The biblical character who goes ‘down the rabbit hole’ into an alternate reality − just like Alice in Wonderland.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

In Zen practice we do not treat our teachers like gurus to be worshipped but tend to treat them like wise aunts and uncles who’ve been scouting the trail ahead of us, perhaps made similar...

TikTok users claim freezing bread can make it healthier – here’s what the science actually says

Think you’ll never retire? Here are four things young people can do to prepare

New studies suggest millions with mild cognitive impairment go undiagnosed, often until it’s too late

New ‘cold war’ grows ever warmer as the prospect of a nuclear arms race hots up. So how did we get here?

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Sophie Rose
Many of us would like to have a peaceful ride, enjoy the present moment, yet we can’t help but make future plans so we feel secure, or we spend time digging on past hurts. But... the true experience o...
In this age of technology and materialism, when many wonder what tomorrow will bring, the resurgence of spirituality is a normal phenomenon. For centuries, people have turned to religions or other bel...
Have you noticed that many children’s tales end with a victory of the heart? The hero, after following a tortuous path of struggles, dreams and hopes, always manages to fulfill their heart’s desire, w...