clear intention + blessing = pure spiritual dynamite
Image by Vane Monte

“Blessings …serve not only those who emit them, and not only those to whom they are addressed, but all people in the human community.” From Dr. Laszlo’s Foreword to 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World.

After a professional career spanning well over 50 years that took me to over 40 countries of the five continents, and like many working in the field of personal development, I have reached the conclusion that a clearly-held intention with a clearly-defined goal packs great power.

We all use intention all day long and couldn’t exist without constantly forming intentions. But between “I plan to go to see this movie tonight” and Gandhi’s intention to free his country from colonial rule using the power of non-violence, there is a slight difference!

The Power Of A Focused Intention

“Each of us is intended to be a blessing to all the earth: the animal world, the vegetable world, the mineral world, the human world.” Joel S. Goldsmith

In the first English edition of my book The Gentle Art of Blessing, I tell the story of this Scandinavian man, Tord, who had been interned many times in a mental hospital for serious psychiatric disorders and who in addition was very obese and had declining eyesight.  A healer told him to be kind to everyone, so he made this a firm intention and just started blessing people all day long.

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After three months of this practice he suddenly had an instantaneous improvement of his eyesight.  « I went on blessing people still more than before and started to help ladies cross the street, whether they wanted it or not » (!) He goes on to narrate that, two weeks later, he was reading a book on spiritual issues when suddenly a very strong light filled his mind.… It lasted for ten minutes then disappeared. Two months later, this light began to fill him more and more.

He explains that all these developments transformed his existence « from a big hell to a very big heaven… I became a very harmonious person and my obesity disappeared. My eyesight has been restored and the mental illness has disappeared. Sometimes, I feel I am the happiest person in the world… Jesus said, ‘heaven is near.’ Actually, it really is within us. »

The Motive Behind The Intention

What is important in this experience is not only that it shows the power of a focused intention but stresses the motive behind the intention. It was the simple desire to be « kind to all » as the healer had enjoined Tord. His practice was totally disinterested. He didn’t think, « If I bless enough this will help me heal. » He did it out of the unselfed motive to simply do good to others.

So, dear friend, why not pick a spiritual goal you would really like to reach, hone your intention and go for it. If your motive is right, honest, pure and your intention as firmly rooted as a bi-centennial oak tree that has weathered countless storms, nothing can prevent you from reaching your goal if you learn how to depend on Her strength rather than what you believe to be yours.

There is such a need in the world today of the most tender and immense compassion and deeper, more unselfed caring and giving, and blessing is one simple and efficient way of doing it. It is also an amazing tool for learning instantaneous, unconditional forgiveness, a practice upon which, given our dramatic divisions in the world, our survival as a race literally depends.

©2019 by Pierre Pradervand. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the author
from the author's blog.

Book by this Author

365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World: Really Living One’s Spirituality in Everyday Life
by Pierre Pradervand.

365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World: Really Living One’s Spirituality in Everyday Life by Pierre Pradervand.Can you imagine what it would feel like to never feel any resentment for any wrong done to you, gossip or lie disseminated about you? To respond with full awareness to all situations and people rather than react from your gut? What freedom that would entail! Well, this is just one of the gifts the practice of blessing from the heart, i.e. sending out focused love energy, will do for you. This book, from the bestselling author of The Gentle Art of Blessing, will help you learn to bless all situations and people as you go through the day and add overwhelming joy and presence to your existence.
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About The Author

Pierre PradervandPierre Pradervand is the author of The Gentle Art of Blessing. He has worked, travelled and lived in over 40 countries on five continents, and has been leading workshops and teaching the art of blessing for many years, with remarkable responses and transformational results. For 20 years Pierre has been practising blessing and collecting testimonies of blessing as a tool for healing the heart, mind, body and soul. Visit the website at

Watch: Blessing and the Spiritual Path (full movie)

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