Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we look at how things (and people) are not always at they appear, and we see this first through the eyes of this week's lunar eclipse in "Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..". Then, continuing that theme, Marja Norris reminds us that "Your Glass Is Leaking and Overflowing At The Same Time" while Alan Cohen reflects on "When Weird Becomes Wonderful".
Joyce Vissell discovered a spiritual weekend that looked nothing like she expected in "Lightening Up: A Very Different Kind of Spiritual Retreat" and whereas usually we might think that shouting is not a good thing, you will discover that "Using The Power Shout to Reconnect With Your Inner Potential" is very beneficial.
And also, just because we've thought of ourselves as being one way or the other, or limited somehow, that too is a case of two things being true at the same time, and it simply being a step on our journey. To quote Pam's "Astrological Journal for the Week": "Cultivate your talents and burnish them as brightly as you can... When you overcome your natural shyness and open up a little, you can expand like a flower and find the world isn't always so scary after all: note alveryone or everything presents a danger to be avoided."
We have numerous articles on various topics such as: sharing, hangovers, urban planning, burnout, regret, sugar sadness, good old days, unrecognized autism in women, and much more. Scroll down below for all of the new articles this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..
Written by Sarah Varcas
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and its light is blocked by the earth’s shadow. Traditionally a time of fruition and harvest, an eclipsed full moon heralds instead hidden fruits and obscured results. Nothing is quite as it seems.
Read article here: Life Under A Lunar Eclipse: Nothing Is Quite As It Seems..
Your Glass Is Leaking and Overflowing At The Same Time
Written by Marja Norris
Multitasking is one of life’s challenges that we don’t have time to think about—we just do it. Candice Carpenter Olson, the past CEO and founder of iVillage.com, shared a striking visual with me at a conference years ago...
Read article here: Your Glass Is Leaking and Overflowing At The Same Time
Lightening Up: A Very Different Kind of Spiritual Retreat
Written by Joyce Vissell
When I think of a spiritual retreat, I imagine a lot of meditation, quiet walks, no computers or media, listening to gentle music, and withdrawing from the busyness of the world. Some of that happened, but a different type of spiritual retreat emerged.
Read article here: Lightening Up: A Very Different Kind of Spiritual Retreat
When Weird Becomes Wonderful
Written by Alan Cohen
Perhaps you have questioned or judged yourself for being too sensitive or not feeling at home in the mainstream. When I ask my seminar audiences, “How many of you believe or have been told that you’re weird?” Almost everyone raises their hand.
Read article here: When Weird Becomes Wonderful
Using The Power Shout to Reconnect With Your Inner Potential
Written by Jayne Morris
If you have been struggling with self-confidence or simply want to increase you sense of inner power, there is a simple, yet extremely effective martial arts technique that can help you reconnect with your inner brilliance.
Read article here: Using The Power Shout to Reconnect With Your Inner Potential
Is Getting Cancer A Question Of Bad Luck?
by Yvane Wiart, Université Paris Descartes – USPC
“Doctor, what caused my cancer?” For doctors, this question is often perplexing. Some of the population risk factors…
Read article here: Is Getting Cancer A Question Of Bad Luck?
Why It's Motivation That Makes The Difference
by Daphna Oyserman and Oliver Fisher, University of Southern California
Did you get where you intended to in life? Are you as healthy, wealthy and wise as you want to be?
Read article here: Why It's Motivation That Makes The Difference
Why Bridges, Roads And Other Infrastructure Are Important To Your Health
by Korydon Smith, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Two seemingly unrelated national policy debates are afoot, and we can’t adequately address one unless we address the…
Read article here: Why Bridges, Roads And Other Infrastructure Are Important To Your Health
How A Job Acquires A Gender And Less Authority If It's Female
by Sarah Thebaud, University of California, Santa Barbara and Laura Doering, McGill University
Research and media stories abound with examples of how gender stereotypes disadvantage women leaders. A woman manager…
ow A Job Acquires A Gender And Less Authority If It's Female
Which Type Of Chocolate Is Best For Your Health?
by Duane Mellor, Coventry University
The Aztec emperor Montezuma II said that a soldier could march for a whole day on a single cup of cocoa. But this was…
Read article here: Which Type Of Chocolate Is Best For Your Health?
