InnerSelf welcomes your inner self...
You may be familiar with the expression that says you can't give from an empty basket. This, of course, refers to taking care of yourself before you can give of yourself to others. You may have found yourself feeling drained at times due to not taking care of yourself. This week we bring you articles to help you replenish your energy and "refill your basket".
One of the difficulties in knowing what is the "right" action to take for our own well-being is knowing which "voice" we are hearing: the ego's or Spirit. Eileen Workman writes about "How To Tell The Difference Between The Will Of Ego and The Will Of Spirit".
Lisa K., author of Intuition on Demand, writes about "Why Energetic Health Is Important to Intuition" and A.J. Earley shares important information about "How Fasting Can Benefit Mindfulness, Meditation, and Your Overall Health".
Nora Caron gives great pointers on "Keeping Your Yin Alive in a Yang Society" while Barbara Berger shares another aspect of taking care of yourself in "Learning To Communicate Honestly With Others". Thomas Sterner introduces us to "And Then What? A Mantra for Inner Peace".
Then we bring you numerous articles on a variety of topics such as treating breast cancer, the "dangers" of saving energy at home, the costs of moral outrage, beating jet lag or shift work, electric cars, brain damage from alcohol, and much more.
Scroll down below for the short intros and links to the above articles and more...
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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How To Tell The Difference Between The Will Of Ego and The Will Of Spirit
Written by Eileen Workman
When Spirit notices something about your behavior that needs to evolve, it in-spires you to make a change for the better. All changes that are being willed by life-centered Spirit—as opposed to changes being willed by your self-centered ego—are born with ease and are cultivated with grace.
Read article here: How To Tell The Difference Between The Will Of Ego and The Will Of Spirit
And Then What? A Mantra for Inner Peace
Written by Thomas M. Sterner
I’d like to share a very useful tool for bringing your mind back to the present moment when it is trying to cling to something that hasn’t happened yet. It realigns your perspective of whatever is pulling you into the future and reengages you with the now.
Read article here: And Then What? A Mantra for Inner Peace
Keeping Your Yin Alive in a Yang Society
Written by Nora Caron
I have come to understand how important it is to have a healthy balance between Yin and Yang energies, both within us and outside of us. Yin energy is the energy of rest, introspection, integration, reflection and silence. Often misunderstood to be the weaker component...
Read article here: Keeping Your Yin Alive in a Yang Society
Why Energetic Health Is Important to Intuition
Written by Lisa K.
There is a very tight connection between our energetic body and our physical body. When our energetic body is not healthy, we can be physically unhealthy. Our energetic system processes energy flowing through and uses the information contained in it.
Read article here: Why Energetic Health Is Important to Intuition
Learning To Communicate Honestly With Others
Written by Barbara Berger
What does it take to communicate honestly with other people? First of all, it takes knowing your own mind. But when it comes to communicating honestly with others, knowing yourself isn’t enough. Communicating with others is a skill – but not necessarily a skill we’re born with!
Read article here: Learning To Communicate Honestly With Others
How Fasting Can Benefit Mindfulness, Meditation, and Your Overall Health
Written by AJ Earley
Fasting has been used for centuries as both a remedy and a booster in all areas of health: physical, mental, and emotional. In the 21st century, fasting is often looked down upon. It is left out of anti-obesity initiatives because doctors don’t view it as a safe remedy for weight loss
Read article here: How Fasting Can Benefit Mindfulness, Meditation, and Your Overall Health
Decoding Richard Strauss’s An Alpine Symphony
by David Larkin, University of Sydney
“He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragic plays and tragic reality”, said the prophetic…
Read article here: Decoding Richard Strauss’s An Alpine Symphony
Why Is There So Little Grassroot Action Against Climate Change?
by Milenko Martinovich, Stanford University
While Americans support action on climate change, many don’t see the issue as an immediate threat and so the issue does…
Read article here: Why Is There So Little Grassroot Action Against Climate Change?
What's The Right Way To Blow Your Nose?
by David King, The University of Queensland
If you have a blocked or runny nose, chances are you’ll reach for a tissue or hanky to clear the mucus by having a good…
Read article here: What's The Right Way To Blow Your Nose?
Body Cameras Show Police Are Politer To White Drivers
by Alex Shashkevich, Stanford University
Police officers consistently use less respectful language with black community members than with white community…
Read article here: Body Cameras Show Police Are Politer To White Drivers
Why Treating Breast Cancer With Less May Be More
by Ashish A. Deshmukh, University of Florida and Anna Likhacheva, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Women with breast cancer have long faced complicated choices about the best course of treatment.
