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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 5, 2024

The focus for today is:

I express gratitude to my past self
for something it did that I am now grateful for.

Today's inspiration was written by Alisson Clark:

Gratitude is what psychologists call a self-transcendent emotion, one that lifts us out of the everyday and expands our perspective. 
Unlike gratitude toward others, being appreciative of ourselves carries an added benefit of truly understanding who we are and feeling connected to ourselves.

 Think back to something your past self did that you are grateful for now. Maybe they made a difficult decision, broke off a relationship, stuck through hard times. Expressing gratitude to your past self can improve your self-perception. 

“Despite the fact that past gratitude is self-focused, it reminds people that they’re part of a bigger story and that they have the power to grow,” says Matt Baldwin, psychology professor at the University of Florida. 

Today's inspiration was adapted from the InnerSelf.com article:
     Why You Should Thank Your Past Self
     Written by Alisson Clark, University of Florida.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of feeling gratitude for your past self (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
We may lean towards self-criticism when we think of our past. We could have done, should have, might have, didn't do, something differently. However these self-judgments and criticisms if repeated over and over, serve no purpose other than to keep us small and feeling guilty and unworthy. We need to learn from our mistakes, yes. But dwelling on them is counterproductive. Instead let's search our memory banks for things we did that we are now grateful for. This will help boost our self-esteem and empower us in making future decisions that we will also be grateful for further down the road. 

Our focus for today: I express gratitude to my past self for something it did that I am now grateful for.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: Soul Searching

Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
by Bill Philipps

book cover: Soul Searching by Bill PhilippsReclaiming our destiny and moving forward requires finding our higher self — the innocent, virtuous, vulnerable child within us. Our spirit self is always in contact with that child, who wants us to be more imaginative, intuitive, honest, and open to receiving love, no matter what indoctrinations and toxic environments we have experienced. In Soul Searching, psychic medium Bill Philipps shows how to reconnect to that spiritual nature we had as children and why those gifts we entered this life with are important.

Using beautifully written stories and practical suggestions, Bill helps us access and build upon our innate skills of intuition, trust, forgiveness, and gratitude. 

Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available in a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.