InnerSelf NewsletterJanuary 18th, 2015 |
Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your Inner Self. We've been busy all week with "fine-tuning" the new website... It's been a major overhaul and there are an immense number of details that needed to be attended to. We welcome (and invite) any feedback about the new site... what you like, what you don't like, and very importantly, if something isn't working or is missing, etc. To send us your comments, hover over the "This and That" item in every page's top menu, and you'll see the Contact Us button. Yet, through it all, we've also been adding new articles to the website. :) We have featured six articles below, but have added a total of approximately 20 new articles to the site this week. See below for "Editor's Choice" articles as well as additional links to specific sections of the InnerSelf site that you can peruse according to your own personal interests. We have also featured three videos, but are providing you with links to the videos categories as well where you will find additional videos added this week (approximately 10 new videos). Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week. Marie T. Russell |
Healing is Revealing: Is Life About Avoiding Misery or Creating Joy?Our bodies, like our world, reflect our internal dynamics. If we have chaos within our consciousness, we have chaos within our bodies. We must clear out the fear and the junk we’ve carried around for years and learn again what it is to simply be. The Screen Free Day: A Great Gift for Yourself & Others
Barry and I decided to make Sunday our special day of rest and recharging. Our intention was good, but soon we were going on the computer for “just a little” to check an important email. That “just a little” would turn into several hours and soon a big part of the day would be over. Do Humans Have A Need For Meaning and Life Purpose?
There is no one meaning of life but rather a multitude of subjective life meanings, and there is no one purpose to life but rather a multitude of subjective life purposes. Each person must sort out her life purposes and life meanings, and proceed to make value-based meaning... Cultivating Neutrality: The Difference between Pursuing Happiness & Simply Being Happy
I think the edict that Americans are entitled to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” creates a problem that goes largely unexamined in our culture. There is a significant difference between pursuing happiness and simply being happy, and many people get caught up in the pursuit... 10 Steps to Finding True Inner Peace with Mindfulness Meditation
In today's world, many people are coming to the realization that searching for happiness through achievements and material possessions simply adds to their rising stress, only bringing them more chaos and unhappiness. As they are forced to re-evaluate the direction of their lives, they begin searching for an alternate road to happiness and inner peace. The Attitude of Service: How To Brighten Up the World
Despite what Madison Avenue would like us to believe, that vacation to the Riviera, that Chrysler PT Cruiser, that anti-aging cream is not the secret to happiness. There's only one thing that unlocks the door to true peace of mind. Serving a purpose bigger than... ADDITIONAL ARTICLES:We are adding numerous articles to the website each week. Rather than list them all here, you can visit each section according to your interests. Each section listed below is designed as its own "mini-website". Discover Additional Articles in Living in Harmony: The "Living in Harmony" section includes articles on Health & Well-Being, Home & Garden, Pets, Leisure & Creativity, Finance & Careers, and Science and Technology. Discover Additional Articles in Personal Development: The "Personal Development" area covers Attitude Adjustments, Intuition & Awareness, Relationships & Parenting, Spirituality & Mindfulness, and Happiness & Success. Those categories are also broken down in their own subject matter (for example Fear, Anger, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Meditation, etc.), which can be found from the Menus at the top of each page. Discover Additional Articles in Social & Political: "Social & Political" covers topics that affect us personally yet deal with a more "societal" or "political" sphere. This area covers Environment & Climate, Democracy, Justice, Inequality, and Economy. These topics affect us on a personal and planetary level and are thus also important in our communal journey on Planet Earth. |
Astrological Journal for the Week (updated Sunday afternoon)
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a 20/20 view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. |
* Bullying Prevention: NBC Interview with Marlise Karlin * Interview with "Life Purpose Boot Camp" author, Eric Maisel * Don Goewey: Optimizing Your Brain Can Affect Your Entire Life Click here for Additional Videos in Living in Harmony; Additional Videos in Personal Development; Additional Videos in Social & Political |
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Unraveling the Healing Potential of Green Tea Compound EGCG for Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas, are benign tumors commonly occurring in the uterus. They affect many women, particularly African…