For eons of time, prophets, seers, religions and Holy Books have foretold the coming of an Age when Heaven would manifest on Earth, an Age in which Humanity would develop the latent powers within and reunite with our own Divinity, an Age when transformation would occur at an atomic, cellular level, and our four lower vehicles would be changed into expressions of radiant beauty, vibrant health, eternal youth and limitless perfection.
We have contemplated this lofty vision and dreamed of such things as the rapture, resurrection, transformation and ascension. We have struggled to believe that such an awesome, supernatural phenomenon might one day occur, but I don't think we ever really thought we would be here to see it happen. As long as we held it off in the distant future, it somehow seemed like a remote possibility; but to envision such a change taking place tangibly, now in our everyday lives, seems like pure fantasy.
Now Is The Time
The truth of the matter is that transformation is going to occur on Earth, and when it does, it will happen with the assistance of all of the Lightworkers in embodiment at the time. Why not right here and right now? Why not with the assistance of you and me? Well, guess what? THIS IS IT!!! You and I have volunteered to be here on Earth at this Cosmic Moment because this is the moment of our transformation into limitless physical perfection.
This glorious event will take place, not by someone waving a wand and saying "voila", but, rather, through the normal acceleration of the physics, chemistry and biology of atomic, cellular structures in all physical matter.
The aging, disease, disintegration, and mortification we experience in our physical bodies now is a result of "the fall of man" and not part of the original Divine Plan. Originally, the plan was that we would evolve through our Earthly experience using our creative faculties of thought and feeling to learn to become masters of energy and vibration, thus becoming co-Creators with our Father-Mother God, fulfilling the Universal Law of "As above, so below."
When we began experimenting with our thoughts and feelings in ways that were contrary to God's Will, the discordant frequencies of vibration we were creating began to reflect first in our four lower bodies and then in the environment. This, gradually, resulted in breaking down the perfect patterns in the RNA-DNA messenger codes that form the RNA-DNA molecules which are the building blocks for all manifest form. This caused weak, distorted cellular structures to form, which eventually evolved into the aging, disease, deformity, decay and death we now, unfortunately, accept as a normal part of life.
Returning to Perfection
The Divine Birthright for this Planet is the manifestation of Heaven on Earth, and the first step in accomplishing that goal is healing the self-inflicted separation from our Holy Christ Self. This will be an individual and a collective accomplishment for all Humanity.
Even though we are receiving more assistance from on High than ever before in the history of time, this healing will not be the result of Divine Intervention. It will occur only through the personal, conscious, cooperative efforts of those abiding in the physical plane. Humanity created the separation from the Holy Christ Self through the abuse of free will, and Karmic Law dictates that Humanity alone can heal that separation. It is true that we, in the physical plane, are being given every conceivable tool to enhance our ability to succeed, but the ultimate responsibility is ours.
We must transform the human ego and transmute the dense negativity that is interpenetrating the cells, atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies. We must raise the vibration of the four lower bodies up out of the frequencies of decay and disintegration into the embrace and control of our Holy Christ Self once again.
Regardless of who we are or where we have come from, the Lightworkers have volunteered to accomplish this mighty feat as an example for others to follow. Through this process, we will blaze an omnipotent pathway of Light into Cosmic Christ Consciousness. We have deliberately become part of the fallen energies on Earth with the explicit goal of lifting these energies up as we return to Christ Consciousness. The Cosmic Moment for us to fulfill that mission is NOW.
What On Earth is Going On
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles.
About The Author
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles is an author, and publisher of "Take Charge of Your Life" newsletter. The above was excerpted with permission from that newsletter (January 1995 issue). Patricia can be reached at: The New Age Study of Humanity Purpose, P.O. Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717.