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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
July 3, 2023
The focus for today is:
I seek out new experiences, new perceptions, and new adventures.
Today's inspiration was written by Karen Pine & Ben [C] Fletcher:
We know that if left to its own devices the brain would have you behave in the ways you have always done. It slips into addiction too readily. But sometimes we have to distract it from its usual ways. And you never know, you might spot new solutions to problems that haven't appeared on your mental radar before.
There's nothing better for the brain than to bombard it with things it has never encountered before. New sights, new sounds, new smells, new actions and new perceptions. Because it's only when the brain is confronted with things it has never come across before that it begins to reorganize itself. Potentially, to lay down new pathways. Ones that supplant the old ones.
Sometimes it's good for us to do what doesn't come naturally. How many exciting, daring or unusual adventures have you had in the past year? How many will you have in the year to come? The solution is to seek out environments in which you have no experience. When did you last do that?
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Do Something Different: How to Break Habits and Routines
Written by Karen Pine & Ben [C] Fletcher.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of seeking out new experiences, new perceptions, and new adventures (today and every day).
Comment from Marie: Today's inspiration made me think of this quote: “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” And the same goes for us. Are we on earth to play it safe? I would think that we are here to experience life in its many shapes and forms. And,as you stretch your comfort zones to try new things that may challenge you, affirm "I am safe!" This helps keep the stress and fear at bay. Go for it! Live, love and laugh.
Our focus for today: I seek out new experiences, new perceptions, and new adventures.
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RELATED BOOK: Love Not Smoking
Love Not Smoking: Do Something Different
by Karen Pine and Ben Fletcher.
Love Not Smoking uses scientifically proven psychological techniques to train your brain to anticipate different rewards; swap old habits for new, revitalizing ones; and learn new ways to relieve stress and get more pleasure out of your days. Giving up smoking doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Forget willpower and withdrawal — the six-week LOVE NOT SMOKING program will help you quit for good and also give you the tools for reclaiming your passion for life.
Click Here For More Info or to Order This Book.
About the Authors
Karen Pine and Ben Fletcher are both professors of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and are renowned experts on behavior modification. Their Do Something Different technique has had huge success in helping people lose weight, tackle stress, and improve health and well-being.
Visit, where you can join Karen and Ben’s Facebook group for support, advice, and ideas. And when you’re out and about, the Love Not Smoking app will give you instant inspiration, methods to fight off cravings, and even something to occupy your twitchy fingers!