The time has come for you to realize that you are always in safety. There is safety in physical form, and safety in non-physical form. The reason why you fear such things is that you do not yet believe that you are the creator of your own experience. As we have said many, many times before, that which you turn your attention to is that which you draw unto yourself, it is law, it cannot be any other way. The Universal Law of Resonance says all those things that are like unto themselves are drawn together. Therefore, put your thoughts on disaster and feelings of being unsafe, then that is exactly what you will get.
Two people living in the same apartment block can live two different realities. Of course, you fear for your family, even your own physical life, because you know that natural disasters are real and your experience tells you that they do indeed happen. But if I were say to you that natural disasters are created by humanity, not by the Earth moving, or the winds blowing, or the sun shining so much that the earth dries up? Inasmuch as humanity creates war, you also create disaster, collectively.
What Mass Consciousness Can Create
The predictions of thousands of years ago, or even a few hundred years ago, are snapshots of what mass consciousness was in the process of creating at that time. However, in recent years, owing to the work of light workers and all those who seek to live life fully as their truer, greater self, or soul self as you may call it, the might of change has been lessened. However, it seems that there is sufficient residue of mental fear to create some shifts that will be uncomfortable in some places.
Beloved ones, you create your own reality. Your fears are exactly that, fears. They are not true, but will become true if that is what your sole attention is upon. You must realize that all subjects have polarity, the having of something, and the not having of something. So, there is safety and there is not safety, physical life and no physical life, money, no money, health, no health. Each time you give thought and attention to something, you are in the mode of creating, I repeat each time you give thought and attention to something, you are in the mode of creating. Each time you give thought and attention to something, you are in the mode of creating! You are creating whether or not you are having positive thoughts about it! Think of disasters and lack of safety, then that is what you will get, it cannot be any other way, it is the law of the Universe.
Beloved ones, pay therefore attention to that which you desire to see in your reality and pay not attention to that which you do not want. For all thought is creative and those thoughts which are supported by emotion, be the emotions positive or negative, will be created even sooner, for emotion is energy in motion, e-motion. It is your emotions that will tell you if you are putting your attention on something that supports you or not. So when you feel fear about something then it is a sign from your soul that you are putting your attention on something that is not supporting who you truly are! So cease at once!
Facing Reality? or Changing Reality?
I hear a voice say "But we must face reality". I say in response to thee: No, facing reality is the last thing you need to do beloved child. Facing reality is at the heart of your problem, for you are facing the collective reality, or someone else's reality. You are denying that you are God in your reality and that you are the source of all that is in your world. Do not face reality, but change it!.
It is law, beloved ones, that which you put your energy and thought into will manifest. It may be so that Earth changes will come to your area, or not. However, through focusing on what you want, and not on what you do not want, you will have the experience that reflects who you are. That may mean that you will be elsewhere during such events, or be called by your company to move city or region, or your participation in such events through experience and co-creating will bring you valuable lessons that you may not otherwise have learnt elsewhere.
Remember this beloved ones, you are always protected, always loved and always safe. You cannot die, for there is no death. Your children, parents and grandparents cannot die either, for there is no death. Physical death is but a transformation. You create your own reality, create that which is pleasing to you, not that which is not. Focus not on what you are not wanting, for that is creating too, focus only on what you wish to experience in your world. Be at peace.
Recommended Book:
Omni Reveals The Four Principles of Creation
by John L. Payne.
About The Author
Author, workshop leader, trainer, energy healer and intuitive. His books, The Language of the Soul, The Healing of Individuals, Families and Nations and The Presence of the Soul have been translated into several languages including Spanish, Turkish, Italian and French. John offers counseling sessions using his talents as an intuitive, energy healer, and offers Family Constellations sessions (trans-generational healing). Visit his website at