This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

  Dopamine: brain chemical helps us understand other people – raising hopes for new treatments

No, you’re not imagining it. People really are more likely to poo in the morning, shortly after breakfast. Researchers have actually studied this.

The Lakota Sioux leader Crazy Horse supposedly uttered the phrase: “It’s a good day to die” as he headed into battle. But that sentiment has been expanded to describe readiness, living without...

I don’t believe I have regrets. But don’t we all regret something? At least one thing? Sure, there is that artistic life I missed, the dangerous and the reclusive. But what if I had embraced that...

The summer solstice marks the official start of summer. It brings the longest day and shortest night of the year for the 88% of Earth’s people who live in the Northern Hemisphere.

Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America

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