Operating a successful business requires by definition that all procedures in the workplace demonstrate an efficiency of the very highest order. Your employees must consistently identify and successfully satisfy the emotional needs of your clientele. They have an obligation not only to acquire a thorough knowledge of their product or services, but to provide for the patron a model for developing personal power and leadership. Furthermore, these traits must be immediately apparent through exemplary personal dress, hygiene, and positive body language in the absence of verbal communication.
Business Success Is Dependent On Positive Energy
This, in turn, must be complimented by physical surroundings that promote positive energy in a relaxed atmosphere. By focusing on a business plan with such universal appeal, you create in one step an operation that virtually guarantees success regardless of location.
We have all, on rare occasions, visited that exceptional restaurant, store, or recreational establishment that somehow magically shifted consciousness from our life journey and focused it on the present moment. It were as if we had entered a new dimension separate, apart, and different from the world we knew before.
Disney had that kind of energy and the result was the Magic Kingdom, a place where young and old alike are transported into a fantasy world of the imagination. Epcot Center takes us into the future of the potential of humankind.
In both of these theme parks, we are stricken by the lack of refuse on the streets, flowers are in bloom everywhere, and shrubs are trimmed to represent the form of cartoon characters. Beneath the Magic Kingdom lies an underground city where employees are trained to present a positive image at all times to the patrons.
This approach is by no means unique. The creation of positive energy is simply a matter of a business plan which eliminates entropy. Murphy's law does not apply in situations where total quality control is continuously utilized and updated by employee participation. Here we are looking at process rather than the end product.
Neuro Linguistic programming teaches us that modeling successful businesses eliminates many of the mistakes inherent in creating an operational business plan from scratch. By observing the procedures utilized by other successful enterprises in your field, and combining the best of what is already proven, you begin with a strong power base which, after modification to fit your business, can be broken down into operational segments or categories.
The Key To Business Success: Personal Integrity
A major factor to success in the business world is the character and personal integrity your employees project to your clientele. The key to developing and maintaining high standards of employee performance is the monthly business meeting between management and staff. Optimally, these meetings occur at a location outside the business, attendance is mandatory by all members of both staff and management, and participants receive two meals and a full day's salary. During the morning session, status or operational reports are given by each supervisor covering areas of concern, suggestions for improvement, and areas where progress has taken place.
The reports are followed by a general discussion of overall business performance for the month after which lunch is served. Afternoon activities center on character building and self-improvement activities which may involve outside speakers, films, audio cassette programs, or workshops designed to promote personal integrity and employee cooperation. The business meeting is a special day that has been set aside to take time out. It should be a weekday, and the business should be closed. The results of this employee development activity virtually guarantees profits far above those of comparable firms that do not follow a similar business plan of action. By taking a personal interest in the character and integrity of your employees, you generate a desire for self improvement in your staff which will provide benefits to them far above and beyond the salary they earn.
Success In Business Is A Reflection of Its Owner/Manager
As manager of your own business you are literally the person on the white horse, the leader, the key to progress and growth in your firm. You are the model for success for both your employees and your clients. You must demonstrate by both action and deed, leadership, character, and personal integrity in both your personal and professional arenas. You must radiate from your being a personal positive energy which affects all those with whom you come in contact. Your every move and gesture must be consistent with success. To do these things requires constant programming of the subconscious mind with a positive mental diet.
Successful business managers make it a point to communicate with other people in their field that are themselves successful. They attend both regional and national conventions, or business meetings in their field. They discuss matters of personal health only with their doctors, and discourage petty gossip among their employees by refusing to listen to negative comments about any person in their absence. They are in tune with nature, and happy in their work. Your business then is an extension of your character and personality. You are the blueprint for your own success. Your yearly business profits are a direct reflection of the quality of service you provide for your employees and, in turn, they provide for your clientele.
About The Author
William Trantham is an author, a teacher of marine biology and psychology, and has a television show featuring human capabilities in Monroe County. Bill can be reached at: Florida Keys Community College, 5901 West College Rd. Key West, FL 33040. (305-296-9081)