Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
When life seems to be taking us on a roller-coaster ride, we can remember that the way to keep from "losing it" is to retain our center. This is done by choosing to "Become Deeply Rooted In A Deep Trust of Life" as well as remembering that "The Answers Lie Within: Listen To Your Gut". And if you've become confused and dizzy from all the ups and downs going on around you, perhaps you will benefit from the tool presented by Kira Klenke in "The Solution Is Just A Stone's Throw Away".
We also benefit from focusing on "A New Common Sense, A New Common Cause" and remembering that we're not alone on this journey. Reading "Can Your Mind Help You Find Peace?" by Leah Guy may help you become grounded and at peace. Choosing your environment and the colors you surround yourself with can boost your energy and vitality. Read Barbara Jaffe's experience in "When Colors Hold Emotional Ties and Provoke Visceral Reactions".
And of course, as usual, we have more articles focusing on a wide range of topics, such as healing of trauma, seed saving, smart phones, solar energy, social change, dementia, Tourette syndrome, olive oil, and even Paddington Bear (and more). Scroll down below for the links to all of this week's new articles.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Become Deeply Rooted In A Deep Trust of Life
Written by Eileen Workman
I believe that the invitation to truly live requires us to be rooted in a deep trust of life. This rooting is grounded in openness, watered with courage, fertilized by compassion, expressed with kindness, blossoms through patience, and–when fully mature—embodies peace.
Read article here: Become Deeply Rooted In A Deep Trust of Life
When Colors Hold Emotional Ties and Provoke Visceral Reactions
Written by Barbara Jaffe, Ed.D.
For me, red is passion, energy, fun, excitement. My red blazer immediately infuses me with inner warmth and joy. “That’s a good color on you.” This accurate remark emphasizes the vitality behind the color energizing my very being.
Read article here: When Colors Hold Emotional Ties and Provoke Visceral Reactions
A New Common Sense, A New Common Cause
Written by Steve Bhaerman
I now call the 4th of July "Independents Day" as I've come to realize that the only way we the people can take our country back -- and forward -- is by declaring our independence from the two political parties, the two-party duopoly, and the two competing narratives that keep us divided ... and conquered.
Read article here: A New Common Sense, A New Common Cause
The Solution Is Just A Stone's Throw Away
Written by Kira Klenke.
Some life situations generate feelings of helplessness or hopelessness and intellectual reasoning is not sufficient for figuring out what to do or what to change. Our patterns of behavior, thoughts and habits often unconsciously block new ideas and attitudes for fear of the unknown. In this case, other approaches are required.
Read article here: The Solution Is Just A Stone's Throw Away
Can Your Mind Help You Find Peace?
Written by Leah Guy
We all desire peace, but most people look for it in the wrong place. We often think of the saying “peace of mind,” but we can’t rely on the mind to give us the peace that is desired from our Souls. Peace is not found in your mind. The mind begs for our attention, but there is no stability or peace if we react to every thought from the mind.
Read article here: Can Your Mind Help You Find Peace?
The Answers Lie Within: Listen To Your Gut
Written by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
The body has its own language that is older and more primal than most of us realize. Our bodies speak to us with sensations, images, emotions, and an inner knowing that is beyond words. Have you ever had a niggling doubt that nags you for days...
Read article here: The Answers Lie Within: Listen To Your Gut
Why The Summer Of Love Was More Than Hippies And LSD
Written by Nicholas Campion, University of Wales Trinity Saint David | Print | Email
Something remarkable happened to the youth of the Western world 50 years ago. In the summer of 1967 a huge number of American teenagers – some estimate between 100,000 and 200,000 – escaped what they saw as their suburban prisons and made for the city district of Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco.
Read article here: Why The Summer Of Love Was More Than Hippies And LSD
Smelling Our Food May Make Us Gain Weight
by Robert Sanders, University of California, Berkeley
Our sense of smell is key to the enjoyment of food, so it may be no surprise that obese mice in a recent study who lost…
Read article here: Smelling Our Food May Make Us Gain Weight
Solving Homelessness: A Public Option For Land Ownership?
by Lowell B. Denny, III, People's World
A number of recent articles in the corporate press around the country highlight the ongoing dilemma the capitalist…
Read article here: Solving Homelessness: A Public Option For Land Ownership?
This Magic Alloy Could Mean Cheaper Solar Power
by University of Michigan
Researchers have developed a new kind of semiconductor alloy capable of capturing the near-infrared light located on…
Read article here: This Magic Alloy Could Mean Cheaper Solar Power
How Mainstream Media Can Still Effect Social Change
by Yasmin Jiwani, Concordia University
While there is much to critique about the news media in this age of “post-truth” within a landscape dominated by a…
Read article here: How Mainstream Media Can Still Effect Social Change
Students' Test Scores Tell Us More About The Community They Live In Than What They Know
by Christopher Tienken, Seton Hall University
Every year, policymakers across the U.S. make life-changing decisions based on the results of standardized tests. These…
Read article here: Students' Test Scores Tell Us More About The Community They Live In Than What They Know
If We Stopped Emitting Greenhouse Gases Right Now, Would We Stop Climate Change?
by Richard B. Rood, University of Michigan
Earth’s climate is changing rapidly. We know this from billions of observations, documented in thousands of journal…
Read article here: If We Stopped Emitting Greenhouse Gases Right Now, Would We Stop Climate Change?
What Are The Orwellian Dystopias Of The 21st Century?
by Simon Willmetts, University of Hull
Fictional metaphors matter, and in the battle to safeguard our civil liberties few metaphors matter more than George…
Read article here: What Are The Orwellian Dystopias Of The 21st Century?
