I realize the whole universe is at my fingertips, as is my willingness to manifest what is needed in my reality. Every experience of life is God teaching me.
As I look in this pure state of awareness, I feel the pure energy within my whole body. From the rhythm of my breathing, I feel a quiet state of attunement — one with God.
In this peace, there is no measure of time. I see flowers grow at a rate faster than one per second — or this is my understanding of time. Each one is changing — each one more beautiful than the last.
Being present in This moment, the colors of the flowers are so relevant — so developed, and so concentrated. These are so pleasing to my eyes, as well as to my soul.
A higher sense of wellness comforts my whole body. I am unable to focus or concentrate on the changing flowers which are moving so rapidly. I feel I can understand the measure of time. I realize I am at the very moment of the universe.
Now a burst of light before me, and the most magnificent, white flower of perfection appears. It projects love, peacefulness, well-being and such a wonderful feeling of Love!
As I travel through this experience, I see the universe with millions of brilliant lights becoming stars. I have the understanding that the Universe is available to us through finding the God within.
I realize this wondrous experience is truly a gift from God. A feeling of weightlessness and purity are part of my being now.
I am grateful for the spiritual force that helps me move a little higher and experience Divine Love. This is the Love that only God could give me, a Child of Light!
Recommended Book:
Energy Focused Meditation: Body Mind Spirit
by Genevieve Lewis Paulson.
About the Author
Deborah Lamb is a certified teacher and a licensed cosmetologist whose special talent is being a provider of special care cosmetology.