Image by Gordon Johnson
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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
July 26, 2023
The focus for today is:
I choose to expand my connected mind,
and turn off my judgmental one.
Today's inspiration was written by Hugh and Gayle Prather:
Increasingly, our spiritual journey is to recognize the importance of our mental state, but what is the nature of the state we seek? It has been described in countless ways. Love, acceptance, joy, stillness, charity, understanding, oneness, selflessness, and happiness are only a few. Note that all of them are forms of connection.
On a spiritual path we want our connected mind more than our judgmental mind. And we want this connected mind to expand throughout our experience until it encompasses everyone.
The state of mind we have chosen to learn can be called anything one wishes, but it must be understood as profound, complete, all-encompassing, and allowing for no exceptions.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Turning the Mind to Peace
Written by Hugh and Gayle Prather.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of choosing your connected mind, not your judgmental one (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: The judgmental mind is far too easy to slip into. I find myself doing it not just in "real life" but also when watching movies, listening to radio, podcasts, etc. Being aware and catching ourselves in this mindset requires paying attention to our thoughts and mental chatter. We can't change or control others... we can only change ourselves. Let's make a practice of choosing Connection and Love, and letting go of Judgment and Criticism.
Our focus for today: I choose to expand my connected mind, and turn off my judgmental one.
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RELATED BOOK: Gently Down This Dream
Gently Down This Dream: Notes on My Sudden Departure
by Hugh and Gayle PratherGently Down This Dream is a book for those who are tired of striving and suffering and want to awaken to the peace and love that are within us all.
When bestselling author Hugh Prather completed this book in 2010, he gave it to his wife and writing partner, Gayle, to shape and edit. He died the next day. The book’s essays, poems, and aphorisms are bravely self-revelatory, relentlessly compassionate, and born out of a lifetime of contemplative practice and counseling work.
The Prathers’ authentic humor, comfort, and spiritual insights are perfect for the divisive times we live in, offering a way through what can often seem the prison of the self, a reliable means for navigating a world that sometimes feels out of control, and a path to love.
Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Authors
In 1970, Hugh Prather turned his diary into a self-help guide called Notes to Myself, which went on to sell nearly 8 million copies worldwide. His work inspired thousands of people to become diarists and start examining their own lives.
Hugh and his wife, Gayle Prather, later cowrote a series of advice books for couples. Hugh died in 2010 at age 72.