Today's Inspiration
by Marie T. Russell,
The focus for today's inspiration is:
The image I see is a reflection of me.
The message for today can be a tough one to accept: The image I see is a reflection of me. Everyone shows us a reflection or an aspect of ourselves. Everyone mirrors some part of us.
It is most difficult to accept when the reflection is not flattering. For example, years ago I was upset with my aunt because she had judgments about my way of life. Some years later, I realized that just as she was judging me, I was judging her for being judgmental. So, she was indeed a mirror for me... See what I mean about it not being something we might want to see or acknowledge? It may not shed a favorable light on us. Yet once I saw it, I was more easily able to "catch" myself when I was being judgmental of others...
When we find ourselves reacting strongly to someone else and their actions (or lack thereof), we can ask ourselves, "how is this behavior connected to me?" "Is this behavior or attitude something that I also do at times?" While it may be hard to admit, it is also empowering. One cannot clear up a situation if one refuses to see the situation exists. And of course, the mirror or reflection applies to "positive" traits as well. Everything we see is a reflection in some way...
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For more reflections on this topic, read the article:
How To Find The Best Advice For You?
Written by Marie T. Russell
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of being open to seeing your reflection in others (today and every day)
Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "Today's Inspiration".
Today, we acknowledge that the image we see is a reflection of us.
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BOOK: Just Who Will You Be?
Just Who Will You Be?: Big Question. Little Book. Answer Within
by Maria Shriver.
Just Who Will You Be reminds us that the answer to many of life's question lie within -- and that we're all works in progress. That means it's never too late to become the person you want to be. Now the question for you is this: Just who will you be.
"I've learned that asking ourselves not just what we want to be, but who we want to be is important at every stage of our lives, not just when we're starting out in the world. That's because in a way, we're starting out fresh in the world every single day." -- Maria Shriver
Click here for more info and/or to order this book
About The Author
Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.
Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on