Any changes we want to have take place in our lives we need to do ourselves.
Do we want to be in control of it all, or do we want to enjoy it instead? After all, we can't enjoy what we are anxiously trying to control.
As we learn to accept ourselves with our mistakes, we relax. Relaxing is important on the spiritual path.
If you've ever daydreamed or "spaced out" in line at the grocery store checkout counter, you can meditate.
"Overload syndrome" is a temporary anxiety and depression state that results from becoming overburdened with too many work, household, volunteer, or social obligations...
Once you learn to use money rightly, you will find gains on many levels. Your abundance, energy, joy — all will expand.
Shakespeare declared, "Self-loving is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting."
We must reprogram ourselves with deservability: "I am worthy!" "I deserve the best." "I deserve love."
Sometimes it just takes a change of attitude to make your current job more fulfilling. Listen to your heart.
Eastern wisdom traditions teach that because our thoughts, feelings, and desires are constantly changing, we will never achieve enduring happiness or peace of mind through objects, relationships, or anything outside ourselves.
Occasional temporary feelings of sadness are a natural part of life. However if you frequently feel this way, or if the feelings are excessive, you may be suffering from depression.
We've been told to "be in the present" and to "live in the now". But actually, we are always living in the present, there is no other option really.
The person who is not a victim may have lost battles in the past, but realizes that life is a step-by-step process. Though he or she may not have liked the experience of losing, this individual has learned what could be learned from it.
Albert Einstein said it best: "There are only two ways to live your life: As if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle."
The purpose of communication is for both people to benefit: the one who gives feels fulfilled in the giving, and the one who receives feels fulfilled in receiving.
A Kenyan saying goes that we should treat the Earth well; it is not a gift from our parents but a loan from our children.
If a person gets mad at you for no reason and starts offending you, then say to yourself mentally, if not directly to the person -- "I do not accept your anger, rage, or hostility."
Everyday the sun rises is a new day full of possibilities. We do not have to approach today in the same way as we approached yesterday.
As you begin to seek inner faith and come to trust yourself and your abilities, you must first cross a small bridge. We call this the "bridge of forgiveness".
More than anything else, what we want of life is escape from pain, and the attainment of joy.
If we believe that we have no choices and that we are powerless in life, we will live life from a victim point of view.
What we do is based on what we wish to attain, or our needs. Some people feel a great need for money, but is it really money they yearn for?
While the common saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it", Wayne Dyer told us "You'll see it when you believe it". We must first "see" and believe in what we wish to create before it can be in our lives.