- By Tracy Marks
An important principle of depth astrology is that we can transcend our charts. As we develop a center within ourselves, learn to trust our inner guidance, and become more attuned to universal energies, we are less at the mercy of the stresses indicated by our planetary positions.
- By Sarah Varcas
While Mars enters Uranian realms and Uranus travels through Mars-ruled Aries, these two powerhouse planets join forces to wake us up and keep us moving whether we like it or not! Mars in Aquarius demands that we act in the interests of the whole, not the individual self.
- By Sarah Varcas
The second half of October is characterised by dynamic, forthright energy which requires careful handling. As always, it’s our choice how we use it. If we muster as much conscious awareness as possible we can draw upon this energy to power our intentions...
- By Sarah Varcas
We may be beset with all kinds of desires, passions, certainties and non-negotiables at the moment. Ice cold clarity is in the air. We are seeing, perhaps for the first time, the truth of our lives, of the false selves we have worked so hard to sustain, and the real Self neglected in the wings.
- By Sarah Varcas
When the Moon is eclipsed we may lose touch with our inner compass. When eclipsed in Pisces, even more so! If we find ourselves swayed by ideas, people or situations that seem out of character it’s worth taking a step back before jumping on board.
- By Sarah Varcas
This solar eclipse highlights the adventure of living in the material world whilst embracing the unseen realms of energy and essence. This is the path of the everyday mystic who lives in communion with the divine whilst scrubbing the floor and fingernails, paying bills, earning a wage and putting out the rubbish. However we experience this eclipse at a personal level, the fundamental message will be the same...
- By Sarah Varcas
If there are difficult conversations to be had, the next three weeks may just be the time to have them, even though Mercury retrograde is usually characterised as bad for communication. In fact, painting it as such is just a simplification of a far more complex landscape. So bear in mind that whatever you read about this particular passage of Mercury Retrograde...
- By Sarah Varcas
This isn’t an ‘easy’ Moon, but it is a liberating one for sure, with gifts galore for all who commit to seeing life through fresh eyes, not allowing the tyranny of a ‘tried and tested’ past to jeopardise a creative and fulfilling future. If, however, we...
- By Sarah Varcas
Mars's entry into Sagittarius indicates a shift to a lighter and more future-focused energy. One which carries with it inspiration and excitement: a vision of possibility that motivates us to soldier on. If you’ve been wading through emotional...
- By Sarah Varcas
We live in intense times: intensely unpredictable, intensely beautiful, intensely unsettling, intensely transformational. Both the best and the worst are rising to the surface, revealed in their fullness for all to behold. These are times of opportunity, when we can change the course of so much and...
- By Sarah Varcas
Every now and then you’ll hear that a full moon is designated a blue moon and therefore of particular astrological significance. But you may also notice that different people designate different moons as blue, which can get rather confusing! In fact, there are three different types of blue moon.
- By Sarah Varcas
Now more than ever Pluto’s transformative power supports a positive manifestation of our collective destiny. In this motif we see the potential for change which consolidates progress even if, at first glance, there appears much cause for despair.
- By Sarah Varcas
At a planetary level Eris conjunct Uranus will shake things up like never before. Revolution is in the air and we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! She is a warrior goddess for Mother Nature mobilised to protect her at any cost. Taking no prisoners she stands beside those who honour our great mother, confronting those who exploit her.
- By Sarah Varcas
This New Moon augurs unexpected developments that may surprisingly ease progress despite conditions that indicate the opposite! Take nothing at face value right now. Remember, the universe is born of its own design... We simply cannot see the whole picture and much is destined to remain a mystery.
- By Sarah Varcas
Reflection and receptivity are key to how this month unfolds. There will be great motivation to honour the truth, make decisions that serve it well and reflect our deepest knowing, no matter the immediate cost of doing so.
- By Sarah Varcas
If life has been somewhat puzzling of late, throwing up questions and queries we’ve struggled to address satisfactorily, this passage of Mercury retrograde offers hope in the form of new information, opportunities thus far overlooked and some good old fashioned common sense to ground insights.
- By Sarah Varcas
The Moon is full in the 3rd degree of Scorpio at 5:25 UT on the 22nd of April 2016. It reminds us of the power of love to see us through darkness and its iconoclastic role in these changing times.
- By Sarah Varcas
We may find ourselves strangely liberated by something which, to all intents and purposes, looked set to bind us. Things prove not to be as they seemed and a way through a particular challenge may make itself known. But for this to happen a new perspective is called for.
- By Sarah Varcas
Last month was fairly intense and may have left us feeling somewhat battle worn! Thankfully the second half of April provides ample opportunity to refresh and regroup, offering inner space in which to consider where we go from here.
- By Sarah Varcas
There is much to be seen and understood at this time. The floodgates holding back the unconscious are opened by this eclipse and we may feel overwhelmed by what comes pouring through. But remember, whatever it is, it is only ourselves. You and me in our fullness: good and bad, positive and negative...
- By Sarah Varcas
This is an eclipse of destiny, but not in the ‘pre-ordained there’s no avoiding it’ kind of way. We are our own destiny and this fact may become startlingly and unavoidably apparent at this time.
- By Sarah Varcas
March continues and expands upon the central theme of February: the need to overcome complacency and take full responsibility for our lives, refusing to allow the future to be shaped by self-pity, stubborn resistance to change, or fearful avoidance of living life to its fullest. Remember: we have changed beyond recognition in recent years.
- By Sarah Varcas
Life, in all its often hectic confusion, can sometimes feel like a million individual plates we must keep spinning simultaneously or risk unbounded chaos, when in fact its disparate parts are simply many faces of the One that animates our being. We are one life, all of us. What happens outside and around us occurs also within and through us.