With President Donald Trump’s reversal of an Obama-era executive order known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Leticia’s worst fears seem to be coming true.
I belong to a generation that has been told there is no other choice other than to be flexible in the labour market. For many of us, the idea of a long-term employment contract in a company where there is the possibility to progress belongs to another time.
The use of lethal force by police officers in Minnesota and Baton Rouge has once again sparked protests over the violent dynamic between citizens and the police
If you are the owner of a credit or a debit card, there is a non-negligible chance that you may be subject to fraud, like millions of other people around the world.
Our mobile phones can reveal a lot about ourselves: where we live and work; who our family, friends and acquaintances are; how (and even what) we communicate with them; and our personal habits.
It seems like every month brings news of another border wall going up.
Fictional metaphors matter, and in the battle to safeguard our civil liberties few metaphors matter more than George Orwell’s 1984. Although first published almost 70 years ago, the lasting salience of this most archetypal dystopia is undeniable.
Recently it was reported that a hunter who had shot an elephant was crushed when it fell over dead on top of him. A friend emailed the story to me with one word in the subject line: “Justice!”
Police officers consistently use less respectful language with black community members than with white community members, the first systematic analysis of body camera footage shows.
Harvard recently rescinded admission offers for some incoming freshmen who participated in a private Facebook group sharing offensive memes.
At least 40% of Australian households now have at least one home “Internet of Things” device. These are fridges, window blinds, locks and other devices that are connected to the internet.
How are U.S. presidents and FBI directors supposed to communicate? A new FBI director has recently been nominated, former Assistant Attorney General Christopher Wray. He will certainly be thinking carefully about this question as he awaits confirmation.
The Victorian Liberal Party recently announced that, if elected in November 2018, it would introduce mandatory minimum sentences for repeat violent offenders as part of its crackdown on crime.
Anyone who spends much time online knows the saying: “If you’re not paying, you’re the product”. That’s not exactly correct.
Think about what you shared with your friends on Facebook today. Was it feelings of “stress” or “failure”, or perhaps “joy”, “love” or “excitement”?
- By Ralph Nader
More and more conservatives and liberals, from the halls of Congress to people in communities across the country, are agreeing that the so-called “war on drugs” needs serious rethinking.
Recent reports suggest that terrorists can now create bombs so thin that they cannot be detected by the current X-ray screening that our carry-on bags undergo.
Disruptions reported in at least 74 countries, including Russia, Spain, Turkey, and Japan, with some reports of U.S. infiltration as well
What would it mean if you lost all of your personal documents, such as your family photos, research or business records?
Large-scale cyberattacks with eye-watering statistics, like the breach of a billion Yahoo accounts in 2016, grab most of the headlines.
In the U.S. today, a single immigration case takes an average of 677 days simply to get to the initial scheduling hearing.
We pay our monthly Internet bill to be able to access the Internet. We don’t pay it to give our Internet service provider (ISP) a chance to collect and sell our private data to make more money.
Recently, several states, including Nevada, have introduced bills that cite legal costs as one of the reasons for ending the death penalty.
Further, there is no credible evidence that supports the death penalty as a deterrent.