Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we look at family. We all have one, or if we no longer do, we did at some point. Family influenced our early beliefs of life, and in many cases is still influencing our current beliefs, whether consciously or subconsciously.
Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in dealing with family is the learned behavior of putting our needs after the needs of others, whether that is children, husband or wife, parents, or siblings. Reading "How and Why To Make Taking Care of Yourself a Priority" as well as "How To Work and Deal With Difficult People" can help us, not only with family, but with our life in general.
Of course, familial experiences include the raising of children and Barbara Berger questions the belief that "Your Teenagers Shouldn’t Make "Mistakes". Nancy Windheart also reflects on the upbringing of children in "Returning: Re-turning To Our Body, Re-turning To This Very Moment, Re-turning Home". Eric Maisel offers good counsel in "How To Be Yourself and Be Strong in a Sad or Anxious Family". Elizabeth Joyce shares a story of her own tumultuous childhood in "Is True Wisdom The Moving From Self-Doubt To Integrity Of The Heart?".
InnerSelf co-publisher, Robert Jennings, writes about the opioid epidemic that is affecting a lot of homes, either the older members of the family or the younger. While the article does not specifically reflect on the affect of the opiod epidemic on families, it goes without saying that it is a very challenging situation for a great many households.
And we of course have numerous additional articles, some of which are continuing on the family theme, such as "How Loneliness In Older People Makes Them More Vulnerable To Financial Scammers" and "Research Shows That Marriage Does Make Men Fatter". Other articles focus on marijuana, migration, millennials,app privacy, credit card fraud, dementia, Facebook, Thoreau, and much more. Scroll down below for titles and links.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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How and Why To Make Taking Care of Yourself a Priority
Written by Tatiana Jerome
Everything comes full circle when you make it a priority to take care of yourself. While I know it’s easier said than done, you will definitely reap the benefits almost immediately when you attend to yourself before you attend to others.
Read article here: How and Why To Make Taking Care of Yourself a Priority
How To Work and Deal With Difficult People
Written by Dzogchen Ponlop
We touch the real heart of compassion when we can engage with someone who is suffering from carrying so much aggression, so much negativity, so much emotion that they can’t help but cause trouble and drive people away. If you can approach such a person and give them some support...
Read article here: How To Work and Deal With Difficult People
Your Teenagers Shouldn’t Make "Mistakes"?
Written by Barbara Berger
Teenagers, teenagers, teenagers!! Oh how we rack our brains trying to be the best possible parents. And no matter what we do, it seems we can never get it quite right!
Read article here: Your Teenagers Shouldn’t Make "Mistakes"?
Returning: Re-turning To Our Body, Re-turning To This Very Moment, Re-turning Home
Written by Nancy Windheart
Unlike the childhood experiences of so many of us in the “baby boom” generation, who were raised, at best, to ignore our telepathic abilities and our spiritual, non-physical perceptions–or, at worst, to fear them–there are children now all over the world, including in western cultures, who are being raised consciously.
Read article here: Returning: Re-turning To Our Body, Re-turning To This Very Moment, Re-turning Home
How To Be Yourself and Be Strong in a Sad or Anxious Family
Written by Eric Maisel
It is human to despair, and it is human to worry. But when either of these realities, or both at once, becomes the predominant coloration of family life, then you must contend both with your sad and anxious family members and with your own “sympathetic” sadness and anxiety.
Read article here: How To Be Yourself and Be Strong in a Sad or Anxious Family
Is True Wisdom The Moving From Self-Doubt To Integrity Of The Heart?
Written by Elizabeth Joyce
The mark of true wisdom is twofold: First, it encompasses every aspect of our being, body, mind, and spirit. It touches our personal lives as well as our relationships with family, community, and the world.
Read article here: Is True Wisdom The Moving From Self-Doubt To Integrity Of The Heart?