I Spent Three Days As A Hunter-gatherer To See If It Would Improve My Gut Health
by Tim Spector, King's College London
Mounting evidence suggests that the richer and more diverse the community of microbes in your gut the lower your risk...
Read article here: I Spent Three Days As A Hunter-gatherer To See If It Would Improve My Gut Health
The Real Reasons Why British Workers Won't Pick Fruit
by Caroline Nye, University of Exeter
Farmers are used to looking into the future. Their livelihoods depend on taking a decent guess about everything from…
Read article here: The Real Reasons Why British Workers Won't Pick Fruit
Why Poverty Is A Reflection Of Society
by Shervin Assari, University of Michigan
As the Senate prepares to modify its version of the health care bill, now is a good time to back up and examine why we…
Read article here: Why Poverty Is A Reflection Of Society
How Spam Became One Of The Most Iconic American Brands Of All Time
by Ayalla A. Ruvio, Michigan State University
While you might think of Spam as a basic canned meat, it’s actually one of the greatest business success stories of all…
Read article here: How Spam Became One Of The Most Iconic American Brands Of All Time
A New Way To Think About Dementia And Sex
by Alisa Grigorovich and Pia Kontos, University of Toronto
Persons living with dementia don’t have sex. Or they have weird sex. Or they have dangerous sex, in need of containment...
Read article here: A New Way To Think About Dementia And Sex
Why Market Competition Has Not Brought Down US Health Care Costs
by Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
It is easier than ever to buy stuff. You can purchase almost anything on Amazon with a click, and it is only slightly…
Read article here: Why Market Competition Has Not Brought Down US Health Care Costs
How Chefs And Home Cooks Are Rolling The Dice On Food Safety
by Paul Cross, Bangor University and Dan Rigby, University of Manchester
Encouraging anyone to honestly answer an embarrassing question is no easy task – not least when it might affect their…
Read article here: How Chefs And Home Cooks Are Rolling The Dice On Food Safety
How Paddington Bear Found A Happy Home On The World's Bookshelves
by Veronica Barnsley, University of Sheffield
When he arrived alone in London in 1958, the label attached to Paddington Bear’s coat politely requested that he be…
Read article here: How Paddington Bear Found A Happy Home On The World's Bookshelves
As Climate Change Threatens Food Supplies, Seed Saving is an Ancient Act of Resilience
by Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine
In Norway, a high-tech seed vault flooded from melting permafrost. In Montana, locals keep their seeds in the library.
Read article here: As Climate Change Threatens Food Supplies, Seed Saving is an Ancient Act of Resilience
How To Revisit Trauma To Help You Put It In The Past
by Agata Vitale, Bath Spa University
In the introduction to his beautiful book The Body Keeps The Score, psychiatrist Bessel Van der Kolk writes: “One does…
Read article here: How To Revisit Trauma To Help You Put It In The Past
How To Have A Satisfying Relationship?
by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., Monmouth University and Erin Hughes, Villanova University
When Joan Holloway – the bombshell office worker on the show “Mad Men” – enters a room, she knows she looks good and is…
Read article here: How To Have A Satisfying Relationship?
How The Smartphone Has Isolated Us
by Jean Twenge, San Diego State University
Sometime around 2011 or 2012, it suddenly became very easy to predict what people would be doing in public places: Most…
Read article here: How The Smartphone Has Isolated Us
Tourette Syndrome: Finally, Something To Shout About
by Michael Okun, University of Florida
Tourette syndrome is a mysterious medical curiosity that has puzzled doctors for more than a century. People who have…
Read article here: Tourette Syndrome: Finally, Something To Shout About
Turkey Returns To The Dark Ages As It Bans Teaching Of Evolution
by James Williams, University of Sussex
In the US there have been many attempts to expunge evolution from the school curriculm or demand that creationism
Read article here: Turkey Returns To The Dark Ages As It Bans Teaching Of Evolution
Is It Bad For Your Health To Eat Food Fried In Olive Oil?
by James Brown, Aston University and Rachel Adams, Cardiff Metropolitan University
It recently has been suggested that using vegetable oils to fry food may be bad for your health due to the production…
Read article here: Is It Bad For Your Health To Eat Food Fried In Olive Oil?
What We Can Learn From The Five Previous Mass Extinctions
by Alex Dunhill, University of Leeds
Of all the species that have ever lived, more than 99% are now extinct. Most of them quietly disappeared during periods…
Read article here: What We Can Learn From The Five Previous Mass Extinctions
What ATMs Dispense Is More Than Mere Money
by Riedel Johanna Ohm, Pennsylvania State University
We live in a dirty world. Wherever we go, we are among microbes. Bacteria, fungi and viruses live on our phones, bus…
Read article here: What ATMs Dispense Is More Than Mere Money
Why We Welcome Poetic Justice And Despair At Poetic Injustice
by Thaddeus Metz, University of Johannesburg
Recently it was reported that a hunter who had shot an elephant was crushed when it fell over dead on top of him. A…
Read article here: Why We Welcome Poetic Justice And Despair At Poetic Injustice
The Yoga Paradox: How Yoga Can Cause Pain And Treat It
by Evangelos Pappas, University of Sydney and Marc Campo, Mercy College
Yoga carries with it a higher than expected risk of a painful wrist, elbow and shoulder, possibly due to poses like…
Read article here: The Yoga Paradox: How Yoga Can Cause Pain And Treat It
Astrological Journal for the Week
Horoscope Current Week: July 10 to 16, 2017
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this weeks column here.
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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