Navel gazing: checking your belly button can tell you a lot about your health

Nostalgia hasn’t always been a tool for manipulating our emotions – it was once a medical condition

Spiritual awakening is lopsided, if it doesn’t lead to engaging and taking action in the world. But, sometimes we think that the only way to make a difference is by doing something grand, and then...

 Have you ever said “I hate you” to someone? What about using the “h-word” in casual conversation, like “I hate broccoli”? What are you really feeling when you say that you hate something or...

What causes the different colours of the aurora? An expert explains the electric rainbow

Stressful life events can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s...

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

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Richard Bach
"I know how it works. I can change whatever seems to be whenever I want to change it. What shall I change, what suggestions shall I give myself, shall I accept, take them for truth in my trance and wa...
When the hypnotist's hand touched his shoulder, he tilted with the pressure. Blacksmyth caught him at once, thanked the other volunteers and dismissed them. Things had gone too far. "I'm sorry," Jamie...
Pretend, for a minute, that we’ve all come to Earth to learn something. Since we may not care for little boxy classrooms, instead we have a whole planet for our current lessons. Now pretend that there...
Somewhere, a spirit guide whispered that this is as bad as it could get. It didn’t mention that I could die any time, from the drugs or a lack of them. It told me it was all up to me, now. I had to sc...
"Let me tell you a little story," he said. "Once, before anyone thought of time, there was a single force in all the universe. Love. It was, and it is and it will always be, the only Real, the only pr...
At first, deciding about television was a simple matter of thoughtful grading. A slow matter, too, as I had been watching television for all these days and never thought of grading it. How I grade: Ev...
It was midnight, nearly a thousand midnights since Lucky had died, and all at once I felt his weight on my hospital bed. I had heard of it time and again, in accounts of dear animals once gone, come t...
A stagnant nation, despairing over the death of education . . . by the Great Cat, why? Have we not learned that school kills? The nation ought to be raving joyful for the death of its failed system of...
There’s an odd thing that happens to most near-death­-experiencers . . . they come back from dying and they’re no longer frightened of it. Maybe the definition of Death has changed for them. It has fo...
At one level he knew he was playing at his de-hypnotizing trick, at another he wondered if it might work. To his startlement, it did. Stiffness disappeared, vanished in the first half of the first sec...