Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week, as with every week, we look at different aspects of our life: the blessings as well as the challenges, and the things we can do to make our life more balanced. Many people feel like they are alone in this journey, yet we are never really alone. When we tune in to the world around us we discover that we are surrounded by love and consciousness. Nancy Windheart shares her experience with whales in "Being and Communicating with The Elders of the Seas". And at the other end of the spectrum, Charles Eisenstein writes about "The Age of We Need Each Other".
In between all of that we deal with our "stuff": our grief ("The Loss, Longing and Love of Reappearing Grief") and our fear ("Let's Talk About Fear: Illuminating the Shadow"). John Murphy assists us through the process with "4 Steps To Manifest Fearlessness And Peak Productivity In Your Work And Relationships".
And of course, we have numerous additional articles dealing with a variety of topics such as: children and lies, genetic home testing, walking as exercise, stress, the opioid epidemic, and much more. Scroll down below for all of the new articles, as well as Pam's Astrological Journal for the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Being and Communicating with The Elders of the Seas
Written by Nancy Windheart
From the first day of our trip, we were met by the whales. Although I had been in deep communication with the whales and had received instructions for the structure and practices for the trip in the year prior our journey, I was still blown away by the magnitude of what we experienced.
Read article here: Being and Communicating with The Elders of the Seas
The Loss, Longing and Love of Reappearing Grief
Written by Barbara Jaffe, Ed.D.
Grief is like this. I was only half-listening to a song on the radio, yet a wave of sadness overcame me for the loss of my father. The song had nothing to do with my dad nor my mood, as I was content and even joyful before the song.
Read article here: The Loss, Longing and Love of Reappearing Grief
Let's Talk About Fear: Illuminating the Shadow
Written by Eileen Workman
Fear drives our impulses to forcibly control others, and to try and make the whole world behave as we want. Fear stimulates our mistrust of one another. It fosters close-mindedness, terror, judgment, bullying, frustration, and the awful destruction of human-on-human violence. Fear explains why...
Read article here: Let's Talk About Fear: Illuminating the Shadow
4 Steps To Manifest Fearlessness And Peak Productivity In Your Work And Relationships
Written by John J. Murphy
Rather than embrace change and uncertainty with poise and confidence, the timid allow it to hold them back. Indeed, we can be our own enemy. We can get in our own way. The secret to getting past this fear is in tapping our inner zentrepreneur...
Read article here: 4 Steps To Manifest Fearlessness And Peak Productivity In Your Work And Relationships
The Age of We Need Each Other
Written by Charles Eisenstein
Our true wages in life consist of the satisfaction we get from a job well done. Aside from that, well, the rain falls on the just and unjust alike.
Read article here: The Age of We Need Each Other
Why Newborn Baby Development Has Been Vastly Underestimated
by Emese Nagy, University of Dundee
Research suggests that not only are newborn babies having “social” experiences, but they are learning from them almost…
Read article here: Why Newborn Baby Development Has Been Vastly Underestimated
This Math Puzzle Will Help You Plan Your Next Party
by Gary Chartrand, Harvey Mudd College, and Ping Zhang, Western Michigan University
Let’s say you’re planning your next party and agonizing over the guest list. To whom should you send invitations? What…
Read article here: This Math Puzzle Will Help You Plan Your Next Party
Voluntary Steps Are Failing To Shrink Algae Blooms And Dead Zones
by Donald Scavia, University of Michigan
Summer is the season for harmful algae blooms in many U.S. lakes and bays
Read article here: Voluntary Steps Are Failing To Shrink Algae Blooms And Dead Zones
Why Genetic Home Testing Is not Such A Great Guide To Your Ancestry Or Disease Risk
by Jonathan Pettitt, University of Aberdeen
Genetic variation is an unavoidable feature of life. As a consequence of this – and unless you are an identical twin…
Read article here: Why Genetic Home Testing Is not Such A Great Guide To Your Ancestry Or Disease Risk
Is Walking Enough Exercise?
by Megan Teychenne and Clint Miller, Deakin University
Walking leads to a remarkable reduction in the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, arthritis…
Read article here: Is Walking Enough Exercise?
Why Trying To Keep Nature The Same Is A Fool's Errand
by Alistair Jump, University of Stirling
When it comes to deciding which plants and animals to protect and which to remove, our approach might make even the…
Read article here: Why Trying To Keep Nature The Same Is A Fool's Errand
What Happens To Your Body When You're Stressed
by Holly Blake, University of Nottingham
We all feel stressed from time to time – it’s all part of the emotional ups and downs of life. Stress has many sources…
Read article here: What Happens To Your Body When You're Stressed
How Big Pharma Is Hindering Treatment Of The Opioid Addiction Epidemic
Robin Feldman, University of California, Hastings
Read article here: How Big Pharma Is Hindering Treatment Of The Opioid Addiction Epidemic
It’s Time To Restore The Flow Of Our Planet’s Life-giving Waters
by Sandra Postel, globalwaterpolicy.org
Ensia invited eight global thought leaders to share their vision for the environment as it relates to business…
Read article here: It’s Time To Restore The Flow Of Our Planet’s Life-giving Waters
Women's Heart Attacks Symptoms Are Often Dismissed As Something Else
by Patricia Davidson, Johns Hopkins University
In the United States, nearly 290,000 women died from heart disease in 2013 – that’s about one in every four female…
Read article here: Women's Heart Attacks Symptoms Are Often Dismissed As Something Else
How Daughters Can Repair A Damaged Relationship With Their Divorced Dad
by Linda Nielsen, Wake Forest University
In a 2002 study involving nearly 2,500 children, researchers found that daughters’ relationships with their fathers…
Read article here: How Daughters Can Repair A Damaged Relationship With Their Divorced Dad
Are Blood Infections In Cattle Is Linked To Breast Cancer In Humans?