Why The Opioid Crisis Is A Referendum On Unregulated Free Market Theory
Written by Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com
The opioid crisis in the US is a near perfect example why the current push for unregulated free markets is mostly nonsense. That said the idea that full government regulations and control of markets is the answer is equally ludicrous.
Read article here: Why The Opioid Crisis Is A Referendum On Unregulated Free Market Theory
How Loneliness In Older People Makes Them More Vulnerable To Financial Scammers
by Keith Brown, Bournemouth University; et al
Fraud investigators have warned that people are being targeted by scammers who persuade them to invest their pensions…
Read article here: How Loneliness In Older People Makes Them More Vulnerable To Financial Scammers
Research Shows That Marriage Does Make Men Fatter
by Joanna Syrda, University of Bath
Wedding vows traditionally account for the possibility of bumps in the road ahead. For richer for poorer is an…
Read article here: Research Shows That Marriage Does Make Men Fatter
Can Cherishing Stuff With A Photo Help You Let Go Of It?
by Rebecca Walker Reczek, The Ohio State University; et al
Picture your favorite childhood stuffed animal. Are you clinging to it even though neither you nor anyone else in your…
Read article here: Can Cherishing Stuff With A Photo Help You Let Go Of It?
Stressed? Running On Empty? It's Not Compassion Fatigue
by Shane Sinclair, University of Calgary
Health-care providers are finding it increasingly difficult to provide compassion — in the midst of growing patient…
Read article here: Stressed? Running On Empty? It's Not Compassion Fatigue
Why Legal Marijuana Age Limit Should Be Low Not High
by Rebecca Haines-Saah, University of Calgary
Lowering the legal age for marijuana use will help to improve prevention, safety and education for young people.
Read article here: Why Legal Marijuana Age Limit Should Be Low Not High
The Next Step In Sustainable Design: Bringing The Weather Indoors
by Kevin Nute, University of Oregon
A building’s primary purpose may be to keep the weather out, but most do such an effective job of this that they also…
Read article here: The Next Step In Sustainable Design: Bringing The Weather Indoors
Global Compact On Migration Needs To Focus On Harnessing Its Win-Win Benefits
by Julia Blocher, United Nations University
An agreement to address migrant and refugee crises worldwide, which the UN General Assembly adopted in September 2016…
Read article here: Global Compact On Migration Needs To Focus On Harnessing Its Win-Win Benefits
The Real Reason You Don't Quit Facebook?
by Philip Seargeant and Caroline Tagg, The Open University
Facebook recently announced that it now has over 2 billion monthly users. This makes its “population” larger than that…
Read article here: The Real Reason You Don't Quit Facebook?
A Look Inside The Minds Of Trump’s True Believers
by Ronald W. Pies, Tufts University
When Donald Trump gave the commencement address at Liberty University this spring, he told the graduates that “America...
Read article here: A Look Inside The Minds Of Trump’s True Believers
Why Volvo Going All Electric Is Not As Revolutionary As It Seems
by Jim Saker, Loughborough University
The announcement from Volvo that all of its new models from 2019 will include an element of electric vehicle technology…
Read article here: Why Volvo Going All Electric Is Not As Revolutionary As It Seems
Why Eating A Plant-based Diet Doesn't Mean Being A Vegetarian
by Katherine Livingstone, Deakin University
Plant-based diets are often shown to be good for health. we eat a lot of meat and are sometimes reluctant to completely…
Read article here: Why Eating A Plant-based Diet Doesn't Mean Being A Vegetarian
Can You Tell If Your Pet Is Happy?
by Mirjam Guesgen, University of Alberta
Scientists are starting to be able to accurately read animal facial expressions and understand what they communicate.
Read article here: Can You Tell If Your Pet Is Happy?
