,man and woman in the ocean with hands up in the air in joy
Image by Barbara Iandolo 

Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

Watch the video version on YouTube.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

April 26, 2023

The focus for today is:

With daily practice, I can improve my level of happiness.

What makes you happy? Maybe it’s getting up early to see the sunrise, hanging out with family and friends on a weekend, or going for a dip in the sea. 

We know that happy people tend to have strong relationships, good physical health and contribute regularly to their communities. 

There’ll be times we manage to engage with happiness habits and feel positive. Then there’ll be occasions when life throws a curve ball and our happiness is affected. But the good news is that we can all improve our levels of happiness with daily practice.

Today's inspiration was excerpted from the InnerSelf.com article:
    4 Habits of Happy People
     Written by Lowri Dowthwaite-Walsh.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of practicing at improving your level of happiness (today and every day)

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

The focus for today: With daily practice, I can improve my level of happiness.

* * * * *


A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World
by Lawrence Doochin

A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World by Lawrence DoochinEven if everyone around us is in fear, this doesn't have to be our personal experience. We are meant to live in joy, not in fear. By taking us on a treetop journey through quantum physics, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and more, A Book On Fear gives us tools and awareness to see where our fear comes from. When we see how our belief systems were created, how they limit us, and what we have become attached to that creates fear, we will come to know ourselves at a deeper level. Then we can make different choices to transform our fears. The end of each chapter includes a suggested simple exercise that can be done quickly but that will shift the reader into an immediate higher state of awareness about that chapter’s topic.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.