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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
March 14, 2024
The focus for today is:
Engaging in self-care practices helps me to maintain a sense of balance.
Today's inspiration was written by Karen Magruder:
In a world facing environmental challenges unprecedented in human history, it’s no surprise that eco-anxiety – a pervasive worry about the current and future state of our planet – has become an increasingly prevalent mental health issue.
Self-care is paramount when it comes to managing the emotional toll of eco-anxiety. Engaging in self-care practices, such as getting adequate sleep, eating healthy and having fun, helps us maintain a sense of balance in the face of overwhelming environmental concerns.
Remember what they teach you on airplanes – you should always put on your own oxygen mask before helping other passengers. Likewise, when we come from a place of wellness, we are better equipped to handle the stresses of eco-anxiety and make a difference in this area.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Embracing Nature: Simple Solutions for Eco-Anxiety
Written by Karen Magruder.
Read the complete article here.
About the Author: Karen Magruder, Assistant Professor of Practice in Social Work, University of Texas at Arlington
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of maintaining a sense of balance (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: Life's events and our fears of the future can really cause us to lose our center. Our mind wanders here and there with worst-case scenarios, or even just with stressful possibilities. When we take the time to nurture ourselves, we become more grounded and less apt to let life throw us around in confusion. Healthy food, positive thoughts, good companionship, all contribute to a life of inner peace, joy, and balance.
Our focus for today: Engaging in self-care practices helps me to maintain a sense of balance.
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RELATED BOOK: Radical Regeneration
Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World
by Andrew Harvey and Carolyn BakerWhat is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty. Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path of submitting bravely to the alchemy of being transfigured by a global dark night event that shatters all illusions but reveals the greatest imaginable possibility being born out of the greatest imaginable disaster.
If humanity chooses the second path, which is what is being celebrated in this book, then it will have trained itself in the new radical unity necessary to weather even worse crises.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here (new 2022 updated and expanded edition). Also available as a Kindle edition.