Why Thoreau, Born 200 Years Ago, Has Never Been More Important
by Andrew Dix, Loughborough University
“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!” urges American transcendentalist writer Henry David Thoreau in Walden (1854), his…
Read article here: Why Thoreau, Born 200 Years Ago, Has Never Been More Important
What You Need To Know About Credit Card Fraud
by Bruno Buonaguidi, Università della Svizzera italiana
If you are the owner of a credit or a debit card, there is a non-negligible chance that you may be subject to fraud,…
Read article here: What You Need To Know About Credit Card Fraud
How To Help Your Child Make The Most Of Summer Camp
by Troy D. Glover, University of Waterloo
Temporary relief from structured classroom teaching opens up exciting opportunities for kids at summer camps that not…
Read article here: How To Help Your Child Make The Most Of Summer Camp
7 In 10 Smartphone Apps Share Your Data With Third-party Services
by Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, University of California, Berkeley and Srikanth Sundaresan, Princeton University
Our mobile phones can reveal a lot about ourselves: where we live and work; who our family, friends and acquaintances…
Read article here: 7 In 10 Smartphone Apps Share Your Data With Third-party Services
A Lesson From India: Why A Cashless Society Hurts The Poor
by Dana Kornberg, University of Michigan
India recently tried to reduce the use of cash in its economy by eliminating, overnight, two of its most widely used…
Read article here: A Lesson From India: Why A Cashless Society Hurts The Poor
How Being Friends With Someone Who Has Dementia Can Be Good For You Both
by Janelle Taylor, University of Washington
There is a lot we can do to make life better for older adults with dementia. And we ought to do what we can – not only…
Read article here: How Being Friends With Someone Who Has Dementia Can Be Good For You Both
Millennial Bashing In Medieval Times: Same Old, Same Old?
by Eric Weiskott, Boston College
In Sir Thomas Malory’s ‘Le Morte d'Arthur,’ a character complains that young people are too sexually promiscuous. 14th-century…
Read article here: Millennial Bashing In Medieval Times: Same Old, Same Old?
Why Vitamin D Guidelines Need To Be Updated
by Susan Lanham-New, University of Surrey
Most people know that it’s important to get enough vitamin D. Among other things, it’s vital for bone and muscle…
Read article here: Why Vitamin D Guidelines Need To Be Updated
Electronic Games: How Much Is Too Much For Kids?
by Sue Walker and Susan Danby, Queensland University of Technology
Most parents view their children’s playing of electronic games as potentially problematic – or even dangerous.
Read article here: Electronic Games: How Much Is Too Much For Kids?
How Brain Connections Shape Memories
by Carl J Hodgetts, Cardiff University
Reliving and sharing our personal past is part of what makes us human. It creates a sense of who we are, allows us to…
Read article here: How Brain Connections Shape Memories
Why Friends Are Better Than Family When It Comes To Aging Well
by Andy Henion, Michigan State University
Among older adults, friendships are actually a stronger predictor of health and happiness than relationships with…
Read article here: Why Friends Are Better Than Family When It Comes To Aging Well
Do Cats Purr When Humans Aren't Around?
by Jan Hoole, Keele University
Why do cats purr? Humans tend to think that purring is a sign of happiness in a cat – and indeed it can be – but there…
Read article here: Do Cats Purr When Humans Aren't Around?
How Parenting Advice Assumes You're White And Middle Class
by Mark Nielsen, The University of Queensland
Whose advice do you trust when it comes to raising children? For many, the answer is to ask health professionals who…
Read article here: How Parenting Advice Assumes You're White And Middle Class
Why Border Walls Are Ineffective, Costly And Fatal
by Elisabeth Vallet, Université du Québec à Montréal
It seems like every month brings news of another border wall going up.
Read article here: Why Border Walls Are Ineffective, Costly And Fatal
There Is A Greater Risk Of Death With These Heartburn Drugs
by Tamara Bhandari, Washington University in St. Louis
A new study shows that long-time use of heartburn drugs called proton pump inhibitors is associated with an increased…
Read article here: There Is A Greater Risk Of Death With These Heartburn Drugs
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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