by Meredith Frie, Michigan State University
Humans began domesticating animals for food over 10,000 years ago, cultivating a close relationship with animals over…
Read article here: Are Blood Infections In Cattle Is Linked To Breast Cancer In Humans?
When It Comes To Sports, Boys Play Like A Girl
by Marnee McKay and Joshua Burns, University of Sydney
Girls in primary school are just as physically capable as their male classmates, according to our research, taking the…
Read article here: When It Comes To Sports, Boys Play Like A Girl
How Do You Know That What You Know Is True?
by Peter Ellerton, The University of Queensland
How do you know if you are thinking rationally? Epistemology is about understanding how we come to know that something…
Read article here: How Do You Know That What You Know Is True?
Don't Listen To The Rich: Why Inequality Is Bad For Everyone
by Chris Doucouliagos, Deakin University
Having only a few people with most of the wealth, motivates others. This theory is actually wrong according to research.
Read article here: Don't Listen To The Rich: Why Inequality Is Bad For Everyone
What Is Silicosis and Why Is It Making A Comeback?
by Susan Miles, University of Newcastle
Silicosis is a group of occupational lung diseases caused by breathing in silica dust.
Read article here: What Is Silicosis and Why Is It Making A Comeback?
How Modern Parenting Styles Can Get In The Way Of Raising Well-balanced Children
by Amy Brown, Swansea University
When many middle-aged people think back to their childhood, they remember roaming the streets with their friends during…
Read article here: How Modern Parenting Styles Can Get In The Way Of Raising Well-balanced Children
Are High Heels Bad For Your Health?
by Max Barnish, University of Exeter and Heather May Morgan, University of Aberdeen
There is copious research into the manifold ways that high heels affect their wearers’ well-being
Read article here: Are High Heels Bad For Your Health?
How To Fight Throwaway Culture By Having More But Owning Less
by Christine Cole and Alex Gnanapragasam, Nottingham Trent University
Until the advent of cheap credit and cheaper item costs, for many consumers in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s rental was…
Read article here: How To Fight Throwaway Culture By Having More But Owning Less
Why Elvis Presley Was Paid A King’s Ransom For Sub-par Movies
by Andrew Johnston, Sheffield Hallam University
This summer marks 40 years since the death of Elvis Presley. In the decades since the singer finally left the building…
Read article here: Why Elvis Presley Was Paid A King’s Ransom For Sub-par Movies
Rural America Is Where Sam Shepard's Roots Ran Deepest
by John J. Winters, Bridgewater State University
He was an artist renowned for bravely plumbing his own life for material, spinning much of his own pain into theatrical…
Read article here: Rural America Is Where Sam Shepard's Roots Ran Deepest
Why Cities Need More Than Air Conditioning To Get Through Heat Waves
by Nicholas Rajkovich, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
In May of 2017, a hot spell broiled Boston. In June, extreme temperatures grounded Phoenix’s planes. Later in the…
Read article here: Why Cities Need More Than Air Conditioning To Get Through Heat Waves
5 Ways To Cut Down On Eating Meat
by Jared Piazza, Lancaster University
Are you a conflicted carnivore – loving meat but also hating that you love it? Perhaps you are worried about the…
Read article here: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Eating Meat
Do Frozen Foods Have A Higher Nutritional Content?
by Emma Boyland, Lecturer in Appetite and Obesity, University of Liverpool
It’s fair to say that frozen food has a bit of an image problem. One in three Britons believe it is inferior to fresh…
Read article here: Do Frozen Foods Have A Higher Nutritional Content?
Why We Can't Resist The Lure Of Mermaids
by Sarah Peverley, University of Liverpool
Mermaids are everywhere. In July 2017 alone they have surfaced in New Brighton, caused controversy in Asda…
Read article here: Why We Can't Resist The Lure Of Mermaids
Inaction On Climate Change Risks Leaving Future Generations $530 Trillion In Debt
by James Dyke, University of Southampton
By continuing to delay significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, we risk handing young people alive today a…
Read article here: Inaction On Climate Change Risks Leaving Future Generations $530 Trillion In Debt
The Hidden Extra Costs Of Living With A Disability
by Sophie Mitra, Fordham University; et al.
Disability is often incorrectly assumed to be rare. However, global estimates suggest than one in seven adults has some…
Read article here: The Hidden Extra Costs Of Living With A Disability
Are Your Parents To Blame For Your Psychological Problems?
by Darya Gaysina and Ellen Jo Thompson
University of Sussex Psychologist Sigmund Freud famously proposed that our personal development is pretty much…
Read article here: Are Your Parents To Blame For Your Psychological Problems?
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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