Read article here: Why Treating Breast Cancer With Less May Be More
Saving Energy At Home Makes Us Think We Have Done Enough
by Taylor Kubota, Stanford University
People who report working to save energy in their own lives may be less likely to support government action on...
Read article here: Saving Energy At Home Makes Us Think We Have Done Enough
Why There Are Costs To Moral Outrage
by Justin Tosi, University of Michigan and Brandon Warmke, Bowling Green State University
Many Americans are morally outraged that U.S. President Donald Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, who had…
Read article here: Why There Are Costs To Moral Outrage
How Changing Your Meal Times Can Help You Beat Jet Lag Or Shift Work
by Jonathan Johnston, University of Surrey
Around one in five people in Western countries could be putting their health at risk simply by going to work.
Read article here: How Changing Your Meal Times Can Help You Beat Jet Lag Or Shift Work
With Wireless Charging, Electric Cars Could Drive Forever
by Mark Golden, Stanford University
Scientists have found a way to wirelessly transmit electricity to a nearby moving object.
Read article here: With Wireless Charging, Electric Cars Could Drive Forever
Can Even Moderate Drinking Cause Brain Damage?
by Nicole Lee, Curtin University and Rob Hester, University of Melbourne
Research reported last week found “even moderate drinking” could “damage the brain”.
Read article here: Can Even Moderate Drinking Cause Brain Damage?
Exposure During Pregnancy To Insecticides Reduce Motor Function In Babies
by Laurel Thomas, University of Michigan
New research links exposure during pregnancy to either of two insecticides to reduced motor function in babies.
Read article here: Exposure During Pregnancy To Insecticides Reduce Motor Function In Babies
Are Left Handed People More Gifted Than Others?
by Giovanni Sala and Fernand Gobet, University of Liverpool
The belief that there is a link between talent and left-handedness has a long history. Leonardo da Vinci was…
Read article here: Are Left Handed People More Gifted Than Others?
Is Lead In The US Food Supply Decreasing Our IQ?
by Keri Szejda, Arizona State University Andrew Maynard, Arizona State University
The environmental advocacy group Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) on June 15 released a study about dietary lead…
Read article here: Is Lead In The US Food Supply Decreasing Our IQ?
How The Rules Of Being A Dad Are Changing As Gender Roles Continue To Blur
by Abigail Locke, University of Bradford
These days, the idea of the hard-working, emotionally distant and frequently absent father figure seems like a…
Read article here:
How Disappearing Jobs Keep Kids Out Of College
by Alison Jones, Duke University
After states suffer significant job losses, college attendance drops among the poorest students of the next generation…
Read article here: How Disappearing Jobs Keep Kids Out Of College
What Sharia Law Really Means
by Asma Afsaruddin, Indiana University
Sharia in Arabic means “the way,” and does not refer to a body of law.
Read article here: What Sharia Law Really Means
How To Reduce Injuries In Kids That Don't Involve Wrapping Them In Bubble Wrap
by Kate Hunter and Lisa Keay, George Institute for Global Health
We all do our best to protect our kids from harm, but the adventures of childhood usually come with at least a few…
Read article here: How To Reduce Injuries In Kids That Don't Involve Wrapping Them In Bubble Wrap
Can We Predict Political Uprisings?
by Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, University of Marburg
Forecasting political unrest is a challenging task, especially in this era of post-truth and opinion polls
Read article here: Can We Predict Political Uprisings?
Surprising Ways To Beat Anxiety And Become Mentally Strong
by Olivia Remes, University of Cambridge
Do you have anxiety? Have you tried just about everything to get over it, but it just keeps coming back? Perhaps you…
Read article here: Surprising Ways To Beat Anxiety And Become Mentally Strong
Cities Can Jump Start Climate Progress By Plugging In Their Vehicles
by Daniel Cohan, Rice University
President Donald Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate agreement reaffirmed what was already clear...
Read article here: Cities Can Jump Start Climate Progress By Plugging In Their Vehicles
These Words Get People To Eat More Vegetables
by Milenko Martinovich, Stanford University
Describing vegetables with words normally used for indulgent foods can get people to eat more of them, a new study…
Read article here: These Words Get People To Eat More Vegetables
Why Just Speaking English Isn’t Going To Cut It Anymore
by Abigail Parrish and Ursula Lanvers, University of York
Britain is facing an uncertain future and an uneasy relationship with Europe after Brexit and the latest general…
Read article here: Why Just Speaking English Isn’t Going To Cut It Anymore
How Aircraft Noise At Night Is Linked To High Blood Pressure
by Klea Katsouyanni, King's College London
People who live near airports are at increased risk of high blood pressure, our latest research shows. We found that…
Read article here: How Aircraft Noise At Night Is Linked To High Blood Pressure
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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