In the golden hues of retirement lies an unexplored frontier not of cessation, but of rebirth and innovation. The narrative of retirement as the final curtain call is as outdated as an operating...

Heat index warnings can save lives on dangerously hot days − if people understand what they mean

Making art is a uniquely human act, and one that provides a wellspring of health benefits

How do you pack for a year away?” Our approach was to bring as little as possible. A trip around the world seemed hard enough. Why add the burden of huge suitcases?

EPA has lowered the screening level for lead in soil – here’s what that could mean for households across the US

How you eat has a great impact on health. Our eating habits directly affect the digestion process and the ability of the body to extract the energy it needs from the food.

Ultra-processed foods: here’s how they may affect the way the immune system functions

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