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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
June 19, 2023
The focus for today is:
I choose to let go of trying to control everything.
Today's inspiration was written by Pamela Jo McQuade:
For years, I was most definitely what you might term a "controller." The controlling made me feel safe. I finally realized the harder I tried to control every aspect of my life, the worse it was becoming. Living certainly wasn't bringing me joy, happiness, peace or prosperity. This is when I made a resolution to let go and let God.
Since that day, my life has had some dramatic leaps and bounds up the ladder of spiritual success. I now see my job as one in which I am to rise and shine each and every day. I am to awaken each morning with love in my heart, shine my light, and place my faith in the understanding that the Heavens have it covered.
Yes, it would have been nice to figure this out twenty years ago, but all is meant to be in its own time. It took me awhile to get here, but my success and joy has been very sweet and definitely worth the work — and the wait.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
How to Recognize the Messages All Around You and Learn to Read the Signs
Written by Pamela Jo McQuade.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of letting go of trying to control life (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: Trying to control everything is stressful, and can also be unproductive. We can't control life, and we can't control others. However when we choose to live from the heart, we find that we don't have to control anything because when we live from the heart, everything flows into place.
Our focus for today: I choose to let go of trying to control everything.
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RELATED BOOK: Spiritually Rich and Sexy
Spiritually Rich and Sexy: A Woman's Guide to Becoming Infinitely Attractive
by Pamela Jo McQuade.
Are you enchanted with the beauty of your life--the beauty of you? Or like many women, do you think you need to be thinner, look younger, drive a luxury car, or attain a lofty position on the corporate ladder to be happy and complete? This book, which is dedicated to the heart and soul of every woman, lights your way, step by step, to the spiritual understanding that beauty, abundance, love, joy and freedom are our birthrights.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Pamela Jo McQuade lived a shell-shocked existence, moving from experience to experience in a state of struggle and adversity. She was living in a destructive relationship, was a banker in the midst of financial devastation, and was entrenched in a battle of empowerment versus unworthiness. She quit her long held corporate career and spent half a decade following the call of her heart and soul. Pamela is now a Reiki Master, a student of A Course in Light, extensively trained in Holographic Healing techniques, and a Reverend with the Universal Life Church. She is a dynamic, soulful speaker and a sought after expert in helping others raise their consciousness, cleanse and heal their body and fill their heart with love.