Image by Margarita Kochneva
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
April 10, 2024
The focus for today is:
I reconnect with the inner anchors that tether me to my authentic Self.
Today's inspiration was written by Kate King:
Just like a ship drops its anchor to connect with solid ground, each person has inner anchors that tether them to their authentic Self. Utilizing anchors to return to our core beliefs, values, and gifts of true Self help us remember our authenticity and true baseline.
Our anchors are intrinsic qualities we know and trust to be genuinely supportive of our essential life experiences. Perhaps for some, engagement with nature is a supportive anchor that returns them home after drifting too far into the pressures of modern living. For others, honest communication with trusted loved ones may enable them to regain footing and remember what truly matters.
With such reminders, we become able to steer ourselves back from who we adaptively became in order to secure illusory success, social belonging, or emotional safety. Examine your own anchors and notice how often you utilize these important tools to regain presence and authenticity.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
How to Center and Ground Yourself Amid Chaos: Find True North
Written by Kate King.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of being consciously connected to your authentic Self (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: During the day, we can be pulled this way and that way by the desires, expectations, and beliefs of others. Yet, being swayed by others can take us away from our true authentic Self. Reconnecting with the inner You before making decisions of any kind will assure that you are being authentic and true to your Self.
Our focus for today: I reconnect with the inner anchors that tether me to my authentic Self.
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RELATED BOOK: The Radiant Life Project
The Radiant Life Project: Awaken Your Purpose, Heal Your Past, and Transform Your Future
by Kate King.
A groundbreaking guide for self-healing enthusiasts that teaches a fresh therapeutic approach for a meaningful life by combining science, creativity, psychology, and insightful personal growth tools.
The common problem in our society is precisely this: We are not as alright as we seem. Trauma, physical and mental illness, and disembodied value systems are at an all-time high across our communities. Additionally, issues of pervasive social justice imbalances, inequality for marginalized communities, and painfully charged political dynamics clearly demonstrate a large-scale desire for collective change and transformation. Society is waking up to a new reality without the shackles and numbness that have previously limited our potential. This book is the timely resource to support the expansive elevation humanity demands.
The Radiant Life Project answers the yearning for large-scale repair with the intention of mending the world by first cultivating radical wellbeing within each individual. This book teaches a fresh and accessible approach to self-healing with deep compassion, skillful expertise, and exquisite strategies for intentional progression toward improved mind-body-soul wellness.
For more info and/or to order this hardcover book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Kate King is a licensed professional counselor, board-certified art therapist, radiant life coach, published author, professional artist, and creative entrepreneur. She teaches a unique transformational healing strategy that integrates science, psychology, creativity, and spirituality.
Her new book is The Radiant Life Project: Awaken Your Purpose, Heal Your Past, and Transform Your Future (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Nov. 1, 2023).
Learn more at