While pointing to clouds streaking across the sky, Gramma said, "See those clouds up there?" "You mean the ones that look like straight rows of marshmallow fluff?" I asked. "Yes, I see them. There are strings of them going off into a point just past where we can see." "That's right," Gramma said. "Those are the angels flying home. Someday, when you are in great need, you will look to the sky, and you will see the Angels there to give you comfort"
At age seven, I believed my grandmother was the most fascinating person in the world. She seemed to have a special connection with God and with everything in life. Gramma had a unique system of beliefs deeply rooted in the Catholic religion and Celtic wisdom. She taught me that it is our relationship with God that is significant.
Fun With Gramma
The time spent with Gramma was the happiest in my life. There was always something to do. We would play cards, and then give each other card readings. When we drank tea, we would read the tea leaves. If the readings showed us something we did not like, Gramma would say, "Have another cup of tea. It will make you feel better!"
When we went walking, Gramma would give me tips about the weather by watching the animals. (It was said that her mother could forecast the weather by listening to the train whistle). So, I was given a great gift by my seventy-two year old grandmother — the ability to see meaning beyond the surface of ordinary reality.
Although Gramma did not wish to continue on the earth plane much longer, she lived another twenty years. I feel that part of the reason for this was her belief that her grandchildren needed to be looked after. Curiously, my study of metaphysics did not really begin in earnest until the day of my Grandmother's death, when I became convinced that life did, in fact, continue after "death".
The last words Gramma ever wrote were for my 27th birthday. "To my darling Susan, on her birthday and the last day of summer. Much love, Gram. xxxooo." Later that day, she fell down and was taken to the hospital. Ten days later, my father called early in the morning and told me that my beloved grandmother had passed that night.
Message From Gramma
After I hung up with Dad, the phone rang again...it was my older sister, Kerry. She told me that she had known Gramma was dying the day before, when she looked out her kitchen window and saw the blackbirds come into the tree in her back yard. My sister said she cried then and emotionally released my grandmother. I told Kerry that I had slept soundly through the night, could not remember dreaming, and was surprised that Gramma would pass over without giving me some sign.
At that moment, a strange sound came from another room in my apartment. I told my sister to hold on while I went to see what the commotion was. When I entered the room, I saw that my hair dryer had turned on all by itself. In my heart, I knew that Gramma was somehow contacting me, letting me know that she was all right, and giving me the spiritual manifestation that I needed to be comforted.
After the phone calls, in the early morning silence, I poured myself a cup of coffee and went out on the balcony to watch the sunrise. It was then that I saw them! Streaking across the sky were the Angels, soaring into the sunrise, taking my grandmother with them.
What They Saw at the Hour of Death: A New Look at Evidence for Life After Death
by Karlis Osis.
About The Author
Susan Connors was taught by her grandmother in early childhood to believe in the power of mind and spirit. It was then that she learned to read cards and develop her visionary abilities. Her studies have included theology, world religions, hypnosis, astrology, numerology, healing, and other metaphysical sciences. Susan can be reached at the Kenley Metaphysical Center, 1820 N University Drive, Plantation, Florida.