The path of awakening is different for everyone, and the truth is that there is no set path, as each and every one of us is unique. In the same way, no two people will require the same level of...

The Academy Awards celebrated the film version of Oppenheimer's life – it took home seven Oscars – yet it dismally failed to address his decisive role in the decision to drop the bomb on...

Ssme have attempted to adapt and innovate in this hostile landscape. Yacouba Sawadogo is one of them. In a barren field in the village of Gourga, Yacouba and his family are hard at work...

Every midsummer’s night tens of thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to celebrate and witness the rising Sun in alignment with the Heel stone standing outside of the circle.

   Organizers of Earth Day are calling for widespread climate education as a critical step in the fight against climate change. A new report highlights the impact of climate...

 The global food system produces enough food for everyone, yet, in 2023, 333 million people worldwide were food insecure and 783 million were chronically hungry.

Today is Earth Day, but it’s one of the most confused and misguided celebratory days of the year. The UN refers to this day as the “International Mother Earth Day,” but what is it we’re supposed...

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Denise Linn
Have you ever walked into an empty room and immediately sensed that the atmosphere was laced with tension? You may have had no idea what occurred there prior to your arrival, yet you somehow knew that...
As a child, I was afraid of so many things. I was terrified during my parents' violent arguments. I was afraid of my mother's rage and my father's simmering undercurrents. My childhood was defined by...
When people lived in small communities and villages, they often felt a sense of connection to the past. There was incredible strength to be derived from living in a world where one didn't feel alone....
We are all getting older every day. One day you and I will both be old, if it is our destiny to live that long. It is our choice whether we live in fear and act according to other people's expectation...
Each fear is like a small subpersonality inside of you demanding to be heard. One 'fear-being' might chatter, 'Don't go outside. It's raining. You'll catch a cold.' Another might be constantly whimper...
Your home can be your greatest ally in helping you to achieve your potential. This is true because your home is not only a reflection of you, but in its deepest sense, it also has the power to mold yo...