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There are many expressions and idioms that describe our earthly experience and suggest how to best deal with it. One that comes to mind is "when life throws you a curve ball, hit it out of the park", another, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade". The point, of course, is that life will bring you challenges (and blessings) and you have a choice as to how you deal with them. That is the important part to remember... we always decide, consciously or not, how we respond to whatever challenge or situation we are faced with.
This week we look at various ways to deal with what comes our way. Nora Caron shares her experiences in "Life Is A Circle, Not A Straight Line" while Jude Bijou introduces us to "5 Steps To Deal With The Many Types of Loss". Denise Green, the author of "Work-Life Brilliance: Tools to Break Stress and Create the Life and Health You Crave" gives us "4 Achievable Steps for Turning Burnout into Brilliance" while Marja Norris, author of "The Unspoken Code: A Businesswoman's No-Nonsense Guide to Making It In the Corporate World" presents "5 Power Tips for Women in the Workplace" (by the way, these tips for women can also be useful for men).
Mark Thurston, author of "Discovering Your Soul's Purpose: Finding Your Path in Life, Work, and Personal Mission the Edgar Cayce Way", reveals Edgar Cayce's "Twelve Steps to Abundance and Prosperity". Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondananda, shares a "feel-good' and inspiring true story in "Organizing Human Chain Saves Drowning Family: Can A Similar Approach Save Our Drowning Human Family?".
Astrologically, we will soon be experiencing a black moon which is "a particularly powerful new moon which augurs a significant new phase. Each black moon cycle lasts until the next black moon, two and a half to three years later..." Read about this energy and what it means for you in Sarah Varcas' article: "How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon!". Pam Younghans' weekly astrological journal sheds light on the energies specific to the current week.
And of course, we have numerous additional articles dealing with a wide range of topics such as: Farming The Suburbs..., Defeating Tyranny..., Breast Cancer And Drinking..., Low Calorie Sweeteners..., Democracy in Chains..., Consumers That Go On Strike..., Experiencing A Delusion?..., and much more. Scroll down below for all of the new articles for the week (a total of 28 new articles for your reading pleasure).
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Life Is A Circle, Not A Straight Line
Written by Nora Caron
When we look at nature, we can clearly see how everything is related to cycles. We have lunar cycles, tide cycles, flower cycles, mating cycles, birthing cycles, and death cycles. Nature creates beautiful things and then these beautiful things fade and get replaced by other beautiful things.
Read article here: Life Is A Circle, Not A Straight Line
How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon!
Written by Sarah Varcas
A black moon is a particularly powerful new moon which augurs a significant new phase. We can use its energy to prepare for shifts in our inner and outer worlds so powerful they may change the very course of our life. Each black moon cycle lasts until the next black moon, two and a half to three years later...
Read article here: How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon!
5 Steps To Deal With The Many Types of Loss
Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.
Somewhere, we got the idea that losses should be avoided at all costs because they are too painful. The result: no one taught us to effectively mourn when a significant ending occurs. As a result we often are stuck in a flat, gray place.
Read article here: 5 Steps To Deal With The Many Types of Loss
4 Achievable Steps for Turning Burnout into Brilliance
Written by Denise R. Green
We're all born with a spark, and then life piles on. But it's possible to clear off the muck so you can shine brilliantly again. Through incremental and attainable steps, you can reignite that flame within you that has dimmed over the years.
Read article here: 4 Achievable Steps for Turning Burnout into Brilliance
5 Power Tips for Women in the Workplace
Written by Marja Norris
Women are imbued with the powers of relationships, mindfulness, and inspiring trust. While we don't think these are a big deal because they come as second nature, they're foreign to most of our male coworkers.
Read article here: 5 Power Tips for Women in the Workplace
Twelve Steps to Abundance and Prosperity
Written by Mark Thurston, PhD.
Something extraordinary emerges when we piece together Edgar Cayce’s statements made to many different people on the subject of material resources: We discover a twelve-step program for working in conscious harmony with the law of supply and abundance.
Read article here: Twelve Steps to Abundance and Prosperity
Organizing Human Chain Saves Drowning Family: Can A Similar Approach Save Our Drowning Human Family?
Written by Steve Bhaerman
We always feel heartened by tales of heroism, and we celebrate the individual hero or "shero". It's even more heartening when the "hero" is a self-organizing, spontaneous group of people who see what needs to be done, and then do it.
Read article here: Organizing Human Chain Saves Drowning Family...
How Wildfires Could Radically Change Our Forests And Your Life
by Merritt Turetsky, University of Guelph
Multiple lines of evidence are now telling us a convincing story that boreal fires are changing — they are getting…
Read article here: How Wildfires Could Radically Change Our Forests And Your Life
Farming The Suburbs and Why Can’t We Always Grow Food Wherever We Want?
by Jennifer Kent, University of Sydney
Some local governments are more tolerant than others in allowing residents to grow food where they want.
Read article here: Farming The Suburbs and Why Can’t We Always Grow Food...
