The phrase "thy will be done" in the Lord's Prayer is a statement of resignation for many, the calling down of a power to do something that may not be what we had in mind. It's as though we're saying, "Since I can't have what I want in life, I guess I'll have to settle for what God wants." And in some cases, there's a little tinge of fear there. After all, we were brought up to believe that God punishes us for our sins, and that the will of God must contain some form of suffering and sacrifice for us. No wonder so many people live in a state of apprehension, futility, and fatalism.
And there's the opposite side of the coin. We've been told to be careful what we pray for because we might get it. In other words, "My will be done." A Course In Miracles states it this way:
The very fact that the Will of God, which is what you are, is perceived as fearful, demonstrates that you are afraid of what you are. It is not, then, the Will of God of which you are afraid, but yours.... You do not ask only for what you want. This is because you are afraid you might receive it, and you would.
But now we see that there is only one will, and how could it be otherwise? The whole universe of Cosmic Being individualized its consciousness as the Selfhood of each one of us, and nothing was left out of the individualizing process. We are the will of God. "I and God are one; all that God is, I am."
This lesson helped me understand that the burning desires of my heart born of love represented the one common will pushing on my consciousness to express. God's will is peace and joy, radiant wholeness and well-being, creative success and abundant prosperity, right relations and harmony. Is that not our will, too? There is only one will.
As I was writing my interpretation of this lesson, I received the Quarterly Letter written for subscribers by my good friend, author and spiritual teacher Walter Starcke. Here is an excerpted portion from a section titled "On Demand Prayer":
There comes a time when after days of struggling to turn things over to our Higher Consciousness, after releasing all judgment, after forgiving everyone and everything involved, if the roadblock has not been removed, the time has come for us to demand that it be. If we really believe we are one with God, then always waiting on God, always being patient, always turning it over to God, as though we have no say in the matter, has to eventually come to an end. Passivity can be a form of doubt. Demand affirms oneness.
There comes a time when petitionary prayer is a denial of our claim to be One with God. Petitionary prayer always has an intimation of fear, always remains an acknowledgment of duality. At one point, petitionary payer can be like programming the computer, but to get results the computer has to be turned on by demand.
Certainly, if you are operating out of ego, and if you have not exhausted all other means, the condition has not been met for your will to be on demand. But there comes a time when you must affirm your union by demanding that a situation break, a healing take place, or clarification become present.
Love, and then, demand. Love God by affirming that God is the only power, and then demand that that power, that omnipotence, be done because of your joint partnership, because you are taking responsibility for being a co-creator with God.
Your prayer should not be "thy will be done," as though there is a question or doubt, as though something apart from yourself has to be called upon. It should be, "Thy will is done, because I affirm, because I demand it."
Let's realize the importance of the Code in this particular step. I am as Jesus. He said in John 11:41-42, just before the raising of Lazarus, "Father, I thank thee that thou has heard me. And I know that thou hearest me always. . . ." This was the recognition of the oneness of Spirit and soul, the one Mind and the single will, knowing that even before the call was made, the answer, the power, was given. Thy will is done because I call it forth. And the call here was that Lazarus be raised from the dead.
While we may not have accomplished such miracles yet, I'm sure that we can look back on our lives at those times when we spoke the word, that divine order be established or that a road block be removed. We were not asking God to do something that wasn't already being done. No, we were taking an action that caused a shift in our consciousness, which put us back into alignment with the one will.
I recall a time back in the 1970s when everything seemed to be in a tangled mess, and I sent forth the call to be freed from it. This demand broke the ego-grip, and the answer came quickly as an opportunity presented itself to move to another city and take an executive position with a new firm, which in time led to the forming of The Quartus Foundation and the writing of my first book, The Superbeings. The one will-in-action brought harmony out of chaos. "Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways." (Job 22:28 )
Jesus asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" (Mk. 10:51) In the interplay between him and the blind man, can we see the same thing happening between our consciousness and the Divine Self within? What do you will?' Decree that all blocks in consciousness be removed, and then go forth as the will of God to heal, multiply provisions, and bring everything in life up to the divine standard. Be as Jesus!
"When the light comes and you have said, 'God's will is mine,' you will see such beauty that you will know it is not of you. Out of your joy you will create beauty in His name, for your joy could no more be contained than His."'
A Spiritual Treatment
Using the Power of WillIt is my will that every obstacle to a whole and complete life be removed.
If there is a false belief in scarcity, I decree that it be dissolved now.
If there is a lie made manifest as a physical malady, let Truth replace it now.
If an error pattern exists from judging others and is outpicturing as strained relationships, I demand that it be eliminated now.
If wrong thinking has resulted in failure, it is my will that all such thoughts be corrected now.
I am ready and willing to live a rich, whole, loving, and successful life, which is my divine birthright.
God's will is mine!
Article Source:
The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price.
©2000. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Hay House Inc.
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About The Author
John Randolph Price is a visionary, lecturer, and best-selling author of more than a dozen books published in many languages. He and his wife Jan formed The Quartus Foundation, a spiritual research and communications organization based in Texas. They are the originators of "World Healing Day" — a global yearly mind-link for peace at noon Greenwich time on December 31st. For information about workshops and their bi-monthly newsletter, contact The Quartus Foundation at PO Box 1768, Boerne, TX 78006-6768 or visit their website: