Imagine the presence of a great warmth that feels utterly nurturing, good, and peaceful.
See it as the most beautiful color or colors that you can imagine.
If it is multicolored, notice its design.
Feel it as having the texture or sensation of something incredibly soft, like a favorite blanket or article of clothing, the skin of a baby, or the fur of an animal.
Imagine that you can smell this presence.
Perhaps it is like lilacs, a forest after it has rained, or cookies baking.
You are utterly surrounded by the color, softness, and scent of this presence.
It permeates every cell of your body, enlivening it.
It is healing everything that is not well in your body.
It is causing every muscle to release old, static energies.
The energies of your body are now flowing beautifully.
This presence is calming your mind.
The "bumps" are being smoothed as if by a gentle breeze blowing over them.
You know that there is an answer to every question troubling you and that you are capable of knowing it.
Feel your mind unwind, becoming still.
This presence is filling your emotions with balance and richness.
Every troubled feeling is embraced in this presence and made whole.
This presence now pervades your entire spirit.
Everything that moves out from you and comes in to you is full of the lovely color, softness, and scent of this presence.
Something deep inside of you breathes a deep sigh of relief.
You are home again.
This presence is you.
This meditation is excerpted from:
Meditations for Self-Discovery
by Shepherd Hoodwin.
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About The Author
Shepherd Hoodwin is an intuitive, workshop leader, and teacher. He also does past-life therapy, counseling, and channeling coaching (teaching others to channel). He is the author of: "The Journey of Your Soul -- A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings", "Meditations for Self-Discovery -- Guided Journeys for Communicating with Your Inner Self", and "Loving from Your Soul -- Creating Powerful Relationships". His next book is "Opening to Healing Energy". He is also working on a collection of new age humor. Shepherd can be contacted at