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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

May 23, 2024

The focus for today is:

 I respect your spirit and the difficulties you’ve experienced.
I wish you well.

Today's inspiration was written by Judith Orloff, M.D.:

Liking someone is often a matter of personal preference. In India, when some people greet each other, they may make a small bow and say, “Namaste,” which conveys, I respect the spirit within you. This doesn’t necessarily mean, I like you. Even if you don’t care for someone’s personality or approach to life, you can respect their spirit.

Inwardly practice saying Namaste with people who annoy you or whom you don’t like. This brings more positivity to an interaction rather than fueling what’s negative.

Instead of emphasizing whether you like or dislike someone, say inwardly about the person, I respect your spirit and the difficulties you’ve experienced. I wish you well.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article: 
     Are Your Expectations of Others Fantasy or Reality?
     Written by Judith Orloff, M.D.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of wishing others well, whether you like them or not (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
It's impossible for us to know what is actually going on in a person's head and heart. We have not lived their life, their challenges, their traumas... We don't know the weight of the baggage and hurts they are carrying. So simply acknowledging their spirit and light will help both you and them have a more pleasant experience in your interactions. 

Our focus for today:  I respect your spirit and the difficulties you’ve experienced. I wish you well.

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 * * *

RELATED BOOK: The Genius of Empathy

The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships, and the World
by Judith Orloff.

book cover: The Genius of Empathy by Judith Orloff, MD.The Genius of Empathy offers practical, action-driven guidance for connecting our minds and hearts to embody our most authentic, fierce, and compassionate selves. “Cultivating empathy is a kind of peaceful warrior training,” says Dr. Orloff. “You will learn to be both strong and loving, neither a pushover nor rigid. Wherever you are in your life, this book can meet you there and lift you higher.”

Each chapter is filled with Dr. Orloff’s most valuable insights and tools for living with greater connection, safety, and empowerment as your empathic abilities blossom.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Judith Orloff, MDJudith Orloff, MD, is a member of the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty and a New York Times bestselling author. She’s a leading voice in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, empathy, and intuitive development.

Her work has been featured on CNN, NPR, Talks at Google, TEDx, and the American Psychiatric Association. She has also appeared in USA Today; O, The Oprah Magazine; Scientific American; and The New England Journal of Medicine.

She specializes in treating highly sensitive people in her private practice. Learn more at