Dear One,
Once upon a time there was this young person who had such great hopes for an exciting life filled with adventures and love. She just knew that life was going to be exciting. She always had a smile on her face and a song in her heart. She had many friends who loved her positive, cheerful attitude towards life.
Then as we all know, stuff happens and she lost her sunny disposition. Her dreams started to fade. Her love of life was lost.
Good things would start to happen – looking promising – maybe this was a great job, the great guy, the great place to live. Then the other shoe would drop. .. the job was not what it started out being, the guy’s old girlfriend re-appeared, and the great place to live had noisy, nosey neighbors.
Going From Up to Down
She began to feel defeated and lonely. The smile faded. The positive attitude turned into a negative way of looking at life. She read self help books, self improvement books, inspirational books and spiritual books. She read them but did not take action. She thought just reading them would bring her back to a place of joy and peace -- a place where she would have a smile on her face and a song in her heart again.
Then one day she heard a voice inside her. It was as if someone was whispering a message to her that no one else could hear.
We are here for you. We love you. We know your frustrations and despair. Trust that all can be better in an instant if you open your mind and heart to our help.
Listening to the Voice
Her life was turned right side up. She took the message to heart. She took time to get quiet every morning and wrote down what she heard. But not only did she write down what she heard from her inner voice of Wisdom, she chose to act on what she heard.
She healed a family relationship when she heard to call someone and made the call. She found a job that she loved when she heard to call someone else and made the call. She knew she was receiving Guidance and she didn’t ignore it. She acted on it.
The Guidance she was hearing was a gift and she was open to accepting these gifts. She now is enjoying life again with a smile on her face and a song in her heart and always looking forward to receiving more Guidance.
Do you follow your Guidance?
This article is written by the author of a soon to be published book:
All Is Well
by Shari Rathman.
For inquiries concerning the book, contact the author at
Manifesting Michelangelo: The True Story of a Modern-Day Miracle--That May Make All Change Possible
by Joseph Pierce Farrell.
Heralding a message of unlimited possibilities, Manifesting Michelangelo presents a compelling body of evidence that supports what science is now beginning to embrace — that we all possess the capacity to manifest on the level of the miraculous. It asks us to believe — based not on faith alone, but on documented evidence — that we as a species have the capacity to literally manifest the change in the world that our conscience decrees and our hearts desire.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Shari Rathman is originally from Wisconsin and has lived in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee, Portland (Oregon), San Francisco, and South Florida. She was an Illinois State Scholar and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University. She has also studied acupuncture and reflexology. Shari began to receive All is Well inspirational messages after she became frustrated with some major issues in her life. When she received or heard these messages, she wrote them down word for word, read them and then kept them as they brought her comfort and peace. Some were written in spiral notebooks and others even on napkins or fast food take-out bags. She saved them all and has been guided to publish some of these messages in a book so that others may benefit as well. She is currently working on a second book, titled "Believe in Guidance".