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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

September 4, 2023

The focus for today is:

I choose to slow down and consciously remain present.

Today's inspiration was written by Brian Smith:

We are bombarded with a need to immediately react or complete tasks—sometimes consciously but more often sub­consciously. Slowing down may be the most important aspect of our journey to aid in our discovery of self.

Without slowing down, we are unable to organize thoughts and emotions and remain present. These are key to discovering your foundation and learning more about what makes you you.

As you continue on your path, slow down, and come into the present, you will find that these actions inherently cause you to focus. Use this focus to keep you on your path of discovery.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Slowing Down the Need for Immediate Gratification
     Written by Brian Smith.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of choosing to slow down (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
I find that the best way for me to slow down is to start my day slowly. Getting up a half-hour earlier, and taking that time to do some stretches and yoga positions, sets the tone for a calmer and healthier day.

Our focus for today: I choose to slow down and consciously remain present. 

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: Individual Influence

Individual Influence – Find the “I” in Team
by Brian Smith PhD and Mary Griffin

book cover of Individual Influence – Find the “I” in Team by Brian Smith PhD and Mary Griffin

Individual Influence revolutionizes the paradigm of traditional self-help books, presenting a clear, logical flow in implementing solutions to everyday challenges we face. It is a call for readers to discover who they are, and in doing so, there is a new world filled with unlimited possibilities waiting to be explored.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.
Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

photo of Brian Smith, PhDBrian Smith, PhD, is founder and senior managing partner of IA Business Advisors, a management consulting firm that has worked with more than 20,000 CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees worldwide. Together with his daughter, Mary Griffin, he has authored his latest book in the “I” in Team series, Positive Influence – Be the “I” in Team (Made for Success Publishing, April 4, 2023), which shares how to become our best self with everyone we influence.

Learn more at