We are all creative. Our lives are a work of art and we are creating with each new breath we take. And as you probably know, we form our personal reality through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
- By Wendy Stokes
When we look into any spiritual path, we notice that silence is an imperative part of contact with the divine. However, our busy and technological life causes us to be overloaded by man-made noise, such as traffic, alarms, piped music and trivial, attention seeking conversations on mobile telephones. Even in the countryside, we...
My visit with a palm reader helped me change a lifelong pattern of indecisiveness and a belief that I would have to choose between a career and family. Holding my left hand she explained that my inner, emotional side was communicating to me to slow down and enjoy life. My right hand was communicating a different...
- By Alan Cohen
In the charming French resort town of Nice, an American woman named Joan was shopping in the open-air market one morning when she saw a man who resembled the renowned artist Pablo Picasso. With trepidation Joan approached the man and asked him, "Excuse me, but aren’t you Pablo Picasso?"
We've all been brainwashed! We were all taught the work ethic! "Work (and suffer) till you die, or if you're lucky retire. We don't have time to waste on frivolities. We have responsibilities to fulfill. We have to be serious, work hard..." I choose to change that programming in my life...
Psychic protection is the ability to create a safe place within and around yourself, so you can freely be yourself. It is a shield you create to deflect the negative or unwanted thoughts and energy of others and to prevent you from losing your energy...
- By Starbuilders
If a tree fell in the woods and someone was there to yell TIMBER, there is no doubt that the tree would make a noise, and when it hit the ground, someone would be there to hear it. But how about the classic question that asks, "If a tree fell in the woods and NOBODY was around to hear it, would it make a sound?"
- By M. J. Abadie
Over time, the Tarot cards have had their ups and downs, falling from popular interest only to be once more resurrected by those in search of the deeper meanings behind their complex symbolism. As the saying goes, "Truth will always out." The Tarot has experienced a resurgence in the past two decades.
When people realize my specialty is handwriting analysis, the inevitable question is, "What can you tell me about myself?" The answer is everything! Everything your subconscious is silently saying can be seen quite clearly! Handwriting is as revealing as a three-dimensional portrait, a hologram of body, mind, and spirit.
- By Patty Sachs
by Patty Sachs. As the holidays approach and calendars fill with socializing commitments, that all-too-familiar feeling of stress may appear in our lives. The accelerated social "whirl" can be loaded with stress for both the guests and hosts. However...
Many people are willing and even longing to believe in the existence of fairies. But, to most of us, they stand as a lost illusion. Not so with everyone, for I, amongst others, have seen all kinds of fairies for as long as I can remember, and I still see them daily.
Just because we've had a little wake up call is no cause for alarm. And if we're gonna be woken up, we may as well wake up laughing. Because laughter is a tried-and-tested emerge n' see treatment that helps us emerge from the darkness and see the light.
I come to you tonight to declare that I am not a serious candidate for President, and that is precisely why I am asking for your support. We have had too much seriousness, and now we?re in serious trouble. Seriously. Seriousness is the prime cause of terrorism ...
- By Alan Harris
by Alan Harris. My bones are weary as I drive home from the office. I am a casualty of the business world, that whirlwind of meaningless activity leading toward a grand total of zero on the famous bottom line. No, I won't go back to my meaningless suburb. I will just walk. I will beg. I will have nothing and want nothing. Non-attachment is the time-honored way to happiness, as proven time and again in the East.
The insightful and comedic Swami answers questions on life, hard-to -get-along-with bosses, and the state of knowing and unknowing
Early this year, my inner voice told me loudly and clearly to campaign for President. My inner voice, like my outer voice, speaks with a slight East Indian accent, and so is sometimes difficult to understand. When I recently replayed my inner messages, I realized the message was, 'we need a new precedent.'
by Cailean Darkwater. I'm normally very cautious, but sometimes I get the impulse to do something REALLY reckless. I think everybody has a very contrary element in their nature, a counter to the everyday. It all started when I was walking through the hills...
by Cailean Darkwater. I'm normally very cautious, but sometimes I get the impulse to do something REALLY reckless. I think everybody has a very contrary element in their nature, a counter to the everyday. It all started when I was walking through the hills...
- By Dan Menkin
by Dan Menkin. Research Journal, October 27, 2037. Before I go any further in this experiment, I must write down at least a brief history of my research to date. Then, if anything should go wrong...
Legend Of Wealth Part Two Bob Mandel After explaining what happened, the children took their parents to the Valley of the Sleeping Giant. As they neared the place where the Giant slept, they realized that He was gone. They searched everywhere, but there was no sign of the good Giant. - INNERSELF MAGAZINE - Creating new attitudes for the new millennium
A short synopsis of all the newest full-length articles at InnerSelf.com with a direct link to each article. Topics range from personal growth, health, astrology, relationships, sexuality, holistic politics, and more.
But Seriously, Folks -- what if we practiced what they preached and made the golden rule the golden ruler? Every year I do my State of the Universe Address, and every year it's pretty much the same thing. The Universe is doing fine, thank you. The state of the Universe ... is sublime. The state of our world ... is sub-lemon. Indeed, for...