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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
October 9, 2023
The focus for today is:
To access inner peace, I look into my heart
and act on its guidance.
Today's inspiration was written by Hugh and Gayle Prather:
The beliefs that Gayle and I try to live by are quite simple. In fact, we have noticed that they become simpler the longer we work at practicing them.
Sit quietly and ask yourself what you believe. Do you want to be a better person today than you were yesterday? Then that is enough. Do you notice that you are happier when you are kind rather than controlling? Then that is enough. Do you find that the harsh circumstances of the world soften a little when you meditate? Then that is enough.
Anything that comes up today, anything at all, cannot block you from having a degree of peace if you will simply look into your heart, see what you believe, and practice it. That is a path based on truth. And the beauty it leads you toward becomes increasingly apparent the longer you walk it.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
What Do You Believe? Practicing What You Already Know
Written by Hugh and Gayle Prather
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of tuning in to your heart and living from its guidance (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: Life is not as complicated as we humans make it. Think of how simple life is for your dog (or a friend's dog if you don't have one). The dog rests when tired, is appreciative when presented with a treat, and jumps for joy at the arrival of a loved one. What do humans do? They often override these innate behaviors and let the mind-ego rule the day. No wonder so many people are depressed and angry. Let your heart rule! It will bring you peace and joy.
Our focus for today: To access inner peace, I look into my heart and act on its guidance.
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RELATED BOOK: Gently Down This Dream
Gently Down This Dream: Notes on My Sudden Departure
by Hugh and Gayle PratherGently Down This Dream is a book for those who are tired of striving and suffering and want to awaken to the peace and love that are within us all.
When bestselling author Hugh Prather completed this book in 2010, he gave it to his wife and writing partner, Gayle, to shape and edit. He died the next day. The book’s essays, poems, and aphorisms are bravely self-revelatory, relentlessly compassionate, and born out of a lifetime of contemplative practice and counseling work.
The Prathers’ authentic humor, comfort, and spiritual insights are perfect for the divisive times we live in, offering a way through what can often seem the prison of the self, a reliable means for navigating a world that sometimes feels out of control, and a path to love.
Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Authors
In 1970, Hugh Prather turned his diary into self-help guide called Notes to Myself, which went on to sell nearly 8 million copies worldwide. His work inspired thousands of people to become diarists and start examining their own loves.
Hugh and his wife, Gayle Prather, later cowrote a series of advice books for couples. Hugh died in 2010 at age 72.
More Books by the authors.