How Sharing Can Make A Hangover Less Distressing
by Sally Adams; Christine Griffin and Paula Smith, University of Bath
Headache and nausea aside, the morning after an evening of drinking can be filled with regret, anxiety and misery. But…
Read article here: How Sharing Can Make A Hangover Less Distressing
Planners Know Depressingly Little About A City's Impacts On Our Mental Health
by Jason Byrne, Griffith University
A large body of research shows that living in cities can harm our health. We know poor urban design can lead to people…
Read article here: Planners Know Depressingly Little About A City's Impacts On Our Mental Health
5 Ways To Stop Burnout From Happening
by Peter Olusoga, Sheffield Hallam University
Burnout tends to happen as a result of long-term stress in a situation or job that, for whatever reason, you’re highly…
Read article here: 5 Ways To Stop Burnout From Happening
How Regret Helps Children To Make Better Decisions
by Aidan Feeney, Queen's University Belfast
Regret gets a bad press. It is a painful emotion experienced upon realising that a different decision would have led to…
Read article here: How Regret Helps Children To Make Better Decisions
New Science Suggests Sugar Makes You Sad
by Anika Knüppel, UCL
The thought of a cupcake, skillfully frosted with fluffy vanilla icing, may put a smile on your face, but research…
Read article here: New Science Suggests Sugar Makes You Sad
Why We Hanker For The Old Ways And The Good Old Days
by Rodney Tiffen, University of Sydney
The children come home from school to be greeted by their mother, who is wearing an apron. They then go off to play…
Read article here: Why We Hanker For The Old Ways And The Good Old Days
The Women Who Don’t Know They’re Autistic
by Fabienne Cazalis, École des Hautes Études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
Studies reveal one woman for every nine men is diagnosed with so-called “high-functioning” autism, that is, autism…
Read article here: The Women Who Don’t Know They’re Autistic
How Some Rich People Are Trying To Dismantle Inequality
by Erynn Beaton, The Ohio State University; et al.
Ample research indicates that the growing problem of wealth and income inequality could stunt U.S. economic growth and…
Read article here: How Some Rich People Are Trying To Dismantle Inequality
The Healing Power Of Hip Hop and Rap
by Alexander Crooke, University of Melbourne and Raphael Travis Jr., Texas State University
Last year, New York’s then police commissioner Willam Bratton was quick to blame rap music and the culture around it…
Read article here: The Healing Power Of Hip Hop and Rap
Why There Is Also A Dark Side To Putting On A Happy Face
by Milda Perminiene, University of East London
As I was walking through the V&A museum in London a few days ago, two statues immediately grabbed my attentionxxx. It was…
Read article here: Why There Is Also A Dark Side To Putting On A Happy Face
Mother Nature's Revenge? Huge Drop In Men's Sperm Levels Confirmed
by Chris Barratt, University of Dundee
Sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand declined by 50-60% between 1973 and 2011…
Read article here: Mother Nature's Revenge? Huge Drop In Men's Sperm Levels Confirmed
The Real Consequences Of Fake News
by Dominik Stecula, University of British Columbia
Fake news, or fabricated content deceptively presented as real news, has garnered a lot of interest since the U.S.…
Read article here: The Real Consequences Of Fake News
5 Technologies That Could Shape Your Future
by Leandro L. Minku; Nervo Xavier Verdezoto D and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, University of Leicester
Flying warehouses, robot receptionists, smart toilets… do such innovations sound like science fiction or part of a…
Read article here: 5 Technologies That Could Shape Your Future
Why Being A Working Mother Is Not Necessarily Bad For Your Children
by Markus Klein, Strathclyde University and Michael Kühhirt
The question of whether mothers should work or stay at home in their children’s early years has always been a hot…
Read article here: Why Being A Working Mother Is Not Necessarily Bad For Your Children
Can You Lose Weight Without A Diet? Maybe
by Nicholas A Lesica, UCL
A new study has found something remarkable: the activation of a particular type of immune cell in the brain can, on its…
Read article here: Can You Lose Weight Without A Diet? Maybe
Could Too Much Sitting Be Bad For Our Brains?
by Michael Wheeler, University of Western Australia; et al.
In many aspects of life where we need to use our brain power, we also tend to sit down: at school, at work, sitting…
Read article here: Could Too Much Sitting Be Bad For Our Brains?
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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