It's taken 60 years for the agency to reveal its (long assumed) role in the historic overthrow

It’s no secret that the 1953 coup in Iran, which saw the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, was U.S.- and U.K.-backed. Indeed, the U.S.’s involvement in the historically popular prime minister’s demise was a rallying point for anti-American sentiment during the 1979 revolution.

However, it is only now, 60 years after the fact, that the CIA has openly admitted it was behind the coup. “Why the CIA finally chose to own up to its role is as unclear as some of the reasons it has held onto this information for so long. CIA and British operatives have written books and articles on the operation,” noted Foreign Policy, commenting on an intelligence document that has only been partially released until now. “One can only hope it leads to similar decisions to open up the historical record on topics that still matter today,” FP added.