To Defeat Tyranny Today Look To The Past
by Waller R. Newell, Carleton University
Democracy is under assault. Vladimir Putin’s authoritarianism, ISIS terrorism, the nuclear threat from North Korea and…
Read article here:
To Defeat Tyranny Today Look To The Past
Breast Cancer And Drinking May Be Linked For Black Women
by Laura Oleniacz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Black women who drink more than 14 alcoholic drinks per week have a significantly higher risk of invasive breast cancer…
Read article here: Breast Cancer And Drinking May Be Linked For Black Women
I've Studied Larsen C And Its Giant Iceberg For Years and It's Not A Simple Story Of Climate Change
by Adrian Luckman, Swansea University
One of the largest icebergs ever recorded has just broken away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
Read article here: I've Studied Larsen C And Its Giant Iceberg For Years and It's Not A Simple Story Of Climate Change

How Building Your Child's Spoken Word Bank Can Boost Their Capacity To Read
by Signy Wegener and Anne Castles, Macquarie University
Children’s oral vocabulary – their knowledge of the sounds and meanings of words – is strongly positively associated…
Read article here: How Building Your Child's Spoken Word Bank Can Boost Their Capacity To Read
Are Low Calorie Sweeteners Really Better For You?
by Rachel Adams, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Drinking beverages containing low-calorie sweeteners may not help you lose weight and may even be bad for your health…
Read article here: Are Low Calorie Sweeteners Really Better For You?
Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America
by Kristin Miller, BillMoyers.com
Author Nancy MacLean has unearthed a stealth ideologue of the American right. Her book, Democracy in Chains: The Deep…
Read article here: Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America
Why In The Future It Should Be Consumers That Go On Strike
by Aude Cefaliello, University of Glasgow
I belong to a generation that has been told there is no other choice other than to be flexible in the labor market.…
Read article here: Why In The Future It Should Be Consumers That Go On Strike
How Hard Is It To Recognize That You Are Experiencing A Delusion?
by Kevin Morgan, Univ. of Westminster
When people experience delusions or hallucinations there is usually some loss of contact with reality whereby normal…
Read article here: How Hard Is It To Recognize That You Are Experiencing A Delusion?
Why Is It So Hard To Improve American Policing?
by Frederic Lemieux, George Washington University
The use of lethal force by police officers in Minnesota and Baton Rouge has once again sparked protests over the…
Read article here: Why Is It So Hard To Improve American Policing?
8 Things That Have Changed Since The Smoking Ban
by Andrew Russell, Durham University
It’s hard to think back to what English pubs and clubs were like before the law about smoke-free public places came…
Read article here: 8 Things That Have Changed Since The Smoking Ban
The Gig Economy Was Nothing New Even In The 18th Century
by Tawny Paul, University of Exeter
The Taylor Report, the UK government’s recent major review of modern work, paid particular attention to the “gig"…
Read article here: The Gig Economy Was Nothing New Even In The 18th Century
Why We Still Love Jane Austen's Heroes, Heroines And Houses After 200 Years
by Lizzie Rogers, University of Hull
Two centuries on from the death of Jane Austen, the enthusiasm for her work and the Regency world she represents is…
Read article here: Why We Still Love Jane Austen's Heroes, Heroines And Houses After 200 Years
Is America's Digital Leadership On The Wane?
by Bhaskar Chakravorti, Tufts University
American leadership in technology innovation and economic competitiveness is at risk if U.S. policymakers don’t take…
Read article here: Is America's Digital Leadership On The Wane?
This, Not Diet, May Cause GI Trouble In Kids With Autism
by Derek Thompson, University of Missouri
Diet is not a contributing factor to the significant gastrointestinal issues common among children with autism spectrum…
Read article here: This, Not Diet, May Cause GI Trouble In Kids With Autism
Horsing Around With Young Children Makes Them Laugh And Helps Them Learn
by Laura Tallant, Bath Spa University
A good sense of humor is a highly valued personality trait. We like to laugh and for others to laugh with (not usually…
Read article here: Horsing Around With Young Children Makes Them Laugh And Helps Them Learn
If Democracy Is To Survive, Youth Must Stand Up And Defend It
by Henry Giroux, McMaster University
According to famed anthropologist Arjun Appadurai, the central question of our times is whether we’re witnessing the…
Read article here: If Democracy Is To Survive, Youth Must Stand Up And Defend It
Poor Kids Hit Puberty Sooner And Risk A Lifetime Of Health Problems
by Ying Sun, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
Shape-shifting bodies. Cracking voices. Hairs sprouting in new places. Puberty marks a dramatic period of change for…
Read article here: Poor Kids Hit Puberty Sooner And Risk A Lifetime Of Health Problems
How Empathy Can Make Or Break A Troll
by Evita March, Federation University Australia
Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran recently announced he had quit Twitter because he was sick of internet trolls.
Read article here: How Empathy Can Make Or Break A Troll
How Your Gut May Help You Lose Weight, Fight Depression And Lower Blood Pressure
by Jasenka Zubcevic and Christopher Martyniuk, University of Florida
A universe of organisms living inside you may affect every part of your body, from your brain to your bones, and even…
Read article here:
How Your Gut May Help You Lose Weight, Fight Depression And Lower Blood Pressure
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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