Four-year-olds To An Old People's Home
by Melrose Stewart, University of Birmingham and Malcolm Johnson, University of Bath
The two episodes of Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds set out to explore the increasing isolation of older people…
Read article here: What Happened When We Introduced Four-year-olds To An Old People's Home
Microbes Have Their Own Version Of The Internet
by Predrag Slijepcevic, Brunel University London
Creating a huge global network connecting billions of individuals might be one of humanity’s greatest achievements to…
Read article here: Microbes Have Their Own Version Of The Internet
How Welfare's Work Requirements Can Deepen And Prolong Poverty
by Kristin Seefeldt, University of Michigan
Like many experts on American poverty relief, I don’t see why that punitive strategy makes sense.
Read article here: How Welfare's Work Requirements Can Deepen And Prolong Poverty
Watching Children Learn How To Lie
by Gail Heyman, University of California, San Diego
The fear of getting caught is a constant source of anxiety, and when it happens, the damage to one’s reputation can be…
Read article here: Watching Children Learn How To Lie
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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