Is optimism the best way to live? Or is realism more practical for health? Discover how a healthiest mindset approach balances optimism, pessimism, and realism for mental clarity.

Body listening techniques and sacred sound healing open pathways to understanding the innate wisdom of your body. Learn how to listen with all your senses, connect with nature, and embrace the...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Spiritual intelligence transcends spirituality by embodying wisdom, compassion, and presence. Drawing from teachings of sages and modern psychology, learn how to develop your spiritual...

Our perception shapes our reality. By shifting from seeing to beholding, we unlock the therapeutic power of connection, creating a reciprocal opening with the world. Learn how embodied practices...

Your stress has a direct impact on your dog’s behavior and health. Learn practical tips to calm stressed dogs and foster a happier, healthier bond with your pet.

  A mid-life crisis is not just about aging but understanding its causes—like societal pressures and unfulfilled goals. Learn how to overcome and grow from it.

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Neale Donald Walsch
The events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001, have made it desperately obvious that our world must be changed, or soon there may be no world to change at all. I am reminded here...
Holidays and holy days are always difficult times if things aren't going well. Yet, these can be times of healing. For the heart can be opened more easily at any time that a people's traditions...
Life is a prayer in the sense that it is a continuous request to the universe. God understands our desires not just through the occasional utterances that we call "prayers" in the traditional sense, b...
If you are aware of what you are doing, and why you are doing it, you can change yourself and change the world. If you are unaware, you will see yourself as an observer. As a passive witness. Perhaps...
GOD, IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT TODAY'S SOCIETY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? -- Peter, 15 yrs old -- I would change your beliefs about who you are, and who I am, and how life is. I would cause you to n...
We carry with us into our future an extraordinary and enormous potential. We have all the equipment that we need to face our breathtaking tomorrows. We have the technology, and the ingenuity to create...
After the publication of Conversations with God, the question that I was asked more often than any other was: “Why you? Why did God pick you?” And, always, I’ve responded with, “God did not pick me. G...
Much of the world believes in a God who hears our prayers and sometimes gives us what we ask for and sometimes does not. Why do hoped-for events or conditions manifest in our lives if it’s not God’s “...
The time has come to make a decision. Humanity as a collec­tive is nearing the end of its ability to go on the way it has been. That isn’t meant to be a doomsday warning, just a word to the wise. We h...
Could it be that our present assumptions about God are inaccurate, and that in some cases even the exact opposite is actually correct? Would that change our view of the world? Has being right all thes...
Sometimes God comes along and gives us a real jolt. And once in a while those "jolts" come in the form of experiences that could only be explained as . . . well, as inexplicable. When this occurs we a...