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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.  Image by Myriams-Fotos

Marie T. Russell's Daily Inspiration

The focus for today is:  I give myself permission to change easily and happily. 

Once you begin to accept change, you can do numerous things to help keep you on the path of change. You might want to start singing any of a series of songs (or make up your own) which affirm that every little thing is gonna be alright! Or you could remind yourself on a daily basis that you are willing to change and to create a better life for yourself. Or that things are better than they seem.

You can use such affirmations as: I am safe. All change in my life is for the good. I welcome change and give myself permission to change easily and happily. Change equals growth. All is well.

If you do that, you won't get caught up in fear in the midst of change... or at least, you'll be able to see the fear for what it is... just an illusion, a projection, a thought.

Inspired from the InnerSelf.com article:

Change Is Inevitable So Don't Freak Out!
Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

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About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com. Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on InnerSelf.com