From skin to hair, scabs and even tears, the external appearance of the body can offer clues about the state of your health. But there’s another part of the anatomy that’s often overlooked: the...

What exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features?

   An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, my colleagues and I discovered. It does this harm in two ways. 

  Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. But to what extent do yards serve as a window into the people who tend them – and how they feel about their home, neighborhood and...

In 1995, nutrition therapists Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole wrote one of the first books on the concept of intuitive eating. That book sparked a worldwide awareness that the mentality of dieting...

Good news: midlife health is about more than a waist measurement. Here’s why...

 As an interior designer, I focused my process on first understanding how people felt in their homes, and how they wanted to function there going forward. Sometimes that meant helping my...

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